We rocket engineers understand the catalytic qualities of that most precious of metals, gold. Yes it can provoke a strange chemical reaction in some women causing them to remove underwear and climb beneath the sheets with ugly dwarfs, yes it can induce MPs to ask questions in the House and promote and support legislation they might otherwise regard as abhorrent and yes, it can persuade players to walk out on the club and fans they have previously professed to love; but these are not the catalytic qualities I am talking about. Not a lot of people know this, but gold, in the form of tiny pieces, can transform carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide when used as a catalyst. Gold can also enhance desired chemical reactions as a catalyst in the removal of odours and toxins or to clean automotive exhaust gases.
So what? Well I certainly do not want to see David Gold as our new owner but there have long been rumours of other suitors who have been holding out for a lower price. Perhaps, just perhaps, if Gold makes an offer, somebody else might be forced to show his hand, somebody with a few more aces up his sleeve than Gold. Perhaps, just perhaps, Gold could prove to be our perfect catalytic converter.
Hello Hammersfan, here is a link to an article on the situation between us & Iceland. Agree with it or not, it does explain a difficult situation. I believe that potential buyers are sitting back waiting to see what happens at the end of the year. West Ham may very well come at a knock down price when all this is resolved, as it must be. West Ham are potentially a great club to buy for an owner who still has the money & has passion for football, but i would not think that they will rush in at the moment. As regards Cole, what a shame that he was still thinking about the goal he scored. Lost concentration & didn't see Defoe, as you wouldn't, despite the white shirt. We had that game till then. Bet he don't do that again, you must adjust more quickly Carlton, control the adrenelin. http://www.counterpunch.org/hudson08182009.html
Cheers for the link mate. With regard to Cole, agree 100%.
That's ok Hammersfan, it's a pleasure. I do read a bit. Whether it is David Gold or someone else that buys us, & i believe someone will, we are a well liked club worldwide, except for some in the media of course. We would be a great investment for an astute businessman. With Zola & Clarke at the rudder & some more cash, we could go places. The passion is there. When i go down the pub out here & i wear the shirt, even the rugby league supporters say, "West Ham boy huh." The shirt is recognized everywhere & draws respect. Any owner sitting up in the stands on matchday would say it was worth every cent. Eggy felt it, but he wanted too much too quick. The squad from what i have seen, understand the importance of results & the predicament we are in, but as the romans said, vicis ostendo sum totus res...time reveals all things.
Vicis ostendo sum totus res. Vicis est talis a meretricis.
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