Barton has twittered his fury at the deal and predicted an exodus from Newcastle. Who knows, he could be headed for Upton Park next season too.
I'm still not ready to believe it personally. This feels very much like when Sky Sports announced that Tevez and Mascherano were joining West Ham. I sat watching for the next 30 minutes expecting a correction - apologies we meant Tottenham Hotspurs.
I was underwhelmed by the signing of Faye. If we recruit Nolan I will be over the bloody moon. If this is Sam Pot's doing, then perhaps we can say "Stuff ethics" after all!
No, the derisory off which was rejected last week was £1.5 million.
West Ham have returned with an improved bid, how much? Your guess is as good as mine.
Simmer down.
great signing and he is a white english player so he will have real heart for next season. Well done big sam and the hammers
Nolan would be a great signing and I think Parker played well for us too.
Where did you get 1.5 mil from???
Also reports that BA is definitely when he returns from holiday, leaving which is a joke! If he does leave and he ever returns to upton park / OS he should get the same treatment as Paul "judas" ince.
We took a chance with him and he repays us by playing 11 games and f-ing off! Joke
"Judas, wherever you may be, your not far from lunacy,
And we dont give a f**k if your hanging from a tree, you Judas c**t with HIV" good memories lol
Warming to Pam are we HF? This is the benefit of having a real football person that can attract quality. Would Grant have persuaded a player the quality of Nolan to drop a division?
A few journos on twitter have been saying it's about £4mil. Still a bargain no matter that we're in the Championship and broke as Uganda.
Looks to me like Pardew is trying to completely erase the Houghton influence that unfortunately for him makes up the spine of his team. Could be costly for them.
You've allowed some racism through there mate. Accidentally or to show him up I hope?
couldn't believe it, too. Nolan would be such a major signing. He is exactly the player West Ham needs so desperately.
To be honest, it was quite obvious Ba would leave us if we were relegated, wasn't it ?
He made a great impression with his goal ration in the final run in, despite we were rock bottom. When it was revealed he'd be on a free as soon as we go down, I was quite sure we'll lose him. In the end our board should have payed the full price without thoses clauses in but it's always easy to say afterwards. Just imagine they bought him for £6 million and he got a serious knee injury. One Kieron Dyer was clearly enough.
Well given the way Ba has treated us, on top of Ince, Defoe and Reo-Coker, the sentiment is perhaps understandable at the moment Stani. But then Parker is white! To be honest, I missed it. But then again, I'm pleased that the team won't be all foreign mercenaries so the English bit is ok, and he is white isn't he? Would you have an issue with the phrase "black Englishman"? You're probably right but it's not exactly hardline is it?
Ba doesn't have a contract, Parker does.
But your comment in general is quite shocking though.
Really, why? I highlight that Parker, who is white, is a traitor like Defoe, Ba, Reo-Coker and Ince who are black. I don't want a team of foreign mercenaries and most West Ham fans don't - that's nothing to do with colour, they could be Eastern Europeans, French, American, Mexican etc. I want a "core spine" of English players - Pardew's policy when at West Ham. What's the problem with that? Zola and Grant had a focus on foreign players and where did that get us? I also said you were probably right to object. Climb out of your own arse Stani. You go too far sometimes.
im sorry, not going to believe this signing until i see it...dont you remember all the hype around the club in the summer last year....and what turned up....nothing of note....
Our board is full of shit, if and its a big IF in my books, we do sign Nolan, then i would ofc be pleased, but im not buying it until i see it !
Stani, what the hell r u talkin about? I don't know what colour you are and personally I couldn't give a crap either! I myself am neither a black man nor a white man at the minute, I'm a sun-tan man; who really cares? I fail to see the purpose (in normal circumstances) for anyone mentioning the colour of a person to be honest; you're black - you're white or whatever; whoopie fcuking do! But I really don't see the comment as a racist one. How many times have we heard a person describing themselves as a "strong black woman" for example? Is that being racist Stani? Get off the racist band wagon and get and do your homework ready for school tomorrow, idiot!
God, I'm agreeing with The Lord of the Flies again! Is my soul under threat?
Erm 16:19 quote "he is white english.... so he will have a real heart for next season.... sounds racist to me.
But what do I know I'm white too - apparently white people can't experience racism nor indeed know what it is with any real conviction.
What I did find interesting though wast the following - and not a white person in sight.
"the game's gone crazy" is fast becoming "lord of the flies" Hammersfan! And which one are you; "Ralph" or "Jack Merridew"? Time to move on perhaps before the "conch" gets broken
We are turning into Sam's Bolton! Faye, Nolan and Gardner being lined up next. Perhaps we should be playing with all white shirts from now on!
Although I rate Nolan as a very good and committed player, this is turning into one of my worst nightmares; West Ham becoming a bad version of Bolton! Can someone please wake me up tell me this is just a bad dream? Please! Next recruit, Kevin Davies or Diouf perhaps?
I would make a deal with the devil if it is going to take us right back up to the Premiership. It seems we are actually going through the motions already. We are selling our soul. But will it be all be in vain?
I'm Roger mate, sharpening a stick at both ends.
as long as you ain't aiming it up my rectum mate...lol
Faye for Upson is an improvement, Gardner is an improvement on Illunga and in my opinion Nolan is an improvement on Parker. Who would you have us sign instead? Bridge on 90 grand a week? Some loan signings? Use the kids with younger kids as back up?
"Stani Army"....sounds racist to me.
So it's OK to have a beauty pageant in the States like Miss Black America is it ? Imagine the uproar if there was a Miss White America one..
I hear it is a four year contract for £4 Million rising to £4.5M depending on appearances. Nolan gets the captains armband £50,000 per week plus £500,000 bonus if we get promoted at first attempt. He has a release clause if we don't go up after one season.
No no no HF. You said "the sentiment is perhaps understandable". You said that about a racist sentiment. I'm not talking about what you said about Parker, I'm talking about what you said about the anonymous comment. Don't deliberately confuse things.
"I want a "core spine" of English players - Pardew's policy when at West Ham. What's the problem with that? " Nope, nothing wrong with that...which is why I did not argue against it. Who are you arguing with HF? Did I say I'm not in favour of a core English spine? No, I did not mention that at all. Deliberately confusing things again.
Foreign players? Did I mention foreign players? Who is talking about nationality? Not me. I go too far? No one goes further than you HF. In fact, you've gone so far up your own behind that you've come out the other end, which is why people have at times mistaken you for someone normal. You cannot admit when you are wrong!
What the hell are YOU talking about? Are you deliberately being moronic? I don't care about colour either, which is why I object to people who do discriminate on colour like the comment above. Why was the word white needed?
The comments not racist a one? Damn, you're worse than a racist, you're bloody ignorant! When you discriminate against someone on the colour of their skin, it is racist. The fact the word white was needed in that sentence means it was racist.
Be quiet Dave, not even HF agrees with you.
Why don't you explain how 'Stani Army' is racist then? I'm waiting.
No sure Herr Fanno Agrees with anyone.
wrong again..... nolan is having his medical, he's having his head examined = har har.
21:44. Where did you get the specifics on Nolan's deal? It seems reasonable, although with two years of the same parachute payment I would have thought two years for such a clause.
Sav, I feel the need for an intervention here for you. This is all good news. We have absolutely SUCKED the last few years. We finally have a manager that has a clue. Be happy. Really.
16:19's statement is racist. End of. The clear link is made that he'll have the fight for it because he is white English (which is palpable bollocks anyway - has anyone spotted the performance of the English national side in recent years). It stopped short of saying 'thank f#ck we haven't signed another one of those lazy, useless black players' but I think by implication everybody got what the poster meant. Wriggling out of it now is just hypocritical. If you believe it, then go on and say it. But let's not have the ooooh can't we say 'white' bullshit - it's all about the context.
I think Pam is trying to turn us in to West Ham Wanders.
Someone might have to explain that to USA Dave, because it SUCKS.
Sav I think a few players with experience and 'back bone'integrated with some of our young talented players is exactly what we need. I also think you will be proved completely wrong in you fears about 'Big Sam'
I shouldn't have called you an idiot. I realise that I may have offended a lot of idiots in associating them with you; to them I apologise. If you were so offended by 16:19's comments then why didn't you ask him/her to explain what he/she meant before you jumped on the racist band wagon and accused him/her of being racist? You represent everything that is wrong with Britain nowadays. I have many friends of different colour and creed, I asked there feelings on this and none of them were offended by 16:19's remarks so why should you be? They were however deeply offended by what the headmaster said -
"It stopped short of saying 'thank f#ck we haven't signed another one of those lazy, useless black players"
16:19 never made any reference to anyone of any other colour than white. I'm afraid, HM, that you own that remark and that DOES make YOU a racist - end of!
16:19's inclusion of the word "white" was in my opinion unnecessary, but even if you exclude it you could still argue that the comments are derogative towards anyone who isn't English. Where does the pettiness end?
One of my friends (who prefers to be referred to as coloured) was around my house 20 years ago when my children were infants. More often than we probably should have done we offered them 'pop' or 'soda' to drink. We'd say we've got coke or we've got pop. (Pop rounded-up every flavour that wasn't coke) They would say "I want red pop" or "I want white pop" or "I want green pop" etc. because they hadn't yet mastered what flavours were. So my wife innocently asked them in front of my friend "what pop do you want: red; white; orange or green?" My friend, incensed by my wife's remark said "it's not white pop it's lemonade! don't you realise that you are being racist?" Of course we asked her to leave. She later apologised and we still laugh about it now. Don't be so quick to play the racist card stani!
I couldn't have, in fact I didn't, put it better myself. May God bless this land with more learned and civilised individuals such as yourself, and give those who stay quiet in matters like this, the courage to speak the truth.
And there was no need to insult me. My first and second comments were perfectly polite and reasonable. You badly let yourself down this time, but I know, you don't give a sh*t.
marlon harewood is available on a free.....SIGN SIGN SIGN!!!
Nolan almost guarantees us automatic promotion. He will get the fans back on side and for the championship will have the players on the pitch up for every match.
Jose and Jonas next?
If you feel so bloody strongly about the comment being racist Stani then don't you have a moral and legal obligation to report this to the authorities? Go on do it! I dare you! While your about it don't forget to mention these will you
www.blackbeautymagazine.com - is this discriminating against white beauty?
http://blackfashion.tumblr.com/ - is this discriminating against white fashion?
www.missblackusa.org - is this discriminating against miss white usa?
and what about The BBC's black music digital radio station BBC 1Xtra (http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2009/08_august/05/takeover.shtml) is this discriminating against white music?
It's all around us all the time and if anyone is offended at this and speaks up they are accused of being racist. But oh boy! the second someone dares to make a preference for something white and all the sensationalists like yourself are all over them. It's no wonder there's no pride in being English/British any more; people are too afraid to be proud just in case they offend some anti-racism crusading moron like you! The truth is stani that YOU are probably more racist than the person you are accusing. Get over yourself!!
I should just point out that I am fully behind anyone who is involved in stamping out racism - just not people on moronic crusades like you stani. Unlike you I don't regularly post on this site for the recognition of others. I have voiced my opinion in response to yours and I really couldn't care less who agrees with me!
I will say the same thing to the players, the fans, the board and everyone associated with my club West Ham United regardless of their colour, creed or place of birth. The same thing I would to everyone who lives in my country England regardless of their colour, creed or place of birth; If you can respect & appreciate our history and our culture and fully get behind us then WELCOME! If you can't then please feel free to leave and take your opinions with you!
I think Nolan is very good player. I do hope it will be effective that we will return to the Premiership. But I hated Bolton and Sam's tactics for so long it takes time to adjust. I don't it will be any worse that Grant and I am sure if they got Sam in January we wouldn't be where we are right now.
16@19 as a free thinking white, conservative voting 48 year old - your comment is racist .
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