Big Sam must have been plan 1B, which I think of a bit differently than a backup plan like Chris Hughton or Dave Jones. In fact, if O'Neill hadn't stunned all of us by even considering the job back in January I would have thought of Allardyce as our "biggest" target, pun absolutely intended. And I for one am very happy. Here is a manager that took Bolton up and kept them there, had four top 8 finishes, was touted for a bit as a possible England manager, and was wrongly sacked by Blackburn. I know many supporters have voiced upset over the very idea of him, but I think that may be unfair and unrealistic. Here's why;
1) After what we have been through, what we need more than ANYTHING is a manager that can pick a team and organize it. Allardyce can do that.
2) He also is adept in the transfer market. He even was able to get some schmuck to pay 8 MILLION QUID for a medical experiment named Dyer! And that was after reneging on a 6 million pound deal for him. If we are going to have to sell people, I like the idea of him being part of the deal.
3) To those that are concerned about our style of play, let's give him a chance. Beggars can't be choosy. We just need a job done. We can be pretty again down the road. I'd also like to share something from one of my sports over here, basketball. In the 1980's, The LA Lakers won 4 NBA titles with Magic Johnson leading the way. They played a free flowing, fast paced brand of basketball. The press called it "Showtime". It was to basketball what we saw Barcelona do the other day. Pure artistry.
In 1991, Riley became coach of my team, the New York Knicks. Totally different group of players, and a totally different style of play. It was smash mouth basketball. You want to slam dunk on me? Fine, but you will PAY and PAY DEARLY. "Commentators admired Riley's ability to work with the physical, deliberate Knicks, considering that he was associated with the fast-paced Lakers in the 1980s" says Wikipedia. He didn't win the championship in New York, but he came close.
The point is, a good coach/manager can adjust based on what is needed. I wanted O'Neill, and I thought SuGoBrat would offer the moon to him. Maybe they did and he still said no. But next to O'Neill, considering who was available, Big Sam was who I wanted. I'm going to give Allardyce the benefit of the doubt here. With him calling the shots I have every confidence we will come back up sooner than later.
Article Submitted by USA Dave
I agree. I heard his interview on Talksport yesterday and he said that he will try to play footbal the WHU way - AT HOME! Away we will be fighting for every point, so we will play WINNING football, ie whatever it takes, could be nice pass and move football one game, smash the crap out of them the next. Either way, that sounds sensible to me.
Agree, Sam will be do a great job as long as the dreamers stay off his back. Football the west ham way? I've never seen it!
USA Dave you are 100% right.
Lets face it, the 'West Ham Way' hasn't been in evidence since, say Tevez ? Or Di Canio ? Quite a long time then.....or is the West ham Way these days a kind of hero worship of average players like Scott Parker ?
Or what about Thomas Repka - was he the West ham Way ? [Pass the sick bag]
I think it may have been Lambert that said no, as his new signed contracted at Norwich was announced pretty much around the same time. It does seem as though we approached Norwich, they spoke to their manager and offered him a better deal, and then they both said no to us.
I agree with you about Big Pam.
didn't big sam somehow manage to sell us benni mccarthy aswel? lol, the guy is a genius. being a young fan i grew up with a team of dicks, ian pearce, ruddock, lomas, moncur and hartson adding di canio, marc vivien foe, ian wright, igor stimac, stuart pearce etc to the team, hard as nails, apart from di canio i would not class any of them as the west ham way and that was the core of our team for 3 or 4 year. the last time we played the west ham way we went down and we have just gone down again so i don't see all the fuss about big sam
Sam will bring something to the club that's been sadly lacking....leadership. I have no doubt the halftime dressing room chats aren't going to be huggy feely affairs from now on, hairdryer to max power. Just what our group of prima donnas need, a swift boot up the jacksie. Welcome Sam, welcome
15:35 you of course are right sir!
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