Here we go. It was so sadly predictable. We are a goal down but, at the end of the day, what does that matter in the circumstances of a stabbing? Who do we blame? The government? The makers of Green Street for glorifying the violence? The police? The teachers? The parents?
It is sick. I read the hatred on the blog sites, I read IG's nazi rant on the org, I read stupid posts about hating Tottenham and Millwall which are cheered by supposed adults...and it all comes down to this. Stupid thuggery fed by the violent language of people on the net who should know better. I quote "WesthamtilIdie" on the org:
"We hate Millwall and we hate Millwall,
We hate Millwall and we hate Millwall,
We hate Millwall and we hate Millwall,
We are the Millwall (and tottscum) haters
Funny now is it? Proud of yourself now are you Bill? Are all you orgsters celebrating that somebody, be he Millwall or West Ham, might be fighting for his life? Dear God, it is football. Yes it is about passion but it is not about hating, and anybody who promotes this hatred, and laughs about it, is a disgrace. When will you guys wake up to the fact that a society that feeds on hatred is a murderous society? Look at the abuse and threats you direct at me! So so sick.
Shameful. But just as I predicted.
The only sicko is you, probably jerked yourself off when you heard of all the trouble going on. You pretend to be a saint but you just love living off peoples misery. Shame you are not there tonight as you would have stopped all the fighting as they all turned on you.
So very predictable. Even now you haven't got the decency to shut up. Why aren't you there by the way?
Persecution complex is more of a popular phrase, not a clinical entity. It refers to the feeling and belief that others are out to get you or hurt you. There are various degrees. Sometimes it is an exaggeration of a real situation and at other times it is totally ungrounded in reality, a product of the person's inner life projection onto the world . That is when it is called paranoia.
Somebody has been stabbed - show some decency.
John Hartson says dead right mate
Overseas, now what a surprise to see you have not gone as I thought you only went when it was cheap. You are all mouth but one day...
Sadly Mr Hartson modelled a violence didn't he? Kicking a team mate in the head is just the sort of image the thugs thrive on.
Take a critical look back through this blog and have a gander at the hatred you try to insight. You are a disgrace
Hartson has brain cancer - show some decency, you disgrace of a human being
Spot on 2138, you are no better than those you have a go at on the org.
Incite mate, incite.
Hatred? I think I have used the word a couple of times - perhaps about Carragher, perhaps about the old Revie Leeds United team. If so, it was lazy English because I don't hate either.
As for inciting, I only incite those stupid enough to rise to the bait of banter. The hatred comes from others and I bat it away.
With regard to Hartson, I know he has brain cancer. That doesn't alter the fact that he kicked a team mate in the head. That's why the Aericans are a bit aggrieved about the release of the Libyan. Cancer does not eradicate your past misdeeds.
Now we have idiots invading the pitch. Love the club? They could destroy it!
It had nothing to do with the Libyans it was Iran, the man is innocent.
John Hartson is of brilliant character and is persecuted by you for one mistake when he is dying from brain cancer SHAME ON YOU!
Football banter is banter. In case you can't work it out violence takes place between human beings and is also of the verbal kind you vomit.
How many games was it then?
Wow, you are in the CIA now! don't know how involved the guy was but he played a role - I don't think anybody disputes that. He is apparently writing a book explaining what he knows.
Iwould not wish cancer on anybody, I nursed my father through the last week of his life. However, he was not a perfect human being and his cancer didn't make him perfect. How many people have terminal cancer as we write these exchanges? It is part of life. We die. Get over it. What is wrong is when people do things that could prematurely end the life of others - like stabbing somebody or kicking somebody in the head. I did not bring up the subject of Hartson in this thread.
By the way, look at the picture of Di Canio below. THAT is why I never want to see him back at West Ham. Great player, not a pleasant human being.
Look back thru the blog and look at the hatred you insight (just for you) you are as contagious as the BNP and you...
Big John Hartson was punished by you on this blog the minute it was released that he had terminal cancer erch you nasty piece of work shame on you
There are only a few pleasant human beings out there and according to you they all live in your household
How many games was it then knock off Nige?
LOL Live in my house? Don't forget, I live in a bedsit all on my own with no mates.
Congratulations to all involved. Great advert for the club. What happens now, games behind closed doors, massive fines, POINTS deductions, kicked out of the cup? Disgraceful. And for what? P.S. What the hell are the police doing? Seems the stewards are taking a pasting, stood in front of the police from what I've seen. Our fans on the field, shaming themselves and the club. I'm just glad I advised my parents (ST Holders) not to go. I would be crapping myself if they were. Don't believe the 'Green St. hype' these morons don't discriminate.
My son wanted to go along but I said no. So depressing but when you read the idiotic responses to this thread, is it any wonder?
Hi Den how's the eight legger business?
Its what happens now that worries me. The fact is, any likeminded idiots in the London area have had a 120minute advert to 'come and join the party'. Apparently, the tube stations are closed - how are people gonna get home (the normal people I mean)? I feel genuinely sad tonight. We're gonna be all over the news for WEEKS now.
It is this sort of thing that might make Zola walk. I can imagine him smiling his way through all sorts of turmoil at the club but what must he be thinking at the moment? Sardinia must suddenly seem so much more attractive.
im a spurs fan and sometimes check in on this blog as there have been some funny tottenham related articles and i do love a bit of banter but tonight really summed you lot up. dancing on the pitch and goading the opposition fans because you knew they only had 2,000 in their end...very brave. sums up east london as a whole. i really wouldntbe suprised if you get a massive fine and a couple of games behind closed doors.
Be fair mate, not all of us!
So Spurs fan (22;41) I suppose you find it really intelligent North London behaviour behaviour coming on here and goading people with that sort of crass comment You are as bad as the idiots that don't represent the vast majority of West Ham Fans
His comments were a little OTT Deane but that is how the whole of the country will be seeing West Ham. I hope to God they identify the arseholes involved, prosecute and ban them from the ground for life. It wasn't just a few, I've seen the pictures now and there were hundreds involved inside the stadium never mind those outside.
It's ironic that the pitch invasion (as stupid as it was) is the main talking point rather than the fighting in the stands and outside, which is surely far more serious.
The pitch invasion was moronic and tbh, I'd be embarrassed about the standard of WH fan's on display. I mean seriously, just how many fat bastard fans do you have?
Way too much mash IMO.
What these kids need right now is another summer of love to chill em all the f*** out and stop trying to kill each other. Viva Acid House. COYDancingInTheFieldsAllNightAndIntoTheMorningIrons.
The thing that gets me about all of this is how people (celebrities) as I have just seen on Channel Five's The Wright Stuff are jumping on the bandwagon crying for all of our games for the rest of the season to be played behind closed doors when they were mainly talking about the trouble outside of the ground. Now it is not the club's FULL responsibility as to what goes on outside the ground as that is down to the police. That's what the club pay six figure sums to The Met for, to curb such scenes. Surely, the police should have had an idea that this sort of shit had the potential of happening (it was West Ham vs Millwall FFS) and therefore, they should have been better prepared for it. They could have used intelligence methods to catch and stop the ring leaders before they even got anywhere near Green Street tube station as I bet that these ring leaders are known to them. I would have been watching and surveying the actions of some old ICF boys for instance as I would bet my bottom dollar against a pinch of shit that there was a few "old faces" there last night. As for the disgustingly ugly scenes inside of the ground, it was the stewards who worked really hard to quell those scenes with hardly any help from (again) the police, so it was the club with their available resources doing their best last night with hardly any support from the police to keep order. The stewards did a fantastic job last night under the circumstances, but that wont get recognised by the media or the F.A. So it would be a bit harsh to punish the club with anymore than a fine and it would be very harsh on the true, passionate and law abiding fans to make us play our games behind closed doors just because of a few mindless, moronic effing arseholes. I'm sure that if and when they are caught, they will never be allowed to see the inside of our stadium ever, ever again and quite rightly so. It's a pity that your blog's moderator doesn't allow swearing, because only a post full of expletives would truely express how I feel right now thanks to those effing arseholes, the c***s.
ha ha, now you never want to see paolo back at the club and you're still having a pop at hartson! just find another club man it'd be easier.
Who gives a sh|t about you and your father? What you looking for sympathy? Look in your own cupboard for that and if there is any left, (was there any in there in the first place) give it to John Hartson and his family ~ you have the effrontery to talk of hate, you weasel. Listen to yourself and take some of your own advice, if you are man enough
1550, on that basis, who gives one about Hartson? I don't know, but I don't think my father ever kicked somebody in the head and I don't think he was ever accused of violence towards a woman. That doesn't mean Hartson deserves to have cancer any more or less than the next man, woman or child. He just has cancer. Fact.
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