There are reports that we have bid for the Leeds man who is out of contract next summer. The 23 year old Gradel sounds like a better bet to me than Mucky-Smith who, at 27, does not have age on his side. We need some good news soon so let's hope there is some substance to this rumour.
Mind you, if we do sign him, he looks as if he will need a few of Sam Pot's henchmen to protect him. The boy is match thin isn't he?
Don't think so mate, I thought he looked quite well built when I've seen him play. It's not like Allardyce is going go buying some "foreign poof" is it? LOL!
no man. you dont know nothing about soccer.. o yeah!!!. your team is in a Second class league now...
Barrera is a great player ( taco bell??) c´mon if you saw last game at US. you must recognize it.
your coach Grant never find the way ..
Barrera is so good as Chicharito. but well, the Hammers only need excuses
To put Barrera in the same category as Chicarito you're an idiot he isn't that good, the problem is he came to west ham and shot himself in the foot, before he had even kicked a ball I'm using west ham as a stepping stone, personally I'd like to see him given a chance for mexico he is given more freedom which allows him to perform we didn't allow him to show how good he actually is and he barely got a run in the team but I like the look of gradel proven player at that level maybe worth a shot!
amazingly I find myself agreeing with Epsilon Requiem Barrera has the potential and the talent handled correctly he will be a world beater unfortunately I don't think Sam's the man
Barrera has been tearing it up for Mexico, making chicarito look like an average player, I think "big Sam" can get the nest out of him and should put as much effort into keeping him as he is Parker.
3-4 years time he's going to be a top top player
Mira Epsilon,
sigues con los chistes - payaso!
Que Dices?? West Ham.. segunda clase..?? y que clase es tu pais - el Mexico? Y cual tipo te crees tu eres?
OK, so we never really attracted the Grade A players, but B and C were always within our range. So isn't it a sad indictment of our situation that the Max we can expect is a GradeL from Leeds United?
Epsilon Requiem? Ambulance for ER perhaps? More like the men in white coats methinks... and not the ones from Leeds!
How you doing Marty?
Three wheels on my wagon... but I'm still rolling along! Looks like it's Spanish night on here this evening.
I agree about Gradel over Smith. Gradel scored his goals in the N, while Smith was in League 1. That evens things out to me, and I'd take the younger player.
Now if we could spring for both....
Finally, I hope Barrera stays. With a proper manager he could be very useful.
Another superb post HF, you really are the dogs whatsits. I love this blog.
I have nothing against Gardel .. but the writer's attitude bothers me. Taco Bell's player?
I think the hammers had the great opportunity to exploit this player to the fullest. Barrera won the championship in Mexico showing what is done.
An apology to all the Hammers, if I get carried away by anger. but i think that you can't criticize a player when you do not know about him.
if I think Barrera has the potential chicharito.its because I saw this player for years
Best of luck this season to start. and believe me. if Barrera stay in his club. bring you big surprises.
just give Barrera ... Some minutes.
So Jeremy Clarkson: write in english ... your Google Translator Spanish Sucks...
no es necesario usar el traductor de Google
Quien es "Gardel"? Con mas importancia.. quien eres tu?
No es para ti hablar de West Ham! Quita tu cabeza del culo de Barrera! Es posible que esto es la razon que te hablas tanto mucha mierda?
Tu mama chupa!
o si te lo prefieres en Ingles:
Who is "Gardel"? More importantly.. Who are you?
It's not for you to talk about West Ham. Take your head out of Barrera's arse. It's possible that this is why you talk so much shit!
Your mum sucks!
Well done Epsilon!
Jeremy you moron! I haven't seen such a civilised spanking in a long time.
Anonymous 19:17,
Are you trying to recreate "The human centipede"?...Epsilon's head is clearly up Barrera's arse and now it appears that your's is up Epsilon's...whatever float's yer boats guys
Here you go Jeremy:
Wow Anonymous, What a stingiing rebuttal! Is that the best you've got? Incase it's escaped you, you should realise where you're posting..don't really think grammatical correctness is an issue on here, do you?
Thanks for the link all the same. Here's one for you:
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