Thursday, 2 December 2010

Qatar World Cup - Is it indoors?

How the hell - and it will be as hot as Hell - can you have a World Cup in Qatar in June and July? The temperature ranges from 104 degrees Fahrenheit to 125 degrees Fahrenheit. What are they trying to do, kill the players?

Is the plan perhaps to play all the games indoors in air conditioned stadiums? Otherwise, this is absolute madness!


Anonymous said...

kevin in manchester writes..

yes, that is the plan and afterwards the super air-conditioned stadiums will be dismantled and donated to be rebuilt in other developing countries.. re-bbc- if you have a story with strong evidence that five out of a college of 25 people about to vote on an important issue are corrupt, then you run it large at a time of maximum exposure - pussy footing around about who will be pleased or who won't, only compromises the integrity of the piece. I firmly believe any FIFA delegate who says that the media swung the committee against the English bid is lying anyhow- it is a fig leaf to disguise the truth which is that Russia was always going to get it; i'm sure money and influence changed hands but at least there is a footballing case for Russia but Qatar!?!!??!

Kareem said...

They are using solar panels on top of the stadiums to generate cool air in the stands and on the pitch. FIFA has a rule that matches can't occur under certain conditions. After Qatar handed in this proposal in their blueprints, they were able to bid.

I believe in Qatar..they're going to boom like fact they are right now. I unfortunately visited it back when it was one big construction site in 2007

Stani Army said...

They use air conditioning in some American baseball stadiums. I saw a documentary on it a few years ago. It was quite brilliant. The emphasis was more on air con for the spectators though. In this case (Qatar), it'll have to be on the players...very different sports.

Deane said...

it would seem money talks how bizarre