You have to laugh. So many idiots claimed that Neill had joined West Ham because he believed in the West Ham "project". According to the Claret and Blue buffoons on the Mordant Org, faced with a choice between a relegation fight with West Ham and Champions League football with Liverpool, Lucash opted for the possibility of glory tomorrow over the certainty of success today. "Nuffin to do with the money" the Claret and Blue Klanites argued, he recognised our potential and wanted to join us because of our traditions and our wonderful fans. What a load of bollocks!
If Neill now opts for Blunderland, it will say it all. Another choice based purely on money - but that is ALL Lucash has ever been interested in. That and breaking legs. Blackburn, West Ham and Blunderland - sorry but it says it all about the guy's ambition and ability doesn't it?
If he is gone, then good riddance I say. Yes we will miss him but he isn't a Tevez is he? His leadership abilities will be missed but Faubert is only marginally weaker as a defender in my opinion and, if Zola and Clarke can fit a rocket up that huge arse, he should offer us more options going forward.
But the worry for me remains how vulnerable we now appear because, in truth, whether or not Neill stayed should have been irrelevant. The way Zola was hanging on in desperation for him to rejoin was unseemly at best. Let Bruce have him I say. With Neill, Ferdinand and McCartney, he only needs to sign Davenport to have our back four as we struggled to avoid relegation!
As for Neill, if he goes, let's remember him for that pathetic dive he took at Old Trafford to get Nani sent off. Money grabbing cheat - Carragher should have green lighted his Scouser mates to kick the shit out of him! Dear God, I am turning into a yob!
blunderland ? sunderland are aiming high....west ham.hahahaha
he'll do well to sign for a club on the up
west ham are down
Not a yob just an ARSEHOLE
Not a yob an ARSEHOLE yes
I was also shocked he went to west ham. He would be stupid to stay there. West ham have no ambition or future they are a selling club. They should stop living in the past and move on and realise they are not a big club
You seem rather bitter towards Sunderland
Did you get bullied as a child by mackems or something.
As soon as somebody leaves lets just slag him off that is all anybody does. If Neill had stayed we would have welcomed him with a new contract with open arms now that he is off to sunderland people slag him off what a load of rubbish. Everyone should stop contradicting themselves and grow a pair and stop slagging off people who want to move to a new club
Can't say I blame the bloke for getting as much money as he can He does show loyalty to his national team and to be fair what other loyalty should we expect other than for him to do his best for the team that pays the most
If we're all honest and we were good enough we'd play for whoever paid the most and as for loyalty we can ask John Lyall, Alan Devonshire and Paulo DiCanio (to name just 3)how much loyalty West Ham ever showed them
Hope and blind faith is the preserve of the supporter no-one else (unfortunately)
FAck orf you corknee cAnts
You wanted him to stay yesterday!
LOL Blunderland on the way up? With a lifelong Newscastle fan at the helm? Your ship is being captained by Ahab! Lucas will be youe Fedellah.
"As for Neill, if he goes, let's remember him for that pathetic dive he took at Old Trafford to get Nani sent off."
Wow another prime example of just how us West Ham fans are best in the league eh?
Neil wants to stay at the club and is happy with the money, but we are offering a 1 year deal and he wants 2 to see him through to retirement.
How is that wrong?
If you were on a contract that expired you would be looking for the best deal you could get for you and your family, provided you didn't irritate the crap out of them so much that they left... When are you going to realise that there is no such thing as concepts of loyalty in this game from club to player or vice versa.
We will miss Neil, okay some of his tackles border on assault, but he adds a bite to our back line that will be missed, he is a clever reader of the game and if you honestly think we won't miss his leadership skills on the pitch then you are deluded.
"Dear God, I am turning into a yob!"
No, for a 50 year old man you epitomise everything that is becoming the norm for the 'modern West Ham fan' and it just makes us look pathetic.
I hope sunderland fans realised they just signed a 'cockney cant'
he's only doing what he did last time his contract was up for grabs so we can't be that surprised really. He came stamped with mercenary. i'm starting to hate football. i think i need a lie down.
Fcuk it, stick the kids on, even if we get battered week in week out i just wanna see the ones who value the shirt.
All you plastic geordies make me laugh, a club on the up? Get real you delusional twats! Blunerland is a very apt term as you consistently have a habit of erm, blundering and as for Christopher saying that we are a selling club, apart from Bell-end, who have we sold then? You can have Luca$h as you are more than welcome to him as he has no pace and would constantly get turned over by nippy wingers and he'll give away a few pens as well. We'll still do the double over you next season coz you're a crap club, end of.
LOL 0908, I say we will miss his leadership skills and state that he is our best right back. At no point do I say he is wrong to go for the money but I do wonder how relevant the extra money is. Surely the guy is now so wealthy that it doesn't matter that much. How can you spend £60k per week for pity's sake? He is guaranteed a media related job in Oz when he retires so "retirement" does not mean an end of earnings. Read the article again. The main concern relates to the desperation we have shown, not to Neill's actions. It also criticises the fans who tried to claim that Neill had opted to sign for us because of our reputation and the project.
Best fans in the league? No way is that West Ham! We are a short tempered, fickle bunch on match days and belligerently loyal in between. Dare to criticise an Iron on the net and you will be hammered; give him lip whilst he is on the pitch and others will join in. Odd.
Best fans? Newcastle.
"Best fans? Newcastle"
No wonder you don't consider West Ham fans the best.
Don't think you can say that about Newcastle fans or anyone else really we're all as fickle as each other that's because it's blind loyalty for us and with the money in the game it's only us fans that have any loyalty.
back home the suppoters are great they go for the love of the game to see skill and to cheer their team but the players all after a contract with a European club and the same sort of cynicism is creeping in
I went so see England play South Africa in my home town Durban in 2003 and met a bloke there from a club in Cape Town that had fed and clothed, bought boots for etc (and these are poor people)a youngster that signed for Man Utd and the thanks they got when he was earning, umm, none not even a phonecall A certain Blackburn player that was never interested in turning up to play for his country when selected and now is complaining he doesn't get picked could that be because there's a prestigious world cup coming up
just no such thing as loyalty anymore
Bit like they said about the Yanks in WW2 overpaid and over here, doing a job tho
Best fans in the league? No way is that West Ham!
I thought you were a West Ham fan???
1232 I am a West Ham fan but not EVERY West Ham fan has his head up his own arse! Best team? Not West Ham. Best vlub? Not West Ham. Best fans? Not West Ham. Why do I support West Ham? I was born there and it is in the blood. That doesn't mean I can't be objective!!!!!!
did you see how many barcodes showed up at st. james' the other night? i bet they dont match our attendences for the chumpionship
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