The decision of James Collins not to join Stoke puts the guy in a strange no man's land. It would appear from what Duxbury has said that Zola decides who is sold, so the acceptance of the Stoke bid would suggest that Ginge does not figure in the manager's plans. I have every sympathy with Collins - like Boa before him, he knows what his present wages are and wants them matched at the very least. Why would anybody trade the high life in London for a lower wage amongst the dark satanic mills? Would you? And, having seen Kitson looking like a Vesta Curry in Stoke's away kit, would you move to them if you were a ginge?
However, Nice Guy Zola has already proved himself to be something of a Reservoir Dog when a player upsets him. Callum Davenport hasn't had a sniff of first team action at Upton Park after ruffling the manager's feathers and if the Chamkh deal collapses because of Ginge's "selfishness", then he is not going to be flavour of the month at Upton Park is he? Does his refusal to go now increase the chances of Upson moving? I think so.
Collins can, however, take heart from his popularity amongst the fans. Most, who expressed a preference, said they wanted him to stay.
Sods Law, of course, states that Ginge will now pull up lame in training and will be ruled out for the next 4 months. In fact there must now be a case for renaming the Law West Ham's Law!
The bid was accepted because we have to raise money for sales. If Ginge was considered surplus, then why did he play on Saturday?
In my opinion, £5m was just too good to turn down. We've got cover at the back and we've got yet more kids coming through.
So I doubt very much whether Zola will be treating Collins the same way as Davenport, besides the situation with Davenport is completely different.
I don't blame Collins for wanting to stay, would you, or Zola, expect him to swap first team football at West Ham for first team football at Stoke on a lower wage and a larger threat of relegation?
I agree with Scott's comment, after all the club accepted a bid for LBM and he knuckled down and proved valuable to Zola after that.
Collins is valuable to the club - we have a surplus of centre backs and he is the most valuable of the ones we can afford to do without. Zola sees Upson and Tomkins as his idea combination of youth and experience, Gabbidon is effectively worthless until he proves he can still hack it, Davenport we might shift and Spence is unproven.
Clubs sell players if needed and players move if they want to - loyalty is a dying thing in this game, I hardly think Zola will bare a grudge but as Duckers said every player is for sale for the right price and £5m for Ginge is too good when we have one striker in Cole and a terminal crock in Ashton.
Touched a nerve in the cervical area eh? Google image search is their 4u 2 LOOK not steal - do you teach you're kids too steal from shop windows to? - double standards doncha jus luv em, but who would expect anything else from a sarcastic Mister kno it all?
Getty Images (& others), various cartoons and most definitely company logos that are posted on the web 4 everyone's VIEWING enjoyment (and information), are among masses of information by various providers on the web which are most definitely copy-righted, just the same as DVD's and music CD's are. Producers expect a little honesty & integrity from the people who "VIEW/LISTEN/USE" them. Just because they are easy to steal and this type of theft appears to be socially acceptable DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT!!! And passing the buck is only another sign of you're falling standards or excuse in denial and is a despicable attempt to blame others for you're own very real crimes, because that is what copy-right theft is, A CRIME.
If you (and other crooks) keep stealing them and justifying the wicked deed(s) it might deprive others in the future if said producers choose to stop up-loading as a result of continuous theft.
"Report it, don't support it"
HONESTY & INTEGRITY (like spelling or grammar) are commendable values to teach you're kids, as is stealing by finding which is also still illegal in this country.
Why not clarify there usage wiv you're web log provider, that would be the honourable thing to do (instead of sarcasm) now that it as been brought 2 ur selective attention to detail. Or is honour, integrity and depriving others a bit beyond the mastery of ur family values?
I've used no swear words/racism/or insults (the last line in the first para is an observation so don't try using it to get out of this very poignant debate), I expect you to up-load this comment it is about falling standards and values that you appear to hold so very dear when chastising others for there www offences whilst indulging yourself in theft.
Why not wipe out the double standards that you keep by being honest at the very outset and stop trying to shroud yourself in glory with another's expensively produced material? Why not redress the standard?
Most who expressed a preference, I take it you were getting your figures from other West Ham sites rather than the one man and his dog that come on here!
Cheers Anonymous, you seem to echo my sentiments in all but the Boa Morte issue.
No one can question his commitment, but in a team that is all about playing football, a proper pass and move game, Boa Morte is pointless as he simply cannot pass or shoot. Questionably useful in away games when we need to close down the home team, but on the ball he's way short of what we need in my opinion.
Hate to say it, but I'm glad his place will be taken by the likes of Dyer and Stanislas who can pass and shoot.
My response to every transfer rumour now will be:
Wait and see!
Because every rumour leads people to day long debates that turn out to be bullshit i.e Fanni, Bates, Andy Carroll, Taylor, Balotelli. Which in turn leads people to estimations of our league position and how financially broke we are. the official site may be very vaugue and exclusive, but they, like everybody else, should just report facts because these rumours are irritating.
I think we are all being a bit "accepting" of the Ashton situation.
There is just no mention of him or his condition.
He didn't turn up at the Napoli game with all of the rest of the squad.
He is surely fit enough to wander on the pitch and wave????
I have never known anything like it in nearly 50 years as a Hammers fan.
He was supposed to be fit enough for at least a cameo at the end of last season and now,still no sign.
Just WHAT is going on???
John VP, I have NEVER accepted the Ashton situation - thus the nicknames Beano and Primadeano!
11.13 Still confusing "your" and "you're". Apart from that, your inane rant makes little or no sense. Has the org got so very very boring?
Orange Boy again! LOL It is based on views expressed on here and in a debate I participated in on the org. ; }
HF address the piracy issues, what's the matter frightened to?
Not at all. If any of the parties owning a copyright wish to instruct me to take down an image, I will gladly do so. Write to them all! Or to Google. Or To Obama or Brown or Tony in Germany or to Nev or your Mum or just to your own arse - it can presumably read because you sure do talk out of it!
Who's the first with the insults in this instance then hammersfan?
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