It's rather like Casanova waking up after a night on the tiles to find himself in bed with Heather from Eastenders or Lewis Hamilton sitting behind the wheel of a Kia Rio. I know Swindon once had God in charge in the form of Hoddle, but Di Canio is bigger than God in his own mind and when he wakes up to the parochial nature of the town - an unfortunate accident off a slip road from the M4 - he is going to get very fidgety indeed.
Ladbrokes have already opened a book on which referee will go to ground first at the County Ground and spread bet specialists are offering odds on the furthest distance Paolo will be prepared to travel for an away game - with the clever money going just short on 70 miles, the distance from Swindon to Heathrow.
No doubt it will be entertaining whilst it lasts but the fact that PDC has splashed down at lowly Swindon tells you everything you need to know. Even Sheffield Wednesday didn't fancy appointing a man that idiotic West Ham fans would have welcomed to Upton Park as manager last season.
The big question for Sullivan & Gold is, do they hang on a month or so, waiting for the inevitable, or do they rename the Paulo Di Canio Lounge ready for the start of the new season? To mirror our fall from grace, how about the Iain Dowie Lounge or maybe the Benni McCarthy Beefeater?
your a dickhead mate. your clearly not a fan. i visit a website called hammersheadlines.com and I still get annoyed that your fucking drivel makes it on there. if you have so many problems with the club. fuck off. cos we dont want you here.
Spector is actually considering rejecting us! This how low we fell. I never thought this was possible!
Jonathan, please, please, please, I beg of you, reject us! Go follow your destiny in Germany. And please take Gabbidon with you as well!
Actually it should read: "You're a dickhead mate. You're clearly not a fan. I visit a website called hammersheadlines.com..."
I may be a dickhead, but you sir are an illiterate moron. Your (spelt correctly) foul language further illustrates your (spelt correctly) level of ignorance. I didn't know The Game was carried on hammersheadlines. The fame spreads! No doubt, you approve of Di Canio's politics!
You've been on Hammersheadlines for a couple of years actually! Rather harsh on your fan with the problem with the 'your, you're' issue. But it gets at me a bit too!
I think he asked for it, don't you Andy?
I'm pretty sure on The Org you got 'heel' and 'heal' wrong somewhere recently... Just saying!
Yeah its always been my Achilles heal!
why a photo shopped version of the picture designed to make PDC look demonic
The salute is not Nazi but Roman
Demonising Fascists is pretty umm Fascist really
Having fascist beliefs is not something people should be condemned for rather they need educating after all the Daily Mail still exist despite their support for Adolf Hitler and they've mellowed a little
I've said it before until his Fascist ideals impinge on others then I have no problem with Paulo because he was undoubted a fantastic talent and I also think he will make a great manager
He is after all a football man not a politician
If it is photoshopped, I haven't tampered with it. The salute was given to Lazio Utras, a bunch of foul rascist yobs who make our worst element look like Jewish loving pacifists. It was given in a country that just over 50 years before had stood side by side with Hitler. The salute when given caused national controversy, provoking debate in the Italian Parliament and, under pressure, Di Canio was obliged to offer an apology.
Your defence of Di Canio is extremely blinkered Deane. Ask yourself, why has he landed at Swindon instead of starting in a coaching role at a bigger club? The guy is trouble.
Poyet, Di Matteo, Uwe Rosler and now Di Canio all took jobs in league 1 or 2 to begin their managerial career. There is no shame in it. Poyet and Di Matteo are now sought after. Sensible move for Di Canio.
Well Di Matteo has had a stab at the top division and failed and Poyet didn't do too well at Tottenham either. But they are different personalities to PDC Michael. We will see. I expect him to be sacked or to walk away by Christmas.
I don't think you could class Di Matteo's time at WBA as a failure. He done well with what he had. Hodgson came in and done much better I agree. But he came in and improved them defensively, they already had the attacking aspect of their game in place. As for Poyet he was only assistant to Ramos. He has great potential. Why rush into a Premier league club and risk getting sacked in a month?
I don't disagree. I just think Di Canio and Swindon are a bad fit. I may be wrong. We will see.
Well I believe a sponsor has already pulled funding of around 5 grand a year because of Di Canio's fascist views. So you may well be right but I hope he does well
Course he is not right, he is so rarely right you could have a bet on it.
I don't think my view is blinkered DiCanio's views are very likely due his upbringing Lazio is a club that is traditionally followed by the right and in competition with Roma supported by the left bit like Glasgow teams really (religion politics all the same)Still a talented footballer and has been given huge accolades for his achievements whilst taking his coaching badges The man has passion nothing wrong with that I remember him condemning West Ham players for spending too much time on the golf course when we were struggling I hope he makes it and would love to see him manage West Ham he has the passion we need and hopefully as he matures as a manager he will come to realise that there is good and bad in everyone and their race, creed, religion and politics shouldn't pre determine their character or allow judgement on their personality before getting to know them
Believe me I know how easy it is to be taken in by something evil only to learn the truth later and be appalled at how easily you'd been misled and all by misfortune of birth and upbringing
Ask for the odds from Betfair then! Bet against everything I predict. According to you, you'd be a milyonaire in no time!
I don't recall any other Lazio players doing it Deane. Dear God, even the Orange March pipe playing Gascoigne avoided making a Nazi salute to the Lazio Ultras! I don't recall Gazza getting a DUX tat either! PDC may be a hero of yours Deane but the guy is not all there in the head!
To be fair Michael, it is the GMB Union. Quite why a trade union would sponsor a football club is a mystery. Mind you, quite why Newham Borough Council would loan a football club £40m to limit the number of Premiership Clubs in the borough to one also remains a mystery. Left wing back handers perhaps? We collected a free ticket last year for a music festival because a trade union had a campaigning tent inside the event and in return, the union officials had been given freebie tickets. We are not in the union, we just happened to get chatting to the guy who gave it to us. Again, I was left wondering why Union money was being used in this way!
Probably best to judge things by the history and circumstances of their own country than judge without an open mind from afar. Doesn't mean you have to support it but may just give you a different perspective. We ignorantly in this country tend to judge others by our own prejudices. I remember a time when so many 'liberals' deemed Stalin and Mao as Gods and those two made Fascist Italy look like a Womans Institute tea party, especially in terms of racism. Di Canio's biographer explained the situation with his beliefs very well recently without actually condoning them. From our own point of view perhaps we had better look in our own mirrors before making unthinking and childish condemnations and judge him by his behaviour in this country. after all as an east ender I grew up with rather too many pre conceived and bigoted views upon my 'people' to easily slip into that lazy mindsetmyself.
All very well Screenworx but presumably you have first hand experience of football violence? I have.
A friend of mine, Asian by birth, went on a "football tour" to Italy, taking in a number of games. (I went one year and saw Inter v Roma and Fiorentina v Parma (I think). Such was the racism, that he was advised NOT to go to the Lazio game - it was made very clear that his life would literally be in danger. "You would be welcome at Roma, you may be killed at Lazio" was the stark advice from a local. He didn't go to the game but three others (all work colleagues of mine - and white) did and they witnessed first hand the disgusting conduct of the Lazio Ultras - with the aggressive abuse of black players very much in evidence and one black guy given a kicking in the street outside the ground despite wearing Lazio colours.
It was these animals that Di Canio was saluting, and this sort of behaviour that, as a racist fascist, he was endorsing. You can dress it up as you like - and very few "liberals" ever endorsed Stalin or Mao (Communists are not liberals!)- but had a West Ham player given a BNP salute to the ICF, I don't think he would have been retained by the club. I certainly hope he wouldn't!
BNP salute to the ICF?!?! you have no idea what you are talking about (as usual) the ICF were multiculturalists - their leader was of course of West Indian descent.
I am well aware of that fact 2003. How many Patels in the ICF?
Patels as you put it - would have been welcome with open arms, as were a number of Jews - I think the use of a "Patel" to describe someone of Indian descent is nothing short of Racist! you should be ashamed.
You have read it in a racist way, typically. I asked how many Patels were in the ICF because it is a very common name amongst Indians of the Hindu faith, like Smith is a common name in England.
I don't remember there being any smiths in the ICF
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