As if the stabbing, the street fighting and the pitch invasions were not enough, reports are now emerging of racist chanting from sections within BOTH sets of supporters. Whenever I mention racism amongst our fan base, I am always yelled down. It's bollox apparently. Parker was Hammer of the Year last season despite completing less than half the games because...well because he deserved it. Nothing to do with him being white and the two leading contenders based on consistent performances - Cole and Ilunga - being black. The luke warm acceptance of Cole? It's because he isn't good enough, nothing to do with him being black you fool! The hissing when Tottenham play us? Banter, nothing to do with racism you twat.
So the racist abuse of Millwall's Jason Price? It wasn't because he was black you twat it was because...well because he plays for Millwall and well...because...look they started on Carlton Cole first! That's all right then, I'm sure that makes Carlton feel a whole lot better. You're not a monkey mate, you're in Claret & Blue!
West Ham apparently take "any sort of racist chanting seriously". Good. Then let's put at end to the hissing when we play Tottenham. Let's hear the club say that anybody who joins in will be banned for life.
Funny how you don't mention anything about Carlton Coles gestures to the Millwall crowd. Not that you'd know about it because you weren't there. So it's ok for Cole to make a couple of "winker" gestures but not ok for some monkey chants? You're selective in the bits you pick out to suit your own arguments. Nothing new there.
You can't solve all lifes problems mate
His gestures were in response to the racist chants. Should have known better? Should have risen above it? I don't blame him if he decided he had taken enough....
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