I have run into a spot of bother by stating my opinion that West Ham fans are not the best in the Premiership. How very dare you, indignant Hammers fans have demanded. How can you claim to be a Hammer and yet not think West Ham fans are the best? The responses are, of course childish. Do I love my wife? Yes. Do I think she is the most beautiful woman in the world? Well, she comes close but there are a few out there in Hollywood who just edge it. Do I love my children? Of course. Are they the most wonderful human beings ever to walk upon this earth? I wish!
So what makes a great fan? Being a season ticket holder? Perhaps. A willingness to travel huge distances to support your team? A stronger claim in my opinion. How much of your salary as a percentage that you spend supporting your club? A good measure perhaps. Thinking about your club more often than you think about sex? Maybe. Thinking about your club whilst having sex? Possibly. Reaching climax whilst thinking about your club whilst having sex. Very possibly. Climaxing whilst thinking about your club even when not having sex? No, that's just gay!
To me, supporting West Ham is about certain values. There are two types of West Ham fans, as revealed by the Turds and Egg Interregnum. During this stain upon the club's history, the Claret and Blue Klanites as I call them, revealed themselves to be every bit as plastic as the new breed Chelsea fans. The C&B Klan, in the name of "supporting the club" were prepared to ignore our history and traditions and voice support come what may. Long ball football? Bring it on! Recruiting mercenaries? Lucas Neill loves the club, not the money! Freddie Ljungberg knows Arsenal are history and West Ham are the future! The prospect of success was all that mattered to this group whilst Curbishley was in charge, that and a thuggish belligerence that involves shouting down any voice raised in dissent with "Come on you Irons" and "Claret and Blue Army". With their tats and replica shirt uniforms, this bunch are the Nazi foot soldiers of the club, dreadful yobs who hiss to simulate the gas chambers when we play Tottenham and engage in racist chanting. This breed is a spin off from the old ICF, a hang over from the 1980s, a generally ill educated bunch which, sadly, features some highly intelligent individuals who lap up the adulation of their low foreheaded brethren. Strangely unattractive physically, if you fancy some anthropological investigative observations, pop into the Castle on match day and you will find plenty of these guys swilling back lager from plastic mugs. The drinking vessels, some might argue, are a metaphor! I cannot say these guys are not true fans, they are, but they are not the fans I associate with the club, they were spawned by the repetitive "Johnny Lyall's Claret and Blue Army" days, the period when West Ham fans started to lose their distinctive identity and became the belligerent "army" that so many now celebrate.
For me, the true West Ham fan is very different. When I visited the Boleyn during the 70's I was surrounded by "true" Hammers, a special breed of fans who understood the power of humour, irony and self deprecation. Where-ever you were in the ground, you were guaranteed that a wag would be within five yards of you, churning out witticisms that provoked laughter even in the depths of footballing despair. Some of the humour would be utterly unacceptable in the modern era but, racist or not, it was focused on "our own" and was without perceived malice. The spite and ire targeted at Luis Boa-Morte was not in evidence, we knew that Clyde Best was clumsy but that was because the poor sod kept "tripping over his spear". Of course that is racist, of course we cannot sanction that sort of humour now, but could "Til Death Us Do Part" , "Love Thy Neighbour" and "Mind Your Language" be televised today? It was a different time, with different values. Yes there was racism on the terraces and amongst the fans but West Ham were, nevertheless, one of the fore runners in playing black players - Best, John and Clive Charles - and the comments were not laced with hatred or malice, they were a way of laughing with a player, excusing his incompetence rather than turning on him with hatred. Bobby Ferguson? Not the best! Peter Grotier? Even further from the best! Useless Eustace? The nickname said it all! We could be honest. Supporting the club did not mean blind devotion to every member of the team. But at the same time, it did not involve booing your own! Do I rate Boa? No. Would I ever boo him whilst wearing a West Ham shirt? Absolutely not! Would I try to claim he was Premiership quality just because he is a West Ham player? That would be stupid in my opinion. That is where I and the Klan separate and go down very different paths.
For me, supporting West Ham is about an allegiance to the values of the club, not just to the flag. Under Curbishley, I remained a fan, nothing could persuade me to support another team, but I hated what was happening to the club I am compelled by birth to support. During this period, I started to contribute to a West Ham forum on the net, voicing my opposition to the corruption of the club, speaking out against the "Charltonization" of West Ham United, and in the process I made many enemies. The Klan turned against against me with claims that I must be a "Spud". However, I am reassured when I read many posts on here. A hard core of "true" West Ham fans remain, although I fear the vast majority are "of a certain age" which means that, in twenty or thirty years time, our fan base will be indistinguishable from those of all the other clubs.
Best fans in the league? Well, the Old School fans were, in my opinion, the best - imbued with East End humour and a sense of perspective. We were East End, we bought hooky goods and had a sense of family. We knew we weren't ever going to win the league, but we didn't care. What we wanted was good attacking football - and when it all went wrong, we had laughter to help us through our tears. And from 66 onwards, we had the consolation of KNOWING that we had won the World Cup. And after 70, we knew we would have retained it but for the incompetence of a Chelsea keeper and a stupid substitution.
Anyway, that's my take on things. If you have looked in and waded your way through all this, feel free to leave your opinions on who the best fans in the league are and why. My suggestion is Newcastle. I was at Upton Park when we thumped them 8-1 (Beardsley went in goal!) and heard the Toon Army chanting "We want 10" when our eighth goal went in. That was class!
Did you see how many Barcodes were at St James the other night? I bet their attendancies don't match ours in the Chumpionship.
If I was a true Newcastle fan I would boycott the club until the mess was sorted out. A great club is being destroyed and the fans would best serve the long term future by turning their backs on the current owner.
Good read - took me back to my early days supporting the club. I agree with all of this. But you know what, the old school fan was also tough and would defend his manor and his own, which we had to do as hammers on many occasions home and away - again maybe not of today's values but of it's time in terms of social and cultural history. You might argue the ICF was born out of this and that man-for-man we became the best at it too.
I couldn't disagree more, turning our backs on the club now would be probably the worst thing we could do. I don't like Mike Ashley but it's not like he is refusing to sell the club, he's been trying to sell the club and has failed to do so. We are going to be stuck with him for at least until January now. The team needs our backing and to boycott now would probably lead to our eventual demise, this is the time the club needs us the most. The players need the fans more than ever, we need to stick together
Sunderland fan -
I like the article alot but -
Newcastle fans have chuckled, sneered and looked down at sunderland fans for the last 15 years. Its about time that they were brought back down to ground with a thump.
A true fan sticks by the club, even when things are going tough. You dont see the supporters trying to buy out the club like what liverpool are doing do you!
As a sunderland season ticket holder I have endured the yo yo years for some time now.
Sunderland sold 40000 + tickets IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP. We sell all allocation of our away support almost every game.
We dont expect to win the league, get to europe, or even watch good football....its about loving your local team and wearing the colours with pride.
Sorry hammersfan but newcastle need their fans supprt more than ever right now, If they boycotted the club they would be in even worse trouble.
There are many of the right kind of fans at most clubs (look at the attendances that Man City got in the lower leagues. The Man Utd diehards that went off and started their own club) plenty of idiots too and I wonder how much of it is generational, going from the stoic 'blitz' mentality to the lust for instant gratification of modern times
I still go accepting that we'll probably lose (which means of course I can never be dissapointed only elated when proved wrong) but mostly to be entertained by players and entranced by unforgettable moments (that DiCanio goal or who remembers Bonzo and Withe squaring up and then dancing off)those magic journeys home from victories at Old Trafford or Highbury (and the Emirates too)
Give me the choice that we play "in the style of Holland in the 70's" and like them win nothing or like Bolton and win the European Cup I say Chesea are welcome to the silverware
Ps I enjoyed the Johnny Lyall's claret and blue army chant (it just about made that semi bearable and Upton Park midweek under the lights something)
Has the nature of our fan base changed?
Merely a reflection of the times we live in, I suspect. Inspite of legislation, inspite of education, society is more intolerant of people who voice a different opinion. I'm not talking about racism or homophobia, just intolerance of others points of view. Instead of reasoned debate thesedays, people are derided, shouted down or just plain threatened should their opinion differ from ours. Watch our Parliament at Prime Minister's question time if you need proof.
Thewy spell it boycoutt in Nucassle!
Nice article...and I agree with what you say regarding how the hammers fans have changed over the years. I lived near Plaistow for some years, and hammers fans are amongst the most loyal and knowledgable supporters I've known. I am a lifelong Villa fan, and i think it's important to stick by your team through the highs and lows. I still remember when we were relegated to div2 in 87...but instead of jumping on the liverpool bandwagon at the time (like many of my schoolfriends)...i took the stick... and stuck by my team...and i loved them all the more when they went back up. I think you can't have the highs without the lows...and a top 6 finish for Villa is what i now class as a realistic high. This sense of realism regarding expectations was reinforced by the bad times. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the supporters I have the most respect for, have been the ones who have stuck with their teams through thick and thin, I agree with your sentiments on Newcastle too. Their supporters are a credit to the game...and i was sad to see them relegated last season. They deserve better. So in my humble opinion, the best supporters are those who are there for their club - at all times.
Nice article, I think most fan bases have changed since the prem began. It's still not as middle class (whatever that means these days) as many claim but the commerial side of the game has changed the feel of things for ever. That said pockets of 70s and 80s "activism" remain at many clubs. I'm not a WHUFC fan, but I think Irons fans do have a sense of humour and a loyalty that puts some clubs to shame. Its hard to define what makes a great fan as you say. Maybe, as another good post noted, it's following your team when times are tough as well as good. But at the same time being willing and able to voice your oppinion when you think the club is forgeting its footballing values.
Mother fuker, you clearly know nothing. I know you wont post this but i just thought i'd let you know.
I think the Newcastle fans that Skysports tend to interview are very dillusional. "We wont get relegated because we have Alan Shearer" "We wont get relegated were the biggest club in the premiership". You may argue this is loyalty and belief, but then do West Ham fans not boo Boa Morte because because they 'believe' the club should be playing better. I think booing is justified, and required if players are to improve if they know how to channel the frustration.
I have just left college and spend many hours looking for West Ham news, If West Ham lose the rest of my day is depressing. I take and counter criticism of my club from overambitious gunners, yet at 19 I believe I am a true fan of the club!
2211, I assume you have an ICF tat on your calf!
FTM Stay down there.
This article and most of its comments are too intelligent for a football blog,but very refreshing to read
Cheers 0313
Sensible analysis of what many supporters from others clubs(in this case: THFC) can clearly see.
Stick by yr club: you don't have to like all the players(Dozzell, Tramezzani...*groan*!!!) and you don't even have to like the manager (remember GG?) BUT you must hang in there for the club even if the Gestapo or the "Cockney Mafia" are current custodians.
Your biggest problem will be to keep Zola and his "blue"mate,as many European clubs are watching carefully.
MC fans better hope that oil keeps pumping to support their owner's "new toy".
I'm a Spurs supporter and I have to say that Tottenham fans are some of the best, and before you start ripping on my club I have to say this: Each and every year Spurs fans have aspirations of finishing in the big four, and each and every year we fall short of those goals, and yet despite the numerous jibes of other supporters, the yid army retains its high hopes!
shouldn't the 06 46 post have been blocked? It contains a racist / anti-Semitic phrase in the last sentence.
How can you tell true fans to boycott their club???? A true fan Will never boycott his club. The club is the one thing that holds these people together.
The way Newcastle is run is a shambles but if the fans boycott the club they will REDUCE the chances of the club being sold. They have made numerous protests and mr Ashley has agreed to sell the club. And nobody wants to buy a club with no fans!!!
You call yourself hammers fan, but our ownership is in limbo too so maybe you should boycott us?
all fans stay loyal to your clubs. they will hopefully be
here long after we and company that owns them.
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