This is beyond a joke. I avoided using the F word in that opening sentence but only just. We are a complete shambles.
The first goal was a long ball, pure and simple, and we were defending so deep, we were six foot under with the earth being piled on top. Yes Lovenkraands played a lovely ball to Best and he finished beautifully, but defensively we were all over the place.
The second saw us ripped apart down our right flank with the defence collectively in a coma. When the cross came over, Gabbidon had the chance to clear but he picked out Best perfectly and the Newcastle man said thanks very much and buried the chance.
Goal three was even worse. We cleared the first ball - but of course we didn't clear it properly so in it came again - straight to Tomkins who picked out Nolan of all people with our second attempt to clear and, it was goal number three and soon as it left his boot. Nolan's chicken style celebration said it all. We are gutless certainly and absolute turkeys into the bargain. How appropriate therefore that we are being stuffed.
The midfield is awful. Parker can't find a man in a West Ham shirt, Noble is out of position and ineffective on the left, Sears can't keep up with Guitierrez and nor can Ben Haim for that matter and Kovac has been absolutely diabolical. Up front Cole and Piquionne have also been awful in the rare occasions that the ball has found them.
This has to be sorted out. Why the hell do these players down tools as soon as they are asked to travel North. This is the Liverpool game all over again - we just have not competed.
Obinna must come on for Kovac. Move Noble inside, play Obinna wide left and pray it doesn't end up as six or seven! And Wolves are beating Chelsea!
where are you watching the game??
Grant has surely got to go after this pathetic 1st half performance, regardless of the final result. This shows the guy has no idea how to set a team up. I know he's now brought on Obinna, but why FFS didn't he play him in the first place... His original selection & formation showed that he was setting up the stall for at least a draw. A draw isn't what we need if we go down fighting I don't mind, at least it shows that we gave it all. But this way, NOOOOO!!!!
Great ball Nobes. Wasted freekick. Catching practice
To be fair on Gabbidon, it was deflected before it went off him. How Ben Haim let the cross in so easily however, is another matter
What a fool, I thought we might win this match and climb the table. I forgot this was the third game in 11 days, I forgot it was an evening game and they would be tired. I forgot they were playing way up the north east coast on a freezing cold evening. I forgot its much less effort to lose rather than win. I for got the team I support is West Ham
Completely agree.
Hattrick for Best. Upson keeping him on. Awful
Give him time HF? He should get sacked by the morning.
You can watch the game via this feed.
Yep Wolves are beating Chelsea
Yep Wigan are grinding out a draw
Yep Blackburn are beating Liverpool
Yep we are getting smashed!!
Yep we are going down
Yep Pardew must be laughing his nuts off
Yep we will stick with Grant....
Thanks Grant!
Now I know how Portsmouth fans felt last season...
I can't even say this is piss poor, as it's gone way, way below that now... So sad to see us capitulate in this way.
I'm going to throw up .
What utter bollocks, we have asked for this to happen for a while now & have only been lucky up until now against teams who could not finish.
5-0 AND COUNTING .........What a diabolical performance.If we think this is bad wait and see what ARSENAL will do to us next.It will be one way traffic from start to finish.
Jaffar has to go!!!
Our only chance of staying in the prem is with a new manager, one who doesn't get a nose bleed when they get higher than 16th in the league!!!
I'm sorry HF, but whatever stuck you get for your support of Grant, you will have to take.
Actually Grant should not get sacked - Gold & Sullivan should just buy 9 players and play them alongside Green & Parker.
Wolves - what a proper TEAM, but of course, not as good as WHU.....we are the most incoherent in the PL. By a long long way, and it srats at the top and goes right into the tea. Wally Downes, defensive coach......what a laugh.
Dave (21:15)
Do they show live streams for the Championship games? 5-0, goal difference is not going to be much help this year.
HF, will you agree now that Grant has too go?
That was my comment immediately after the Wolves game. If Grant doesn't go this week then we are down.
Back to the bottom of the league and based on tonights performance that's where we deserve to be.
What an embarassment to our club they are! 5-0 against a team we should be looking to beat! There a joke! Get these 11 jokers out and get players in who wana play and who are gonna work coz im fed up of making excuses for these players. They best feel bad, coz we will make dam sure they do
Great to see CHELSEA and LIVERPOOL lose again.ANCELLOTI and HODGSON will be picking up their P45'S in the morning,maybe along with GRANT.And how good is it to see VILLA in the bottom three ,would love to see them go down.
The morning? Grant and his scarf to be sacked and thrown into the River Tyne before the coach sets back for London.
I was trying to be reasonable mate ;)
Roy Hogdgson says that having the Liverpool job has made him feel like a true Scouser. He'll be unem ployed tomorrow. Boom Boom
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