As the dust settles, Diamanti picks his way through the rubble. That's how it would happen in the movies. Pockets of bewildered fans sitting, weeping in the remains of Green Street. Tumbleweed, or fish and chip wrappers, blowing down the road. The sound of a mournful harmonica. Clouds of dust softening the blood red sun. And up ahead, hands held either side of the hips ready to draw, a figure all in black strides towards the camera, the rays of the sun framing his dark form. Alessandro Diamanti!
Sadly, this isn't a movie and with all the talk of the events of last night, something has slipped by unnoticed: we STILL haven't signed a striker. What yesterday was a done deal, today looks less certain. Indeed wasn't last night the ideal opportunity to introduce a new signing? Wouldn't a smiling, waving Diamanti signing his contract on the pitch have provided a feel good factor which might have relieved some of the pre match tension?
Has the script changed without anybody telling us? Has Diamanti been taken out onto the lake fishing? Is his Italian chairman sitting outside his boat house smoking? A becalmed lake. The sound of a gunshot. Birds lift from the lake and fill the air. A cigarette discarded and trodden into the ground.
Just like our dreams? I bloody well hope not!
Subject to a medical.
Which was today.
Announced on Friday.
Playing at the weekend.
Patience man!
Subject to a medical? I didn't think we bothered with those!!!!!
Stranger things have happened...
In a recent survey 99.9 % that gave a preference wished you would go missing permanently!
I think that with all of that nonsense last night, the press have forgotten about him as they have also forgotten to mention that Jack Collison played last night despite the very recent bereavement of him losing his father. They just wanted to concentrate on the trouble of last night's game. They aint called the gutter press for nothing.
Eye thang yew ;)
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