"But what business man would make public his offer?", the Fernandes apologists will argue. Well Fernandes himself, defending his ridiculous use of Twitter to court publicity, said: "But we were transparent. There was nothing in the end to say don't put it on Twitter."
OK Tony, you are transparent are you? So, let's hear the offer "in its complete entirety"! How much is being offered exactly, in its complete entirety? And for what percentage of the club exactly, in its complete entirety? And what will you bring to the table exactly, in its complete entirety? Come on Tony, you believe in transparency so get your bollocks out and put them on the table.
The Independent article is fairly neutral but nail exactly what is going on here when it is noted that Fernandes launched his bid "remarkably on the day Sam Allardyce was confirmed as the club's new manager". Remarkable that, truly remarkable. Fernandes is right, he is transparent, even Stevie Wonder could see right through him!
finally, a post i agree with you on. If he was serious about buying the club he would have brought the 40% of the club that the icelandic's have still got. They are still looking to sell remember!
If you weren't so technically retarded you could put these questions directly to Tony Fernandes via twitter. Alas, you're a technophobic ex grammar school boy who is stuck well and truly in the middle of last century.
good to hear you twattering away and tarting yourself too HF.
I can twatter to Fernandes. See the link above! Would I twatter? Nope, I'm not a twat.
and it all goes over your head yet again...
Not a twat?! now I know you are truly delusional.
21:48 very good mate - hahahaha
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