In response to our bid of £3m, a £6m tag has been slapped on Nolan, but that isn't an out and out rebuff is it? It seems as if Pardew may not fancy Kevin's wife!
The £6m asking price sounds remarkably similar to the figure we are supposedly looking for in return for Ba. It also mirrors the £6m we would have been obliged to pay for Keane had we survived in the Prem. Pardew, of course, is in desperate need of a couple of forwards so don't be surprised to see a joint bid of £10million for Cole and Ba, with Nolan priced at £5m inside the deal. Nolan plus £5m for Cole and Ba would probably make sense for both clubs.
That's a bit cheap HF. I'd take £5m plus Nolan and youngster Shane Ferguson, or £5m plus Nolan and Routledge.
Ferguson will be a star. He can play full-back too.
Does anyone at our club have the brains to do it though? Hope Pam can use his savvy and pull something off. I'll give him some chewing gum if he does.
ba is on a free so why would they even have to ask us about him?
I don't think Ba is on a free, I think he has a release clause.
I'd be more than happy to see Nolan in place of Cole or Ba, or both. I do think for both it'd need to be nearer the £12million mark, with Nolan valued at £5-£6million. Add that to the hopeful £8-£10million for Parker and we've got near enough £15million to sort out the squad with. Great business, and everyones happy.
"you don't think" Jesus man you set yourself up as some sort of expert, the least you can do is know these sort of things.
Unfortunately, I was not shown the contract.
he is not on a free. we complained about an illegal approach for him from Sunderland. That suggests he has a contract with us
We thought you knew everything - we you certainly give the impression of being a know-it-all.
Good point 2036.
2045, I know how you anonymice revere me. Your faith is heart warming and hearing the confession that you thought I knew everything is humbling, deeply humbling. But my child, I am not the Messiah, I am simply a prophet. I know many things it is true but not everything, God keeps some things even from me. I will pray for you child, your adulation and faith, though troubling on one level, is deeply moving on another.
Remember, it is the Game that holds you in awe; I am, like you, in a sense, merely a disciple.
Thought Ba was going nowhere til Jan, under the two clubs ruling.
He's only played for one club this year - West Ham.
Nolan or Parker HF?
21:46 still moderating I see :)
Yes still moderating.Still trapped in the Game I see : )
Nolan! His goals could promote us!
No published books, no awards or nominations - no recognition - but I guess you have your hit counter to keep you warm at night - mmmmwwwwwaaahhhaaaahhhhaaaaa
Well, I have been published but that is another matter.
As for the nominations, as I have explained, I was invited to backlink to caught offside and declined. I also refuse to allow tracking cookies to be attached to the blog. I don't need the money and I don't need the flattery. If you believe in the veracity of these awards, you're a mug!
Published? hahaha what did you do, write the menu for your local pub?
You're having a laugh and I don't believe you for a minute, certainly not on the poor showing you put in here week after sorry week.
15:48 another matter? hahaha don't be so coy - spill the beans we're all dying to know.
10:48 very funny!
20:05 don't believe him... published? probably the school magazine - if he had anything of any value he'd have boasted about it a long time back.
Funnily enough, I achieved that aged 13 TO. And it was a Grammar School too, none of this Comprehensive nonsense. But there I go again boasting!
I've got a book coming out tomorrow actually. I probably shouldn't have eaten it in the first place though.
Grammar School? hahaha showing our age again and so middle class...
Showing your ignorance again. There was and is no income qualification to attend a grammar school. It has been shown that grammar schools facilitated much more social mobility for children from working class families - and my mother had to work nights to help pay the bills and was one of eight children born to a docker. For your information, there are still grammar schools in a number of counties in England. Kent and Bucks are two.
Well your attitude stinks - looking down on comprehensive schools as something inferior just because you went to a Grammar School. Real working class don't look down on anyone - I bet your poor old mum was thoroughly ashamed of your pompousness.
I can't help it if you were educated in a comprehensive school and have emerged retarded can I? If you don't want me to look down on you, don't leave stupid comments on here. My Mum is very proud of me actually.
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