"According to Gold we are tracking 15 players. That would be Beckham, Pugh, Pugh, Barney, McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grubb plus seven others! Never mind fire sales, we need a fire brigade and a living legend!
We can forget Becks for a starter. I don't want us paying for him and Posh to stay over at the Dorchester, only for Beckham to sign for 'Arry at the end of the week. Let's keep things realistic this time shall we?
Hopefully there are no fat Egyptians floating around in the Dead Sea to be scooped up next time Avram pops over to Israel. And any player coming with a booklet of Burger King vouchers should also be given a wide berth, or girth for that matter!
Sidwell seems like a reasonable first signing. True he is ginger. True he isn't good enough for the Villa team - and Villa are in the bottom 5 - but he has an engine, is full of enthusiasm and scores goals. I'd take him over Spector, Kovac, Behrami and Boa.
Who else? Keane? I doubt he will come, even on loan. Luke Young? Got to be better than Faubert. Bridge aint coming apparently so name me a left back, any left back! And a left winger too. Why exactly did Zola sell Matty?
Anyway, whoever we sign, we have to sign early. The relegation clock is ticking and we can't afford to fart around and pounce at the end of the month. If they are coming, then get them in and get them playing, with the Barnsley game a useful match to stitch a new team together. "
And what has happened subsequently? Well Bridge has signed short term but, based on his only performance to date, it would have been better if he hadn't! And apart from that nothing, zilch, nowt, not even Sidwell thanks to Brady's interference. We have been hammered against Newcastle and Arsenal and now face Everton with a team still hamstrung by injuries and with morale and our chins on the floor. We know what happens when these players have to travel even when spirits seem high, so the prospects don't look great do they, even though Everton are without Saha, Cahill and Pinnear. Fellani is still available sadly.
There's still plenty of talk of course, but as we know, Sullivan & Gold talk mostly out of their arses. So much time has been wasted. Relegation is stalking us like a predator stalking his lame prey and as each day and game passes, so the chances of survival diminish further.
But there's no need to worry, there's still all those Irons in the fire apparently. Expect a great bargain signing soon as Gold asks Sulllivan who he has lined up and Bruiser replies, "I have heard that Talk is cheap!"
Thought Sidwell has signed for Fulham.
Did you read the article?
Might have missed it elsewhere, but what do make of the rumours linking us to the El Diouf scum, surely not! But I guess it will please Stani to have a virtuous Muslim in our team. Already looking forward to the debate, that will end with him "never coming back the site"!!
And to top up a lacklustre, shambolic, past few weeks, it looks a strong possibility that we could become the new tennants of the Olympic stadium, not to mention the pursuit of one vile monster also known as El hadj diouf. What a blinder. However, on a brighter note, its been reported that Harry Redknapp has been mugged by pick pockets whilst scouting in Madrid. Maybe he now appreciates what its like to have something taken from a dodgy individual, right under your nose. Bent, or Gudjonsson anyone???
bent was signed to tottenham before redknapp was here
May have been a reference to 'Arry's attitude to the law Fred!
10:36 Diouf is a virtuous Muslim as much as Joey Barton is a virtuous Christian. And would you like to tell us what you have against Muslims?
"never coming back the site"!! Lol! So eager to get it out, you've only gone and cocked it up!
Despite what you say about Stani, Hammersfan has a lot more respect for him than you. I know who he, and we, would rather keep here.
Don't call these diatribes "articles" Hammersfan. They are best the streams of conciousness of an egotist. And you have been wrong on so many points.
You're the kind of guy who thinks dolphin's fins are attached by a velcro strip.
You probably wash your crockery in vinegar whilst looking down at a full bottle of Fairy.
You've got size 7 feet and your sister doesn't talk to you since catching you trying on her lucious lilac lip gloss.
I bet you take holidays in the concept of anguish.
Your favourite dinner is meatballs and shoelaces.
I have absolutely nothing against Muslims and with many good Muslim friends in many countries across the Middle East on both sides of the Muslim divide, why would I? What I do have an issue is the sanctimonious manner you take in defence of your creed, and Stani is a classic example of a complete head in the sand view of your perfect world. He, like you here, immediately decide I have an issue with your whole religion and toss words like Islamaphobia out there, just because I make a point. Why not comment about El Diouf being an embarrassment to your culture, much as Barton is to mine, than accuse me of something. Oh and by the way, great spot on the missing "to", petty criticism, rather than valuable comment!
I do like meatballs gooky, one of my favourite Greek dishes. Although I do adore stuffed vine leaves too. I may have been wrong on lots of points but I am right on many too!
Answer this then:
You called Diouf a scum and a virtuous Muslim so how is that not islamophobic? You maligned a whole religion. Answer?
This article is about you:
Can you also answer how you managed to conclude what creed 11:37 is, and how from his/her perfectly sensible and well-mannered comment, you manage to conclude that he/she is sanctimonious, and tell me where he/she tossed the word islamophobic?
Why does he/she need to comment on Diouf being an embarrassment to his culture? Why is culture and religion brought into it by you? We all know why dont we? Was you on here telling us about how Joey Barton is an embarrassment to Christianity when we were linked with him not so long ago? No, because religion has nothing to do with it...unless it's a Muslim and Islam.
What you think HF? Is 12:10 right or wrong?
Stani, actually I guessed 11.37 was you, maybe I was wrong! So the term virtuous was a tongue in cheek dig at your constant denial that there are a few bad apples amongst the greater majority of Islam, likewise with the sanctimonious point, as often you argue with HF from a position of self appointed higher moral values. Yes 11.37 did not use the word Islamaphobia, but you do and if you read it again the reference is to you and you've accused me of this before. Why is religion brought in? Well I just wondered what your position was on El Diouf as there is no escaping he is a Muslim and as above you seem to have a blind spot there and once again you read this as I am the one with a problem. As for Barton, 11.37 brought him into the discussion, not me and what ever their religions, scum like him and El Diouf should never be allowed to wear a West Ham shirt
I must admit that I read it as ironic Stani, in the same way as if I referred to the gorgeous Heather off of Eastenders. I wasn't aware that Diouf was a Muslim to tell the truth and, I agree, I don't see his religion comes in to it at all. That said, I read the comment of 1036 as a reference to the way you seek to justify, what he regards as, the unjustifiable, when it comes to anything or anybody Islam. This debate between you has spilled over from the Qatar thread has it not?
Anyway, I think we can all agree - Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus or whatever - that Diouf is utter scum. Surely his own mother finds him disgusting!
By the way, I wrote my reply simultaneous to the reply made at 1742. I posted my reply and then found his in the comments box. He also must have written his reply independent of mine because of the time of his reply. No collusion but similar response.
Thank you HF and you are right on the Qatar thread as I've still not had any constructive response from Stani to my concerns about the way wealthy Muslims treat poor Muslims in the Gulf region. Shame about Everton and it was all my fault! I have always had the uncanny knack of cursing my beloved Hammers, often go to Sky on a saturday just as the other team score, go away to US for Xmas we get 7 points, come back and we play appallingly to Arsenal, turn on radio for the first time today 1-0 and immediately 1-1, pop into shops, come out 2-1 and you can guess the rest. Good news is that I'm away for two of the next three Saturdays, so here's to 6 points!
Try not to tune in to the semifinal second leg!
Parents evening, so should be able to comply!
Maybe you should consider that you're wrong more often. You CAN do it, see.
"term virtuous was a tongue in cheek dig at your constant denial that there are a few bad apples amongst the greater majority of Islam". Really? Utter garbage. You were clearly maligning a whole faith. You didnt even mention my supposed "constant denial of a few bad apples in Islam", directly or indirectly, so how is it a tongue in cheek dig at that? Where is this "constant denial" by the way? And the fact that you think there are more than "few bad apples" in Islam shows everyone that you are Islamophobic. That is a clear Islamophobic statement. The majority of Muslims are good law abiding citizens but you are a indoctrinated zombie so cannot see. Go and learn about Islam.
"you argue with HF from a position of self appointed higher moral values." But this is true. It's not self-appointed. I dont show off about it. It's hard work keeping on the straight and narrow. Why are you hating me for it? Are you jealous? Is your past haunting you? You should be encouraging me to be good. HF would acknowledge himself that I've been more well behaved than him. Of course, he is entitled to say that it doesnt make me better than him but I'm sure he'd acknowledge that. In fact, he'd be proud to have me as a son...privately of course.
"Yes 11.37 did not use the word Islamaphobia, but you do and if you read it again the reference is to you and you've accused me of this before" No, if you read it again, I think you will find the reference is to him (or her) and me: "He, like you here,". Just an example of your scatter-gun approach to accusing and maligning people, creeds and religions...a kind of care-free racism. The scary thing is, it seems you do not even know you are doing it!
I'm sorry mate, you are being deliberately spiteful and provocative. Any fair person will agree. You had no reason to mention Diouf's religion and then to bring me up apart from if you wanted to cause trouble. People like you are harmful and destructive to integration and tolerance. You had no good reason to stir trouble by bringing Diouf's apparent religion into it. You know that, and HF knows it.
"my concerns about the way wealthy Muslims treat poor Muslims in the Gulf region". You're concerned about Muslims? Hahahaha. But you have just said that a large portion of them are bad apples? I have no idea why some rich people treat poor Muslims badly in the Gulf region. It's certainly not because the rich are Muslim that they are doing it, let me tell you that much. It's the same why I have no idea why so many children are sexually abused by Priests, a concern the Pope and many others share. It's certainly not because the Priests are Christian. You need to get it into your thick skull that religion tells people to do good, not bad. If someone does bad, it is of their own accord.
As for West Ham doing better when you're away....I'm not surprised. I think everyone and everything would see a positive improvement when you're not there.
Did you read that linked article above by the way? Its you!
So attack me all you want, I will simply ignore you from now on. I dont see myself as someone wanting to be right when I speak about issues on this blog. I do it because I want to try and help people reach the correct viewpoint, I do it for them, and I expect them to do it for me also, to try and tell me things to help me see the truth. Not because they want to be right, but because they care what I think and they care that I should think the truth. But I will no longer do this for you. You can wallow in your own pride and ignorance. You do not deserve to be shown the light. That is why I will not associate with you any more. Your trouble-making Machiavellian ways are clear to me, however nice you try and make out to be. You can see this as running off or whatever, but we can all see you come here simply to cause trouble.
Why did he bring my religion into it then? For no other reason than to stir trouble. Who was talking about religion here? No one. When has anyone ever needed to bring in the religion of a potential signing? But he is a Muslim hater, pure and simple. It's disappointing that you would risk losing a regular contributor in supporting him. You can try and justify and support him if you like, you'll have to square it with your own conscience. But I guess I should have known better.
I gave my honest take on it Stani. I regarded his comments as a comment on you, not on Islam. And I must say your reaction has again been extreme. We don't all want to be saved or enlightened Stani.
As for the Priests, they abuse choir boys because of the absurdity of religion which seeks to deny human impulses and urges. Forbid men from marrying and you will attract homosexuals. Deny those homosexuals the opportunity to be honest about their homosexuality and they will satisfy their needs clandestinely. Give them a position of authority over vulnerable children and it is not hard to predict the consequences, sadly. Simple solution, allow priests to marry!
By the way, I believe our "friend" when he says he has no issues with the religion, just with the way people who CLAIM to be Muslims behave sometimes. That is my position.
Look at this Imam who has called the Queen "disgusting" because she knighted Salman Rushdie. The language was too extreme, it provoked a negative reaction needlessly. Why didn't he just say it was an "unfortunate decision" or a "regretable decision" or say that "the Queen was badly advised"? Why this need for extreme language which implies and buys back hatred? He must know that some people will say, "Bloody Muslims, calling OUR Queen disgusting" so why did he do it? Is he stupid or is he trying to provoke racism against Muslims, trying to stir trouble?
Thank you Stani, I know you are going to ignore me, but finally I feel a bit more "enlightened" although you have denied me your self appointed power to show me the light (lol that's a classic even for you). As this all started with my viewpoint that Qatar (not Islam) did not deserve the World Cup due to it's ignorance of human rights, I too will end the thread on that note. Upon this viewpoint you accused me of hating Muslims, so YOU brought it down to religion, not me. Now finally you admit you have no idea "why some rich people treat poor Muslims so badly". I note the missing Muslim behind the word rich, but will not make further comment as it is clearly pointless, but maybe sometime in the future you could open your eyes a little bit further and not accuse people of things they are not. Finally as you are so keen on English grammar, check out the meaning of the word "few" as in "a few bad apples", as it does not mean "a large portion", as ever you let yourself down with your clearly blind way of judging people by reading what you wish to believe. Thanks for nothing xx
HF, thank you for your comments on this although there was no need to "support" me and I assume our "friend" will see it as ganging up but I know all you state are your own views as we have often seen two sides of a topic. I will not leave your blog as invited by Stani, because, as I've stated before,I find it most entertaining. But I will drop the Qatar thread and leave things to football until your next interesting side topic comes along!
If Stani wants to preach, get down the temple - on here it's FOOTBALL and WHU. Football is a game invented by the urban working class in Europe, so get with it.
As an atheist, I get enough religion shoved at me in normal life, don't want it on football blog
...and as for Diouf, I personally always refer to him as 'Gobber' Diouf, because that is what he is really known for, spitting or gobbing at olther players. On my scale, he is beneath contempt - as for his religion or how pious he is in following it, I couldn't give a toss about that. I don't 'respect' religious people, although I grant they are free to 'belive' whatever they want. I rejected that decades ago, so it's irrlevant to me. As a professional sportsman, as I said, he is remarkable because he loses it to the point of gobbing or flobbing on other players, as well as the many fouls he commits, making him a bad example in sport and a hypocrite in relation to his professed religion.
You morons, he was talking about football i.e we all come here to be "enlightened" (your word!) about football, our team. Give up Stani, these knobs are helpless. I'm not surprised they read you wrong because they seem to be reading everything else wrong too! It's the way they are.
Gormless! It is astonishing how people can be misled. But I suppose they are zombies hey Hammersfan? Hammersfan plants the seed, and these zombies just follow.
Their whole tone is clearly islamophobic...from the knob that started talking about your religion, to the knobs that are supporting him.
May I commend you on your comprehension. It is clear by their exaggeration and twisting of words what they are doing, however nice they try to portray themselves as.
In fact, HF Is the victim of the every thing he was trying apparently protect me from not too long ago when I was thanking a certain anonymous for his compliments. HF was saying that I was being taken for a ride when a similar thing is happening to him here:
"Thank you HF and you are right...."
"HF, thank you for your comments on this although there was no need to "support" me and I assume our "friend" will see it as ganging up but I know all you state are your own views as we have often seen two sides of a topic. I will not leave your blog as invited by Stani, because, as I've stated before,I find it most entertaining. But I will drop the Qatar thread and leave things to football until your next interesting side topic comes along!"
Haahahahaha. P-lease!
My reaction is extreme? That's just laughable. You allow racist and Islamophobic comments and you expect me to take it? Despite your apparent no racism policy? You display the worst kind of ignorance, not even knowing when you have insulted someone. But I guess it's ok to take the piss out of Muslims, they dont matter. You are exactly what that Guardian article was talking about. He regards a 'scum' as a someone who is a 'virtuous Muslim' and you saw that as an attack on me rather than Islam? Dear me. You badly let yourself down. Blind support.
And you completely misunderstood what I meant about wanting to know the truth. "Saved and enlightened"? Hahaha. The imbecile then goes and puts the word enlightened in speech marks as if I used it when it was you who did! Hahaha I bet he feels like a right prat for writing this: "finally I feel a bit more "enlightened" although you have denied me your self appointed power to show me the light (lol that's a classic even for you)". No it's not a classic, you're thick mate!!! He then even contradicts himself in regards to the word "few". And just to prove how unfair he is, he only gives me two kisses when I gave him three.......
........And look what genius at 13:28 has gone and done! Headlong straight into it. Preaching? Who's talking about preaching?! Hahaha I do wonder how some of these people make it to adulthood. There you go HF, proof there is a God!
I talk about football here mate. It is you and your friend above that want to bring religion into it to stir trouble. Maybe there is something about it that makes you uncomfortable? At least 23:02 understood what I was on about. We're all here trying to do the same thing and get to the truth about our club and what's going on in regards to it.
And do you want to write the word extreme a few more times because I dont think people got the gist of what you think Muslims are.
Yes Stani, it is OK to take the piss out of Muslims, just as it is OK to take the piss out of Christians and OK to take the piss out of atheists and Tottenham fans and West Ham fans and politicians and women and men and Uncle Tom Cobbley and all. We live in a free society, thank somebody's God, and one aspect of that free society is that we can take the piss out of who we like. That's why we don't want Sharia! Dear God, I would be beheaded in no bloody time! If it is hateful it is unacceptable. If it provokes hatred it is unacceptable. But if it is just taking the piss, then of course it is fine.
Your problem is that you are hypocritical. You will say the most appalling things about people you dislike but then get up on your high horse when somebody says something you don't like. At times you have been hideously patronising and condescending to fred, bullying him because you can deploy language to your advantage better than he can, but you will then shout the place down because somebody has taken you to task in a way you consider demeaning. Fred is a fellow West Ham fan who participates with enthusiasm and has strong views on West Ham. I don't always agree with him but I value his passion. You try to make him feel small every time you reply to him. Why?
I allow you to have your say on here, to defend your Faith. I do find the way you resort to name calling very unfortunate however. What gives you the right to call somebody an "imbecile" when the person concerned has been reasonably polite to you? That is exactly the sort of emotive and extreme language that I took issue with when that Iman called the Queen "disgusting". Where is this famed Muslim restraint? Where is this famed Muslim tolerance? Where is this famed Muslim generosity? Can't you see how your flare ups reinforce stereotypical views? Your reactions are out of all proportion. You don't just talk about football on here! Time and again you pursue personal agendas against individuals in the game and launch vitriolic attacks on other posters for the opinions they hold. And time and again, you pursue Islamic agendas. If you keep retaliating in an aggressive way, you will simply encourage vitriolic replies.
Tell me, why have you posed those questions about Andy Gray? You are again trying to make a point which is not strictly confined to football. And what is the result? Somebody is posting evidence of appalling attitudes to women from Muslims! (I'm not saying all Muslims!) Don't you see how YOU are provoking these posts? If you didn't keep making such a big deal about being a Muslim, then you wouldn't provoke what you see as the anti Islamic posts.
Anyway, you play it as you see fit to play it but if you go into the ring punching, don't expect others to just take it on the chin. Life doesn't work like that does it?
Dont' t why I'm bothering, but Stani here goes:
1. you said you were going to ignore me, so why write again?
2.You wrote "You do not deserve to be shown the light", is that not you denying me "enlightenment", hence my use of quotes to indicate a reference to your statement
3. You suggest I contradict myself with the word "few" in my para "at your constant denial that there are a few bad apples amongst the greater majority of Islam". Sorry but in my understanding of English I am saying that you will not accept that there is A SMALL NUMBER of bad Muslims amongst the Millions of Muslims in the world (and before you start the same goes for Christians, Hindus, Jews, etc). "Your constant denial" is clearly not a reference to anything in this thread but your constant holier than thou banter with HF and as I have said these misunderstandings on your part is a clear indicator how you read what you chose to read so that my reference to a few people becomes "maligning a whole faith" and where did the words "MORE THAN a few" appear in my sentence as you accuse me of.
4. I'm bored checking everything else and you won't read it anyhow
5. HF is correct you have called me all sorts of names yet I have been nothing but polite, I wonder why?
6. I have often stated that I have many Muslim friends and colleagues, both Shia and Shiite, so why, just because I have a problem with you, do you keep suggesting I have an issue with Islam.
7. And now for the real twist, something you've not considered at all but 5 and 6 may be a clue, .........I might just be Muslim myself!
8. So in conclusion, with that in mind, from my position all I can say is you are not a good advert for West Ham fans, Islam or the multi-cultural Britain you live in and at times you can be quite unpleasant. Cheers and here's your extra kiss x
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