Great news on the Official Site, providing you ignore the usual Scotty Get Out Clause!
"In a statement on the club's official website, Duxbury said: "The club's position remains the same as it was last week or as it was in January: there is no question of Straumur forcing us to sell anyone - in fact we are actively looking for new players.
"The papers are unsurprisingly full of speculation at this time of year, but the situation is clear - the only way a player would be allowed to leave is if Gianfranco thinks it is in the best interests of the squad as a whole and it is right for the club."
Did you spot it Sherlock?
Well what would you rather him say you complete and utter dickhead.
"None of our present first team will be leaving before the end of the season" would suffice for me.
the club is on a sound financial footing and Straumur creditor meetings have no bearing on the operations of West Ham United. This remains unchanged.
how can he say none of our first team will leave when we all know we have to sell to buy and we really need to spend well over 10 million on strikers before the deadline! you do the maths. its keep the current squad or sell to buy and as he puts it, its upto zola
Hmmm, so you think Upson is on his way then even though Zola says he doesn't want to sell him? If so, why doesn't Duxbury just come out and say it? He might make HIMSELF unpopular?
Your more paranoid then Bee from big brother, and if you don't watch it, she's VERY paranoid!
Who the hell is Bee from Big Brother? Do you mean you actually watch that crap? Get a life of your own instead of peeping in on the lives of others! Has she got a good body out of interest?
'Spot the mug' who read something in a so called newspaper a whole week after Duxbury's quotes were on the official website and turns it into a negative story (again)?
Not a negative story, a positive story - except for the get out clause. Let's see who is the mug come the end of August shall we? I HOPE I am!
Bee from big brother is Bee from big brother. I spend about the same time watching it as you write this - looks like we're both wasting our lives doesn't it?
I've been uploading holiday pics, watching Wolf Creek, catching up on emails and chatting to the family whilst on this!
Wolf Creek - that is one creepy f**kin film. Nice to have you back, good holiday?
well done!
1103, it was great thanks. Would not recommend Cape Cod to anybody though. $15 dollars to park at any beach and no other way of getting to them than by car unless you have a bike with you. Massive traffic jams. Give it a miss!
Niagra stunning but a shame that it has been made into the Vegas of the North by the Canadians. Toronto ok but I would not return having seen it. Montreal ok. Quebec lovely. Maine scenic. Portland draped in cloak of fog. Salem - very little history remains. Boston pretty for a city. New York very impressive and a couple of times it felt like I was in a Tarentino film when on the Subway coming down from the Bronx and up from Coney Island. At one point found ourselves on a train with a gang. This is a genuine extract from the conversation. "This nigger aint a murderer, this nigger is a hustler. This nigger aint goin to pop people for the hell of it." Reply. "There's sixty heads on this train nigger, you could pop sixty heads here and now." Interesting!
After that train journey, Wolf Creek was nothing! LOL
Yeah, I got the 'christ, I'm in a film' vibe when I was in L.A. a few years back.
Not helped by the boyfriend of the friend we were staying with carrying a gun tucked in the back of his trousers under his shirt, who kept handing it over to his girl and asking her to look after it while he went to the 'john'.
I would not have liked that! If he had been on my train, he might have pulled it out in "self defence".
What shocked me most was the prevalent use of the word "nigger" amongst the young black community. At one point, a middle class black guy apologised to us on a train, clearly embarrassed by the image a gangsta type had presented (after the guy got off the train.) His words, "What can you do, they make us all look mad" were so poignant to hear. I know the older generation of African Americans really resent the use of the word - it is so disrespectful to these guys who have made the real journey, fighting their way through segregation and prejudice to achieve against the odds. How, in a country led by Obama, can these gangstas still be using the term "nigger"?
Mate, I could discuss this particular topic for hours. American history and culture generally, fascinates me but another time, as I'll just get slagged off by some of your ('what's this got to do with West'am you mug' etc etc) 'readers'.
Sod 'em mate, chat away. I picked up a great book on American history in the States - National Geographic, history in pictures and articles, up to the year 2000. Devoured it in a couple of days in Cape Cod. Sadly devoured too many "All you can eat buffets" at the same time!
Shit blog
1639, I would see a doctor about that if I was you!
16.39 Sounds painful that. What have you been eating?
Hi, I am a spurs fan but I regularly read your blog as I find the insight into other clubs interesting to read.
Just wanted to say ignore the people who slag this blog off and keep up the good work (just lay off Spurs a bit ;p).
Cheers BMG. Lay off Spurs? According to a many, I am a clandestine "Spud"!
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