Does he not understand that this guy is hated at Upton Park? Does he not know that Diouf represents everything that West Ham fans detest? Of course he does; but he doesn't give a flying fcuk!
Yesterday he made all the right noises but words are cheap. And so is Diouf which is why Sullivan and Gold will not raise any objections if Sam Pot wants to recruit him and draft him into the Khmer Rouge and Blue.
The revolution has begun! Anybody with intelligence and flair will be lined up against the wall. Diouf can spit in their faces before Sam Pot gives the order to put them out of their misery.
I hate this piece of trash. He is an insult to football and it is even more insulting that our club is being associated with him!
Great signing - grit is needed, especially away from home. Put me down for a shirt.
Yep, those of people supported Pot in Cambodia too!
Why you so doom and gloom these days HF?
shuttttttttttttt up!!!!!!!!!!!!! comment end of the season!! when i go to west ham games i c some fu*king animals
hes a cnut surely we aint gonna fcuking buy him good piece hf
Jim, care with language please. Cnut and fcuking are ok and adults know what you mean.
Doom and gloom? No reason mate. Sam Pot in charge, Spitting Image rumoured to be the first signing. Every traditional West Ham fan should be jumping through hoops of joy!
He hasn't arrived yet HF. Plus he's got a year on his Blackburn deal. Surely we wont pay for him after our recent purchasing history?
Big Pam won't be so bad. Word of advice....don't form such a permanent opinion like you did with Grant HF, because you find it difficult to say 'I was wrong'. I know Sav doesn't like Pam's appointment, but he is not afraid to admit that he got something wrong.
Give Pam a chance then say what you see. I really thought he'd be right up your street.
True Stani. I don't like big Sam and never did. He represents everything I hate about football.
Nevertheless, as you probably notice, I hold back any premature comments. If he works a miracle and takes us straight back to the Premiership, I will be his biggest fan. Even so, I hope he can adapt himself a little and respect the values of this Club. He tried to play proper football at Bolton and failed to get the results. That is when he decided to invent the direct football. As a result, he was the force behind sending West Ham down with 42 points!
Maybe he did not have any other route for success with a club like Bolton. I like to think that with the young talent from the Academy and the tradition of West Ham he can change his style and tactics and still be effective. But, the main thing, is to get us back to the Premiership next year. I will reserve judgement until I have a chance to see what he is up to.
He is not my first choice. He is closest to the last choice for me in fact. But what is done is done. Let's hope it works out for us.
kevin in manchester..
everything you hate? Please stop buying the tired old narrative.it's lazy and wrong. Sam has the best win ratio for any manager still managing with prem league experience (40.6%) outside the old top four.alll the more impressive that he's pulled that off not with one or two good seasons but in getting on for twenty years in managment 15 of them in the PL. He didn't achieve that by hoofing the ball from the back to the front; he 's signed several flair players in his time that we'd have wlecomed at west ham .. JJ Ococha anyone? He's proven prem quality and in the championship a marquee signing. I can't believe the wingeing. OK the proof of the pie is in the scoffing and no one knows what will be, we can only look back at what has been and in Sam's case he comes with the best stats of any manager we have ever appointed. I'd be cautious about reports linking us with Diouf.. its probably mischief designed to provoke the west ham dreamers into ferment; seems to have succeeeded too.
Sav that's what I like about you, you are balanced and level headed. Not in the least hysterical like Iain Dale or a manic depressive like HF
Stani, back problems cause depression.
I am sure HF will be pleased to eat his words when Big Sam gets a winning team going, playing the sort of football we are all pleased to watch
He wants to sign English players so Diouf or whatever his name is, will just be a useless rumour for certain types to get excited about.
Sav I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
09:24 Oh I don't think HF will commit himself this time around, not after the last embarrassing debacle with Grant - I fully expect him to sit on the fence this time around, with his neck wound well and truly in.
We hear a lot about the academy, but very few seem to make the grade in the PL now [not talking about Cole/Carrick/Ferd/Johnson etc].
Who are the quality players who can step into the WHU Championship side exactly ? At a young age, like Rooney when he started for Everton for example. To my mind, is part of the 'West ham way' fantasy again, especially if the quality we're to expect includes relatively mediocre players like Sears or Stanislas.
Having said that, the Academy does seem to produce quite a few of these mediocre types - just have a look at the lower leagues for confirmation.
Thanks 08:57. John, I hope so too.
Good on you Sav. If Pam plays the ugly style of football, I will be the first to turn against him, rest assured. We should also remember that if he does so, will we stand for it? The answer is no and he will be shown at matches how we feel in no uncertain terms. The crowd will let him know.
My belief is that he has the ability to change the style his teams play. Secondly, with Carr at the club our DNA remains in the producion line and the West Ham style will carry on being produced. This is very difficult to alter. Pam will find it difficult to fight this even if he tried. Surely it's better for him to join us (our way) rather than try and beat us. That I think he will do.
I think his qualities as a manager will be like a breath of fresh air...a relief compared to what we had in Grant. He's professional, canny, shrewd and bullish, and players want to play for him. He's demonstrated his canniness against us in the past. Not only with the way his teams played but also in the transfer market when he flogged us Dyer and McCarthy. I'm not sure if you guys remember, when the Dyer deal was about to happen, Curbs went bragging saying we're getting Dyer cheap and Pam then said bollocks to you and raised his price! We then had to cough up! We have this canniness on our side now, fighting for us. That cannot be a bad thing.
And as Kevin says, he has a record of signing proper footballers. Now any way we look at this fact, it only shows Pam in a good light. For example, if we say he plays ugly long ball the he's made the likes of Okocha buy into it and play for him. So he makes players play for him. If you look at it the other way, then it's proof he attracts and has had proper footballers who play the right way. He comes out well on both arguments.
I'd be surprised if someone like HF ever got depressed John! Any sign of depression would be extinguished by his ego :) (it's a compliment HF!)
Baitman, I don't think likening Allardyce to Pol Pot is sitting on the fence!
Allardyce OUT
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