She is outside the stadium now, a pox ridden tart tottering around on high heeled shoes with a mini skirt just covering her arse, seamed stockings, and a blouse cut so low you can see her belly button piercing. No Pardew isn't coming to the game with one of the Southampton players' wives, Shame is flaunting her wares up and down Green Street, hoping to find a taker.
When the draw was made, impressionable young fools immediately hit the blogs, giving it large, unconsciously quoting their favourite lines from 'Green Street'. You can bet your life that they have been talking about journos, Bovver, Yanks, Tommy Hatcher (pronouncing the 'haitch') and the Major ever since. Of course, they haven't got the first idea of what it is really about and how somebody could really end up killed as they play out their Hollywood fantasies. You can hear the cry now, "Where to even fucking begin with Millwall. Millwall and West Ham firms hate each other, more than any other firms by far." It is sad, it is pathetic, but like having unprotected sex with an Aids infected tart, it is also dangerous and, to these fools, irresistibly exciting. Give them enough alcohol to build up their Dutch courage and there must be a fair chance that things will kick off.
I hope to God nothing happens. This has been a terrible week as it is: the attack on Davenport, the death of Collison's dad, rumours of Ashton's retirement, the defeat to Tottenham - the last thing the club needs now is bad press and an FA enquiry into crowd misconduct. Will that matter to the yobs who engage in this sort of thing? Of course not. To them the club is a badge, a flag to be waved in the face of others. They are not fans of the team, they are not supporters of football, they are every day nobodies seeking personal notoriety with no thought for the consequences. The sad thing is that 'Green Street' glorified these idiots and they are too stupid to understand the final message of the movie.
The best result tonight? A game that passes off without any crowd trouble.
There hasn't been any real trouble in the last couple of games we've played despite all the beefing up they had and I fully expect that to be the same again mainly due to a massive police presence and the club only giving tickets to those 'known' to them.
thank you first bit of sense
regarding this match
and i agree fully
I agree with you mate, i'm going to the match tonight and my dad warned me not to wear the team colours! What is it all coming to when you cant support your own team properly without the risk of being in a fight or worse! My dad used to be part of the I.C.F and i like hearing the stories from back in the day. I just hope it goes down without any trouble, there are going to be families there with young children, what sort of message does it send if grown adults are seen fighting! COME ON YOU IRONS!
Hope you are right Col.
Cheers 1132.
Good post 1148 but a shame your Dad is boasting to his son about an ICF past. That is something to be ashamed of, not to flaunt in my book. Good that you seem to have a more level head on your shoulders; it would appear that Dad's parenting skills are better than his football supporting skills of the past! Enjoy the game. Let's hope we stuff Millwall in the right way!
11:48, please ignore hammersfan, I think he clearly misunderstood you. My grandad once told me about stories from the second world war, and I enjoyed hearing about them. That in no way suggests he was flaunting or boasting to his grandson.
Yes the I.F.C and being a soldier in WW2 are different but I for one have no clue about how it was in times of extreme hooliganism.
ICF actually. A world of difference as you say. Your grandfather was fighting AGAINST Nazis, many members of the ICF were supporters of the National Front - the BNP to you - and all the others were fighting alongside these racist foot foldiers.
I do remember the days of extreme hooliganism. I experienced it first hand and watched in disgust as our nation was shamed by the events of Heysel. Being too young, you might not know that we were denied a place in Europe when finishing third because of the activities of those hooligans. You may also not know that we had to play a European tie behind closed doors, with tens of thousands of genuine fans locked out because of the thuggish activities of a few.
My old man said follow West ham
And don't go to Arsenal on the way
We'll take the North Bank in half a minute
We'll take the shed, with all the north stand in it
We take the Scousers, Man United northerners,
We give 'em a kicking every year.
Coz we are the boys wiv the cockney accents
Coz the West ham boys are 'ere
It's different times now and people have moved on, if you ain't you're a dinosaur, it's as simple as that. The people who go now would not know what those times and experiences were like.
I grew up with the Baker brothers and my older brother was big with the Mile End Mob before they became an integral part of the ICF; it happened and it's part of our history, I'm proud I was there.
To the tune of Jeff Christie's "Yellow River"
"So long boys, you can take my place,
I've got my papers; I've got my pay;
so pack my bags and I'll be on my way,
To Mile End Station,
Put my gun down, the war is won,
Fill my glass high, the time has come;
I'm going back to the place that I love,
Mile End Station".
Cannon fire is in my mind
I'm so glad I'm still alive
And nothing's wrong for such a long time
At Mile End Station
For all of you going tonight have a great time, go for the game enjoy the atmosphere. Keep yourself to yourself and walk away from any trouble Come on you Irons
I'm dreaming dreams, I'm scheming schemes,
I'm building castles high.
There born anew these days are few,
Just like the sweet butterfly.
Then when the day is dawning,
They'll come again in the mornings,
Where shadows creep, when I'm asleep,
To lands of hope I stray.
Then at daybreak, when I awake,
My bluebird flutters away,
Happiness, you seem so near me,
Happiness come forth and cheers me
I'm forever blowing bubbles...
But for how long were you exiled from Upton Park as a result Pete?
Unfortunately there is a full scale riot going on and it was clearly planned.
Yep and a stabbing. Still Bill and his crowd "hate" Millwall so they will no doubt be happy.
Exiled has whom thou? Wouldn't you love to know? there are those that are a little better at your own game. It's real funny watching you trying to make sense of it all and missing the mark by a mile. OSP and all his aliases would make you smile too, if only you knew knob-end if only you knew
I will ask him.
ugly scenes.....not accepted in any way
well well, we all knew it was gonna happen i suppose, but not on that scale! 1000 riot police unable to cope with the trouble and that was whilst the game was still being played! 3 pitch invasions! Well the atmosphere was electric i can tell ya that! I would also like to say well done to Jack Collins for being brave after such a tradgedy WELL DONE MATE! The rest of the team need to shape up, terrible performance.
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