It was Zola on the training field with the 4-3-3 formation! No it was Grant in the massage parlour with the ice cream whisk! No it was Brown in the shithouse with his secret weapon, Roeder! No it was Pardew in the bedroom with his lead piping! No it was Turds in the transfer market with his crazy signings!
Or was it Fanno in the chat room with his black humour?
Mois? Trying to breath life into an expiring corpse?
How are you mate? Good Christmas?
Norwegian Blue mate! Christmas? I picked the best two weeks of the year to get a bit of sunshine! Happy New Year to you, how's the missus? judging by the amount of scantilly clad bints on your posts I would guess she's still recovering!
LOL She's recovering. The moaning is increasing daily! Norwegian Blue? The plumage don't enter into it!
I never had you down as a Curbs enthusiast!!! :}
I never had you down as an Abba fan mate. No hang on, what am I saying? Of course I did! Happy New Year to you mate. I hope Santa buying for ALL your little ones didn't cost you an arm and a leg! 100% record in 2011 so far! Semifinal of the League Cup. This guy Grant's some kind of miracle worker aint he?
So tell me, did your New Year's Resolution only hold for 2010, or has your boss moved out of your office so he can no longer see what you do your computer all afternoon?
Norwegian Blue? even you couldn't breath life into a dead parrot. And talking of plumage; two swallows do not a summer make. I don't share your belief in uncle Avram, I'm not impressed.
I wish to complain about this football club what I purchased not half a season ago from this very boutique.
Give him time mate.
I tell you what, if we go down, there will be a bloody Spanish Inquisition!
LOL. But if we don't go down there'll be a bloody running track; which is worse?
True. I might take a season or two in the Championship and retaining the Boleyn.
If it was a new purpose built stadium, I could at least see a case for an argument. But a bloody running track? I can still remember watching the semi-final at Stamford Bridge in '75. No thanks, it would kill the club.
Hello mate, yeah, Santa Pete spent the equivalent of the national debt, but it was all worth it, (although my youngest has lost her Ipod touch already!!!)
I was gonna pop down to the Boleyn for the Brum game, but I've just seen it advertised on BBC2 Tuesday night, so I'll probably end up being an armchair supporter, it's warmer, lol
I don't share your enthusiasm when it comes to Grant, the blokes spent three quarters of his EPL career at the foot of the table, & it'll take a lot more than our latest false dawn to dissuade me otherwise, although I'm happy about the cup run, (Although history would again dictate that he gets as far as the final & implodes, still, maybe third time lucky eh!!!) lol
I'm not really that enthuiastic about him! But he is an improvement on Zola and I believe he will sort us out over a number of seasons. Fingers crossed for the Cup. We do well when we play Arsenal in finals!
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