It's amazing isn't it, that a guy who looked crap even against Oxford can perform with distinction on a regular basis for Mexico? Maybe it really is a different guy - one short of stature Mexican can look very similar to another - or maybe the Mexicans are feeding him drugs that haven't yet been detected.
Or perhaps it is down to heart. Let's face it, the Mascherano that wore Claret & Blue was not the Mascherano that plays for Argentina and Barcelona or the Mascherano who turned out for Liverpool.
Maybe the shock of arriving in East London was too much for the boy: "But this is an even bigger shit hole than Mexico City!"
Or perhaps, with Barrera playing a couple of games a week for Mexico at the moment, Pablo regards August to May as his close season - a time to recharge his batteries for the season proper, starting in early June.
My money is still on the doppelganger theory. Taco Bell won the Fast Food World Cup last season with a little Mexican called Pablo as the star of the show whilst Mcdonalds crashed out at the group stage with McCarthy missing a Big Mac of sitters!
Let's face it, West Ham have an uncanny ability to turn any player of any ability into a sack of shit within weeks. Probably piss poor man management that hopefully Allardyce will address. If he can get Barrera playing for West Ham like ho does for Mexico it'll be like having a new signing.
I'm afraid, gentleman, that he will push for a move and will end up in a UEFA cup chasing Spannish side. He will then go onto have an amazing season and will be sold to Real for £20m+. Let's just make sure we insert a sell-on clause this time!
reckon Clez has cracked it but be sure of one thing there will be no sell on clause and we'll take 500K
Big fan of the blog my friend, but think you missed the mark on this one...I find the Taco Bell reference and the Mexico City reference less comical than offensive, over the top, for me. But the main point is an interesting one: it sure does seem like the jersey one wears makes a difference for many players. But I bet the EPL competition is tougher than Gold Cup.
Oh God Gio, not another racism debate. I could do a thread on South Americans who have played for West Ham. They wouldn't come out terribly well would they? Even Tevez had bigger tits than Jordan under our club's shirt! The article is tongue in cheek. Applying PC rules to the extent that some people look for would rule out all attempts at humour in this country. We would be Germany before we know it! And now the Germans will be outraged!
how about this for the arrival of a new manager rather than having a holiday from his 6 month holiday
I think you will find that Mexico is in North America
Good point. But economically, they are regarded as Southern Hemisphere.
"But economically, they are regarded as Southern Hemisphere".
Economically, Mexico are part of the North American Free Trade Association. If you screw up once, don't exacerbate the situation with another cock-up...
Economically, Greece are part of the European Union; but economically they are not a Northern European economy. Next season, Swansea will be in the Prem, that doesn't mean they are in the same league, with a small l, as Man City & Chelsea. We can all put a BMW sticker in our read windscreen but that doesn't make a Kia Rio into a BMW!
Us Southern Hemispherians find that comment clearly prejudicial to our sense of moral indignation
For your information .
Taco Bell isn't a mexican trademark..
"West Ham have an uncanny ability to turn any player of any ability into a sack..."
Sad but true Hammers. lately your team is what we call in America... "cold chest".
its so difficult talk about soccer , when you´re looking for differences to justify your shameful season.
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