As Frank Junior's uncle, 'Arry of course had an agenda, but full marks to the guy for pointing out the stupidity and hypocrisy of the Tevez-loving-Lampard-hating Claret & Blue Klan. I love the way 'Arry belittled the contribution of the Argentinian Apache and put his overall contribution to the club into perspective. He did, however, fail to point out how the arrival of Carlito destroyed team morale and how his "signing" has been a major factor in the financial crippling of the club.
The Klan will puff out their chests, bare their tats and tell 'Arry to F off. They won't listen to reason. So what that Frank Junior, as a kid, scored 37 goals in 170 starts for West Ham whereas Tevez, as a seasoned international, contributed just 7 goals from 22 starts? (I loved 'Arry's disregard for the facts - according to him Tevez played "about ten games"!) So what that Tevez wanted to leave every bit as much as Frank did? So what that Tevez was after big bucks whereas Frank was following his Dad and uncle out of the club following their dismissal? So what that Frank had long been the victim of a section of the Klanite boo boys whereas Tevez had been feted as a god? Tevez is a dyed in the wall Hammer hero and Lampard is a cnut and the Klan won't have it any other way!
Good on you 'Arry! Though quite why he is poking his nose in, I'm not sure. Unless, of course, he is worried about the reception that Green and Upson might receive when they return to Upton Park in Tottenham colours!
Spurs fan here, you seriously think we will get green and upson or you just kidding with that one? Don't get me wrong I rate them both but I cannot see it happening, certainly not this season. But then what do I know. :P
I'll make a simple analogy if your wife leaves you and says sorry things have changed I'll always love you but I've got to move on you'll be much nicer to her than if she goes to the papers and says that you treated her like shit and she found a bloke with a much bigger cock and she hopes you get mugged and murdered in fact she would like to do the stabbing and certainly jumped for joy when she heard you had been
well I'm not a klan member and altho I'm not a huge admirer of the way Tevez left the club he gave 110% in every game and he only played because the fans kept chanting his name proving we knew better than Turds he has also shown respect to the fans and has never slated us or blamed us for any failings so whilst maybe not a legend in the traditional sense he'll always be special to us like I believe we are to him
Lampard on the other hand has cried at every opportunity, we were and are, so nasty to him we even clapped when he broke his leg anything to hide the fact that he never fufilled the potential that we all could see. He put effort in if he wanted to didn't bother if he didn't want had no ambition to do anything that wasn't purely for the good of Frank Lampard and Harry won't recognise that cos he lives in his own created ivory tower where he is god, knows everything about everything and the minnions that follow clubs know nothing so should shut up and worship his greatness making false claims that the whole golden generation was down to him and him only and never mentioning wonderful decisions like Andriy Schevchenko and Titi Camara no doubting he is a good manager and did a lot for the kids but his legacy says it all one FA cup and every club he's managed is in financial meltdown and he sold his best friend down the river The man is a legend in his own mind and is in danger of dissapearing up his own ego He should save his comments for his own club and has no right to comment on West Ham whatsoever I'd like to see Bonzo given 10 minutes alone with him but then Bonzo has more class in his little finger than 'arry will will ever have in ten lifetimes
My rant is probably made worse by the fact that as time has progressed Harry has moved so far from the humility he learned when so many good friends died at Italia90 he is a disgrace to their memory and himself
I couldn't disagree more Deane. Let me turn your analogy on its head. Your wife is fat and doesn't really fancy sex when the weather is cold and wet, but when spring comes around and she sees a handsome hunk hanging around at the bus stop, she suddenly wakes up, forgets the headache, tarts herself up and puts herself in the shop window, parading her privates and offering herself to the highest bidder. Whilst in a state of arousement, she gives you a handful of nights of great sex but then buggers off and leaves you with a huge great legal bill to pay following the divorce. That's Tevez!
Meanwhile, there is this young, willing bit of skirt who is trying desperately to please but doesn't yet have all the moves in bed. Because she is related to the boss, she gets picked on every time she makes a mistake and word goes round that she is a useless over promoted tart. The abuse she receives is unwarranted and disgusting. Then her Dad and uncle are fired and, not surprisingly, she is desperate to get away. Suddenly, once she has gone, everybody understands that far from being useless, she was in fact the best totty in the establishment. With maturity and a better wardrobe, she suddenly blossoms into a super model nymphomaniac. We threw her out of our bed and can't live with the disastrous consequences. If only Lampard's 100 Premiership goals for Chelsea had been scored in Claret and Blue! Personally, I can't blame the guy for rubbing our noses in it - I would in his shoes!
To the Spurs fan, my money is on one or both being at White Hart Lane by the end of January unless we find a new owner. 'Arry is sniffing.
I stand by all I said but will accept that Lampard can rub our noses in it as much as likes just don't cry when he gets some back we don't have the newspapers and/or auto?biographies to embellish and lie to to make our point and to expect me to consider him a West Ham legend he like his uncle will never have the class to be a legend and it takes much more than being a great footballer to be a legend
on the analogies I would if that nymphomaniac was never willing to try her hardest or give of her best until she went somewhere where she thought it was in her best interest and to top it didn't have the good grace to just say I've moved on to better things rather than constantly cry that she was treated so poorly (which was nowhere near as bad as the poor little thing tries to make out) and lets face it even the followers of the cream of the top totty think shes a twat
Deane, we won't agree on this one. I have huge respect for Frank Lampard. He is a brilliant player. Look at Noble. He started in the team at an older age than Lampard and his performances are mixed. When he plays badly, he isn't accused of not trying. Double standards I'm afraid. Had Lampard stayed, he would have developed and progressed at West Ham. Had 'Arry not been sacked, Lampard would not have gone, unless the Board insisted because they wanted the money. West Ham legend? I would rate him the third or fourth most talented player ever produced by the club. More fool us for driving him out! Where might we be now if we had retained 'Arry as manager?
As you say we could go back and forth all night just to say that as a player yes Frank is fantastic as a person maybe not so hot but you've hit on something and thats the knowledge of the West Ham fans and thats the difference with Noble he isn't the player that Frank was but he does his best Frank never did his best even when he first arrived at Chelsea he was poor and the fans were well divided on him and then he twigged that he needed to knuckle down and work hard to get it their team and with effort came the result and he was never willing to do that at West Ham he already thought he was far too good for us and after selling Ferdinand and proving that the board lacked any ambition he was probably right but he has earned a fortune and proved himself so why the obsession with how badly we treated him it's because he knows he never gave all that he could for West Ham and needs an excuse for his jumping ship rather than being a man and saying I wanted to go somewhere that matched my ambition but like his uncle cannot manage truth anymore rather believing his own hype
Oh I forgot I don't think the club would have progressed very much under Harry He went at the right time Terry Brown was always the real problem and he didn't go till he screwed the market with a dodgy deal for 2 superstars and got an overinflated price for the club he had already been fleecing for years
Just keep on going I want to ask you because you slate Di Canio for being a not very nice person ignoring his football talent but stick up for Lampard because he is a talented footballer why is that?
So you completely agree with Harry yet you want us to make sure you dislike him? you're a weired fellah. As for Upson and Green being a Tottenham, they wont!
The Chelsea fans thought they had paid too much more him. He really blossomed under Jose - that's down to a great coach building his confidence - look at how he has improved with England under Fabio. He always played with passion when I saw him.
Di Canio is a facist - that's more than a "bad man"!
there are ways to do things and there are ways to mess them up and frankly the way Frank left and his subsequent comments he has not exactly been discreet. He did not give a t*ss when he got into the side and as was said earlier, he wasn't slated as much as he made out. and I do whole heartedly believe he had the 10 - 15 minute run outs to get a play bonus rather than any others coming through. Tevez would have played anytime and your comment about onluy coming out in the sun is grossly wrong. That excuse for a human being that struts around should actually appreciate the good football grounding he received at the academy and put his success down to that as he would not have been under the guidence of Jose if it had not been for West Ham. Tevez is and will always be welcome Frank is a petulant child and needs to grow up. Look at the reception offered to Rio, Joe Cole, Tevez,Carrick etc people that actually gave something to the club and appreciate what they got from it and those same people give the respect back and that is what this is about respect and that petulant child has never shown any in his life so can't expect any back.
kevin in manchester writes..
I just loath Redknapp. I remember interviewing him back 199-something and he went on for about five minutes that when it ended for him at west ham, he'd never go to another club, simply couldn't. How could he being west ham thru and thru ever contemplate managing anywhere else.. nah, he said, when it finishes here that's it for me and football, .. yeah! true, still got the tape somewhere. Funny how every club he has left has nose dived , not because his management ability is irreplaceable but because they quickly become mired in near fatal financial chaos; bournemouth, us, soton, paortsmouth; look out spurs! As for tevez adn lampard; I liked both don't understand the hatred of the one and quite the level of veneration of the other.. I suppose with Tevez he's a world class player and it's nice to think that he liked the club; of course he was never going to stay we all knew when he came that we were a shop window.. but he did try and try and try and the difference between him and other players of his ilk is that he didn't throw a moody when he wasn't picked ( looking back can you believe that now ).. and when he was, even if it was working out for him .. he tried.. it does not matter how long he stayed; when he was here he established a relationship with the fans.. yeah it may be a bit irational but i love him and always will and i genuinely believe he likes us and looks for our results.
I find it incredibly annoying how you distance yourself from regular West Ham fans and act like you're the down to earth one and we are deluded. Do you not understand that the way you go on is not considered fan like, therefore when you criticise supporters who do not want to hear your pessimism you are met with angry responses. I understnad you have your views, but sometimes I think you write artcles just to piss people off and they are not particularly the views you hold. Why not try and support the club for a while and stop pointing out our obvious problems, i would love to read an article that reads 'come on hammers', or even some of your previous articles like the one on West Ham legends.
you don't seem to like anybody at the club, and, like the football glitterati, you think our fans are idiots. you agree with everybody who slags us off so why don't you go and find a club you can LOVE. I don't mind that you slag us like there is no tomorrow, it's the fact that you pretend you are a hammer that gets right up my nose. you are so far up your own opinion it untrue. please leave us alone and go find your TRUE club
I believe that the guy who does this blog hates west ham.
not to mention i think you are a complete CUNT aswell. you are supposed to be a SUPPORTER.
0859, that "petulant child" has endured no end of abuse from so called England fans but has always worn the Three Lions with pride - unlike Carragher and Scholes who walked because they were not automatic choices in the positions they wanted to play. Respect to Lampard for that! The antipathy was directed towards Frank first, he retaliated and spoke his mind. So what? I agree with the sentiments given the way the club treated his father and the way the fans treated him. Walk a mile in his boots!
1655, I have carried your reply despite the use of the c word. That sadly sums up so many West Ham fans. I love the club, I don't like MANY of the people who support the club! I have an opinion which I share with you. It is your right to challenge that opinion but not your right to accuse me of hating a club I have supported all my life. I admire Lampard and believe he gave more to the club over six seasons than Tevez managed in 10 months. Lampard made us an £11m profit, Tevez has cost us £25m. Who should be admired and who reviled on that basis?
1202, I do distance myself from a lot of West Ham fans. I don't have tats, I don't support the BNP and I do not hiss to simulate gas chambers when we play Tottenham. Nor I do not believe that supporting West Ham means that I have to give a straight arm salute and claim everything in the West Ham garden is rosy! Many of you will cheer us all the way to relegation rather than speaking out and demanding change.
I will cheer West Ham to relegation, I will support every player that pulls on a West Ham shirt and does his best no matter how good or bad he may be, I will criticise the board, the manager and the players too. I have tattoos and I hate everthing the BNP stands I do not hate facists because facists are human and need to be educated thats all The idea of hating someone because he is a facist is a pretty facist idealogy I don't hate Frank Lampard (I gave him some stick in the Bobby Moore lower but only because the fella 2 rows behind bit so easily and used to go apoplectic. Funniest thing all match) I dislike Frank because he acts, as someone pointed out, like a petulant child. He is in a very priviledged position and he got there because of West Ham not in spite of West Ham and as I've said if he wants to stick two fingers up at me fair play I can handle it and I'm not earning 100grand a week out of the game Franks problem is his family are Hammers and he doesn't want to just admit he never gave a toss and wanted to move so he needs an excuse cue the they booed me qoutes, the clincher is where he cites the fans clapping when he broke his leg because we hated him so much good thing all players aren't that self centred and sorry for themselves, because I've never known a player not applauded off the pitch when injured except of course poor little Frank 'please feel for sorry me I'm nice really'Lampard
A mans beliefs can be changed a mans personalilty not and for everything Paulo was a nice chap Frank not so
Just as a rider on that I was with the South African army in Soweto in 76 and I tell you I've come a long way as a person since then People just don't know any better quite often
Frank Lampard has no idea what abuse really is.
Think you miss the point at the beginning Deane. I mean that certain fans will cheer the bad decisions that lead to relegation because they wear a Claret and Blue blindfold.
that's the thing though, the hammers supporters you talk of being rascist are probably a small majority. I can't say they are not the majority, I do not know, but from the true fans you get on here i'm guessing most are not the fans you talk of. I am not justifying rascism, but I am not about to look down on people whose backgrounds I do not know about. If people are drawn in by the BNP, let them! I don't see somebody with a West Ham tat and look at them as a goon, I see them as somebody with a tat, lots of people have them.
And finally at an attempt to put the situation to bed. Imagine you're Tevez, a man who OWNS you is telling you to go to West Ham, you probably understand little about football finances or the club you are going to. Can you seriously tell me you are going to pull your hair out over what you cost the club afterward. He did not tell the club not to play him because he fears the debt that would follow.
I don't have an issue with Tevez, I loveds him in Claret and Blue. I just agree with 'Arry that Lampard contributed more to West Ham than the Apache and that West Ham fans who think otherwise are brainless.
As for BNP supporters, I will condemn them. I wouldn't ban the party because we are a democracy but I would take support for the BNP as an indication of either mental disability or criminal inclinations.
And tats? Dear God, what sort of retard wants somebody to draw pictures or write words on his or her body? Think about the stupidity of that action for a moment!
Morning Hammers fan. I'm with you on that one. After ten years I just kicked the other half out for getting a tattoo - that and one or two other matters. The brainless shrew thought it was cool. Well, I WAS looking for an excuse anyway. Call me unfeeling if you will, but I don't want my heirs carrying genes that would elicit that kind of thinking do I?
Spot on Tom. Do we want those sorts of people in the gene pool full stop? I bet the banning of reproduction by people with tats would drastically reduce youth crime, accidents on the road, obesity, drug taking and unemployment. Come on Gordon, it's a winner as a policy proposal, 90% of people with tats don't vote anyway even though putting an X on a ballot form was introduced especially to help them with their literacy needs! ; }
Funny that? Bit racist really coming from someone so anti facist Stopping a gene pool of tattoo fanciers what next the disabled, gingers or black people
Not really mate, ginger people, blacks and the disabled do not choose to be born that way do they? (I am not saying that it is wrong to be black, ginger or disabled!) People with tats are making choices aren't they? What do you think the percentage of people in prison with tats is? I bet it is very high against the percentage of people in society as a whole. It was a tongue in cheek comment but stats would support the tats prejudice!
PS - check out the pictures of the pitch invaders at the Millwall game. How many had tats? 99%?
Your whole tattoo argument is a joke. Please can you stop trying to make something out of nothing, and stop looking down on people.It is not your choice or your business what people do with their bodies. If you were brought up differently you very well may have a tattoo, so please can you stop sitting on your high horse. Tribes all around the world have tattoos. The same goes for BNP voters, they may think you're mentally disabled for voting for Labour or Conversative, or perhaps they can just accept that you are voting for party you want. You talk of democracy as a good thing, well be democratic yourself mate! And as for the percentage of fans who had tats on the pitch, what about the percentage who have tats that didn't invade, being very selective in your evidence to suit your argument don't ya think?
I am not a fan of democracy actually. There are more idiots than intelligent people so why give the majority the right to decide who forms a government? I hate Brown but he has done a bloody good job over the last year, but his ratings are rock bottom. What do morons know about how the economy works? I favour a system where you have to achieve a certain number of GCSEs before you get the vote - with Economics part of the national curriculum. That would stop 95% of people with tats from voting!
I take your predjudice very personally my decision to have a tattoo is a basic human right and to belittle everyone with a tattoo is as bad as saying all black men mistreat women or are thieves etc or any of those racial stereotypes that exsist My choice to be different from the norm is as intrinsic as my choice to be Christian or Muslim and I certainly think that such stereotypical judgements are the thin edge of the wedge and are as damaging as any of the drivel spouted by the BNP
My daughter is an alternative model and has a number of tatts and a kinder more gentle and loving person you would be hard pushed to find
On the education thing That system worked well in South Africa didn't it All the whites had an excellent education and the blacks little or none so if they had applied your rules it wouldn't have been a problem
Jacob Zuma was not educated beyond primary school level He is though a people and as he says I'm here to be a leader and bring the people together I have people in the government with PHDs that can do the intelligent work Seems a bright man and a decent leader but wouldn't have been given a chance under your system
Democracy has it's faults the same as all those well educated MP's that are fleecing the system
To get back to the subject
1 point and 1 place off the bottom the excitement mounts ummm excuse me while I go hide under the duvet
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