I tell you what, Wayne is one hell of an expensive bridge! When the Yank McCulloch mistakenly bought London Bridge, thinking he was getting the picturesque Tower Bridge instead, he paid £1,500,000 at current exchange rates. And it has been a tourist attraction at Lake Havasu ever since.
Compare that to Wayne. At £90k per week, this very average left back will set us back over £2million pounds in wages during his six month stay! We could have had a real bridge for that!
Mind you, Wayne's partners' legs open just as wide as Tower Bridge apparently!
Madness. Sheer bloody madness.
i honestly doubt we are paying hin that i reckon its speculation
Of course you are right Fred - but that story wouldn't help HF's hits counter go up would it?
If he helps keep us up, then it is £2 Million well spent in my book. You keep whining about no wing backs... Well here you are.
Don't think its madness.
All our problems stem from missing specialist players. 1 down 3 more to go.
£2 million for a left back seems fine to me.
The West Ham way is to buy a player for 5 million, run them down for a couple of years then give them away from nothing, so this deal for Bridge looks attractive!
i am so far from there but i would like to visit thee once
If however, he does a great job and possibly saves us a few points, which in turn helps stop us from being relegated. Then is a decent piece of business IMO... :)
An average left back with over 30 England caps? I'd rather have him playing at left back than any of our existing players.
he might be very average but that still makes him the best defender we have, no doubt mr 70k a week upson will be moved on for a small fee (1-2mil) and ofcourse the 2 million in wages we save for the next 6 month will be paid to bridge instead, to be honest i can count on one hand how many good games he has had not just this season but last season aswel, behrami is a 50k a week 4.5 million player, selling him would raise over 10 million with the fee and not having to pay his wages to mope around the reserves, add that to the small upson fee and whoever else leaves, gabbidon? and we can strengthen our team at no cost at all by bringing in a cb and a striker, maybe even ben haim as cover across the back, who knows. all i know is i rather see bridge at left back then anyone we have at the club, because doing nothing will cost us anything between 60 million and the unthinkable when we go down.
i know football players earn to much but in the context of what we are talking about is 2 million total a bad deal when as you say sidwell would have cost...7 or 8 million and we only need him for 2 month until we have noble, hitz, collison, parker, behrami/kovac (if the latter 2 go then we have a small fortune to play with!), spector doing so well in the middle and even boa doing a decent job sometimes. i know what i would prefer
I wasn't convinced Sidwell was a good deal either mate. Time will tell, of course, but I don't think Bridge is very good regardless of the salary. This notion that he can save us from the drop seems way wide of the mark to me. No better than Ben Haim, and lacks the versatility is my assessment of the guy. I still keep replaying his performance for Man City against Burnley last season over and over in my head. And how much competitive football has he played this season? There must be a danger that he is ring rusty. He's not getting any younger so the edge may have gone off what little pace he had in the first place. Is he cup tied out of interest?
30 caps? How many in competitive internationals as a starter I wonder?
Oh Dear looks like the scores on doors are as follows
For HF 0
against 7
The scores on the doors? 801,854 at the moment! I win! But then I can't lose The Game. That's reserved for you! And don't it just rankle?
801 and 854 primary numbers? sorry you've lost me - I have no idea what they mean, they have no significance or importance they are after all only numbers.
Like seven and zero.
22:13 I think HF is referring to his hit counter at the top of the page. 801,854 - not that impressive. Only about 9 weeks wages for Wayne.
"Very average"? There is no pleasing some people. HF has been leading the campaign for a decent left back. When we get someone who fits the bill better than we could have hoped it's "madness". London Bridge is still burning down. Oh well.
If we can land Robbie Keane and a quality winger then we really will be building bridges.
Bridge is no better than TBH! HAAHAHAHA!
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