The injury to Collison is, in my opinion, one of the reasons why we went down. The kid is tasty. He has bags of energy - like Parker - and unlike his more vaunted team mate, he offers a very real threat in the final third of the field. He moves the ball quickly, can spot a pass, can cross the ball and isn't afraid to get in the box and shoot.
Collison can do for us in the Championship what Nolan did for Newcastle in the Prem last season. Losing him would be huge so let's hope Sam Pot can convince him that his future is at West Ham.
Keep Parker or Collison? No contest in my book. The future is Jack's!
1,022,886 pieces of tumbleweed, 1,022,887 pieces of tumbleweed,
1,022,888 pieces of tumbleweed...
HF, FFS DON'T post a blog with that title!!! About gave me a bloody heart-attack... He's one player I definately don't want to see leaving...
Clearly and simply looking for hits
If that is my game, I'm bloody good at it!
collison has already said his future lies with west ham
I don't understand your blog HF, how do so many people come on here and post such insane things. I was reading one of the Parker blogs you wrote and the convo between you and a Shaun guy is ridiculous. Why come on and post if you don't like it. I don't waste my time with stuff I don't like cause my times precious, maybe that's just me being American but that Shaun character is a baffoon. Dope post I might add and the ability to find this much info on west game day after day is more than impressive.
What's interesting enough is that you can go through your past blogs and see the evidence, you an see the "theories" you've had and a good amount have come through. Enough ass kissing but to all the haters, your jokes.
Ps, were better off with the 8 million we could get for Parker than actually keeping him. Secondly my day was made when I saw some news upson is talking to the wolves. Upson is a puss and not much more.
we all know that Jack will stay, just like we all knew that Parker would leave this summer. How come you're not in the know and you write about the idiots everyday!
does anyone remember first out the door in 2003 not any of the expected names but a very promising youngster who had pledged his future to West Ham Soon pledged his future elsewhere when the board made it clear he was being sold
does anyone remember first out the door in 2003 not any of the expected names but a very promising youngster who had pledged his future to West Ham Soon pledged his future elsewhere when the board made it clear he was being sold
Also Di Canio wanted to stay in 2003 but the board wouldn't give him a new contract They'll sell whoever they want despite the players wishes as well as the fans None of them gives a toss what the fans think as long as we fork out the money and thats the scary thing we keep putting our hands in our pockets and their bank balances grow No wonder they treat us with contempt it really doesn't matter what they do we still keep going Best just come to peace with the fact that we are going to be served shit while they play with their moneyspinning toy and life will continue and them bubbles will always fade and die but you'll be more content if you realise like me that there is nothing you do about it and go with the flow
until they change the name to West Ham Olympic then we pack it up and do a Wimbledon
I'm still pretty certain Parker will go, but I'm beginning to wonder if he will be gone by the time Sam starts training. But I don't see Spurs coming in with a bid we accept right away. In fact, going with recent history, I suspect it will be derisory. And SuGoBrat will tell them to BUGGER OFF! This is not going to be as cut and dry as the press thinks it will be.
I've said it many a time and I'll say it again, if you believe there is a hugely constructed conspiracy from our owners than do something other than complain. Stop supporting and aiding the clubs finances, disrupt the royal wedding by throwing a banner in front of the Queens face. But to complain everyday about them squeezing every penny out of you, well who's the idiot who falls for it? Businessmen don't invest huge money into a failing business such as football, invest money in inflated wages and new signings and what that entails, to con fans into forking out £700 quid for a season ticket and £5 for a West Ham mug. Were you not convinced they were trying to keep us up by signing Ba, Keane, Bridge etc? If not than you should stop being so ignorant.
Who are you aiming that comment at TIS? SuGo are in it for a profit. That is a given. There are many different decisions that can be made along the way. Some they will get right, some they will get wrong. I personally will credit them when they make a good call and express concern or anger when they get it wrong. That's what football fans do. The product is atypical. I don't give a stuff if the makers of my favourite lager come up with a new brewing process that is not to my taste; I will simply swap allegiance to a different lager. I can't do that with West Ham. Blood is thicker than lager, though most of the people who drink lager are, admittedly, thicker than blood!
In response to Deane but just a general comment also. When West Ham fans aren't keen on someone they become the most stubborn bunch. Zola was a nice guy, the sun shone out of his arse and still does, Grant was the villain, never credited with the rare victory. SuGo were never wanted and will probably never be accepted, Fernandes was the nearly man, the one that got away...why exactly? The bad guy always loses with this club, the fans speak of the chairmen not giving managers a chance yet the fans are culprits of the same crime.
In regards to Collison, I wouldn't fit him into the Parker mould for some reason, I'm still unsure of what he brings to the team (don't mean it in a bad way!)
Fair enough mate. You don't understand what Collison brings to the team? I'm surprised. He looks far and away the best of the latest Academy crop to me. And I think Tomkins will play for England!
Interesting, but you have proved time and time again on here that you know FA. No disrespect of course.
Of course not TIS.
That comment about knowing FA wasn't me by the way. Maybe putting up a picture of some kind would avoid mistaken identity, if only I knew how...I have seen very little of Collison, I couldn't tell you if he operates better as a CM or winger. I do know that he looks strong!
I suspected as much mate.
Agree HF. Collison has been our best youngster off the production line for quite some time.
You have to sign up to blogger/google and then add your image there. This would mean though you would have to sign in to make your image appear every time you commented. Signing in is easy though as you just do it here when you're about to comment.
The above is what appears if I sign into my blogger account.
As long as you don't clear your browser cache then you just have to sign in the once
Of course it doesn't guarantee anything though. All the person has to do is copy your image, sign up to blogger themselves and then use that image as their avatar. Sad, but some will do it.
Stani Mate how do you do that?
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