It's not often that this team manages to score three goals between them, so for one player to bag a hat trick is pretty remarkable! The goals weren't down to great team play - a stabbed finish deflecting home a Noble shot that was going wide, a brilliant flash of opportunism or an outrageous slice of luck with a "cross shot", and a penalty - but no matter, the net bulged three times. And but for Lee Camp we could have scored another three. He was on tip top form.
The problems, of course, are at the other end - how often have we kept a clean sheet this season? - and yet, all the talk is of bringing in more attacking players instead of the defenders we so desperately need. Gabbidon is crap and, whilst Reid had a much better second half, Forest still had two good opportunities to score; one, inevitably, a header from a corner. We now play three crucial Premiership games that will determine whether or not we survive. If I am managing Blackpool, Birmingham or West Brom, I'm going route one. Win corners and free kicks in our half and you can score at will! Forest's error today was they they came to play football!
Barerra had a dreadful first half but looked better in the second. If we go down, he could be useful in the Championship. Reid may have found his level too - for now. We know Sears can play at Championship level, although once again, he failed to make the net bulge despite having good opportunities. Jacobsen and Ilunga also look as if they can cope in the division below but Gabbidon and Kovac need to go down another level still. They really are hopeless!
As much as I love the Cups, today really was irrelevant so Grant was sensible to rest Tomkins, Bridge, Parker, Upson and Cole. The season starts and may effectively end on Wednesday. We HAVE to take 7 points from the next three games and preferably nine. The margin of error is close to zero now!
Player Ratings:
Green 5; Jocobsen 6, Reid 6, Gabbidon 4, Ilunga 6; Barerra 5, Kovac 3, Noble 6, Sears 6; Piquionne 5, Obinna 8 Subs: Boa 5, Hines and Nouble not on long enough to rate.
kovac 3 and gabbs 4 are you kidding, why are you being so generous HF
We need a manager that will take this guy onto the next level. We have a potential star on our hands here, however raw he may seem now.
Erm just wondered.... were you at the game today HF?
Obinna showed his class and potential today but you don't seem to have noticed.
Oh and we've signed keane today to keep you up-to-date.
Erm did you notice the headline and the player ratings? And, erm, did you notice that the opposition were from the Championship? And erm, I covered the signing of Keane this morning - the Eighty Million Pound man thread. Ahead of other blogs on that one. Especially as I was calling it back in August! ; }
Stani Army, your constant obsession over the manager is bordering on psychotic, give it a rest ya turnip!
...as is your obsession over what I say.
Stani a turnip! 20.19, you'll be shown the Islamaphobia red card for that one!
He's a muslim? Ah, hence the irrational disdain for this particular manager.
You didn't watch the game did you? because if you had you'd have been impressed with Obinna's work, championship side or not.
Back to talk about football are you 01:15? Ah well, keep it up and HF might just see you for what you really are.
Doubt it - hf is one too
A turnip or a Muslim? I'm confused!
Irrational 08:52? Even G&S wanted to sack him! You moron!
But you go and listen to HF's anti-semitism accusations if it makes you feel good. I'm sure if Sav was a Muslim, HF, and you, would conclude anit-semitism is the reason behind his criticism of Grant too. Nothing to do with the fact that he is a rubbish manager hey? Can't be that surely.
And by the way, you do not have to be Muslim to notice that someone is being Islamophobic.
Every single one of your posts is either blaming the manager for one thing or another, even after the team wins. It is no secret that islam reserves a special, pathological hatred of Jews, however this kind of racism and bigotry is something that football can do without.
18:01 confused? thought you were more intelligent than that but obviously not.
You need to justify your statements when you make such serious allegations. Dont be ignorant. You've probably been led by HF's continued insistence that I am anti-semitic. I did warn him about his flagrant statements but it is clear that he hardly considers the consequences of his words and actions. Shameful for a grown man. And to think he continually states on his site he doesnt tolerate racism.
Show me where I blame the manager in "every" one of my posts even if the team wins?
When I criticise the manager, do I use sound football reasoning or do I say it's because he is Jewish? Then where is your evidence? Why have you concluded in your mind that I criticise him because he is Jewish? Is not the fact that he has been at the bottom of the table for almost every week of the last two seasons enough justification to criticise him? Is criticising any Jewish person for their work being anti-semitic? Has the media made you fall for that one too?
"It is no secret that islam reserves a special, pathological hatred of Jews". Really Sherlock? Disgraceful, ignorant statement. You know nothing about Islam.
I think the racism an bigotry is clearly coming from you and the fact that you do not recognise it makes it even more dangerous.
The evidence is you calling Grant a Zionist Stani - which is utterly irrelevant to his ability to manage a football club; and your conspiracy theory that he was only appointed at Chelsea, Portsmouth and West Ham because of Jewish sympathies.
Now, do you really want to open the can of worms about what Muslim Imams have said about Israel and the Jews in Israel? I don't think that would be wise but we could start with the sworn policy of the democratically elected HAMAS!
Look again at your language. What do you mean by "warn me"? Warn me or what exactly? And "Shameful"? Because I am calling you out following your Zionist comments and your seeming pathological hatred of the Jewish Grant who you have called a Zionist?
You have made no secret of your hatred for Israel - illegal state etcetera - and you call Grant a Zionist, but your dislike has NOTHING to do with him being an Israeli / Jewish eh? You are streching credilibilty beyond snapping point!
Credibility even!
I didnt now you were his mouthpiece HF but nevertheless...
I have told you on many occasions that Judaism and Zionism is not the same thing. Why do you deliberately not accept this? Where have I criticised Grant because he is JEWISH? Where?
And where did I link him being a Zionist with his ability to manager a football club? I said the reason he got jobs in his last 2/3 clubs was because of this. That's an entirely different thing. I know someone being a Zionist is irrelevant to managing...THAT WAS MY POINT!!! Why is he getting jobs because of this? That is what I was saying!
Once again you make a disgracefully incorrect statement as if it is nothing. Apologise and accept you are wrong again before dumb and dumber come along and follow you blindly.
Imams can say what they like. Anyone who leads prayer is an Imam. You could be an Imam by tomorrow. They are not clerics, they have an even lesser equivalent rank than Priests do in Christianity. It is what the Scholars say you should take notice of...but of course, then you would know the real Islam right? And there are millions of righteous Imams you never hear about. Your point has no weight.
If Hamas is democratically elected why do you have a issue with it? what makes you, your country and your way of life so much better that you can dictate to people who they can or cant accept as their leaders? Typical. You call for democracy and then you do not allow it.
What's wrong with the word warn? Hahahahaaa!!! Am I being and extremist again HF? See, you have no shame. Go and look up the word 'warn'. I guess everything you READ of mine SOUNDS like an extremist is speaking in your head right? Why is that HF? Because of you discriminatory views on Muslims. You will meet me one day, and you will see I'm one of the most gentlest young men (in words and actions) you're ever likely to meet. You wont admit of course.
Would you like to set out Hammas policy regarding Israel Stani? You are welcome to do so on this site. What sort of electorate democratically elects an organisation like HAMAS? Let's say a political party in ANY Western democracy came up with a policy pledging genocide, do you think they would be elected? So, there's nothing wrong with democracy, but there seems to be an awful lot wrong with the people exercising the right to vote! Ask 10,000 paedophiles to vote on lowering the age of sexual consent and you know the outcome. That doesn't mean they are right, or that democracy is wrong, it just means those who are voting are sick.
I do not defend what Israel has done in Gaza and the West Bank but what does it say about the people of the region that they will VOTE for a party that PROMOTES GENOCIDE? Why aren't your religious leaders condemning HAMAS exactly?
And back to Grant, you are alleging the old Zionist Jewish conspiracy argument - typically. Why wasn't he appointed by Tottenham then?
You have leapt to a conclusion with no evidence. Was Zola appointed because he was a Christian? He was unqualified for the job so why don't you draw that conclusion?
Why are you and the 'Western' world not condemning Israel exactly? For all it's killings? For it's attitude to Palestine? For defying over 130 UN resolutions!? What's worse, a group with certain policies that is not even in power or one that is and ignores the United Nations and carries on killing willy-nilly (eg flotilla siege)?
What has it got to do with us who people want to lead them? Is this not democracy? Why are you against them?
So you are calling Palestinians sick? You are not a Palestinian so it is obvious any Hamas policy would look 'extreme' to you. I know how I'd feel if someone illegally invaded my country, took away my home and killed my family and people. You cannot feel this in your ivory tower and your propagandist media. You're an Israeli sympathiser anyway so I wouldn't expect you to understand.
You have not answered the question. There is an alternative, a genuine dual nation solution. There is NO excuse for promoting GENOCIDE. So, why are you religious leaders not condemning HAMAS? Why, indeed, aren't you condemning HAMAS?
You are very wrong to say that I am an Israeli sympathiser. I ran into trouble when in Israel for arguing the case of the Palestinians and was given a very uncomfortable time when trying to leave the country. I said that I do not defend Israeli policy in the West Bank and Gaza. But nor do I support total war and genocide.
So, back to the question, why don't your religious leaders condemn HAMAS and guide Muslims to vote for the moderate alternative?
Sorry, what old conspiracy? There is no conspiracy.
He wasnt appointed at Spurs because Levy could see he wasnt up to it, just like Abramovic eventually did....after giving him the Chelsea job for what you can only say as no good reason right HF?
No evidence? Me? I asked yo before why did Abromvic hire him...and then Gaydamak and then G&S? I asked you what are his abilities and you couldnt tell me.
Christian? It's got nothing to do with religions. How many times do I have to tell you. At least Zola had played the game. Grant had never played the game at any serious level. Shocking right? We have a manager that didnt even play the game (however bad or good...dont matter) at any serious level. Have a look at Chelsea's crossbar challenge and watch in horror as Grant takes his turn (forward to 2:35 mins). Check the kick....we have this guy as manager!!!
Is Israel interested in a dual nation solution? It's like you are sleeping HF. Goodness me. It is Israel that is doing the genocide! Read Ilan Pappe's The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Another book for you, not that you'll bother. He is Jewish by the way. You tell me who are the terrorists. You ask yourself why people want Hamas. Why? You have no idea of their suffering.
These quotes are all from people in Israeli leadership or position of power:
"We must expel Arabs and take their places."
- David Ben Gurion, 1937
"Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves ... politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves... The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country."
- David Ben Gurion
"There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist."
- Golda Meir
"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to."
-- Golda Meir
“There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed.”
-Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister, June 15, 1969
"We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!"
- Yitzhak Rabin
"[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs."
- Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin
"The Partition of Palestine is illegal. It will never be recognized .... Jerusalem was and will for ever be our capital. Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for Ever."
- Menachem Begin, the day after the U.N. vote to partition Palestine.
"The settlement of the Land of Israel is the essence of Zionism. Without settlement, we will not fulfill Zionism. It's that simple."
- Yitzhak Shamir
"(The Palestinians) would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls."
- Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) Yitzhak Shamir
"Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories."
- Benyamin Netanyahu
"I would have joined a terrorist organization."
- Ehud Barak's response to Gideon Levy, a columnist for the Ha'aretz newspaper, when Barak was asked what he would have done if he had been born a Palestinian.
"It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."
-Ariel Sharon
"Everybody has to move, run and grab as many (Palestinian) hilltops as they can to enlarge the (Jewish) settlements because everything we take now will stay ours...Everything we don't grab will go to them."
-Ariel Sharon
"Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial."
-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
“There is a huge gap between us (Jews) and our enemies not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience. They are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy.”
-Israeli president Moshe Katsav.
“When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.”
-Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces
“We must do everything to insure they (the Palestinians) never do return.” Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes. “The old will die and the young will forget.”
-David Ben Gurion, 1948
“We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to livehere as slaves.”
-Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv
“We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel… Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.”
-Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces
“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.”
-Rabbi Yaacov Perrin
” … we should prepare to go over to the offensive with the aim of smashing Lebanon, Trans-jordan and Syria… The weak point in the Arab coalition is Lebanon [for] the Moslem regime is artificial and easy to undermine. A Christian state should be established… When we smash the [Arab] Legions strength and bomb Amman, we will eliminate Transjordan, too, and then Syria will fall. If Egypt still dares to fight on, we shall bomb Port Said, Alexandria, and Cairo.”
-David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff
“There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed.”
-Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister, June 15, 1969
Islam at its core is an anti-semitic religion and muslims have been vehemently anti-semitic centuries before the state of Israel and Zionism ever existed. "Zionism" is just the smokescreen that muslims use to justify their koranic sanctioned hatred of Jews. Winston Churchill equated the koran with mein kampf and he wasn't wrong.
Did Mourinho ever play the game? Geez he must be a crap manager!
All fascinating stuff Stani but you miss a key point: I do not endorse what Israel has done and I am more than happy to condemn what was done in the camps in Beirut, what was done in the Golan Heights, what was done in the the Lebanon in general, and the use of disproportionate military force in the West Bank and Gaza. There, I condemn it. I am also happy to condemn the discrimination against Arabs, both Muslim and Christian, that I witnessed first hand in Israel. And I also condemn the use of propaganda by Israel to distort the truth, the worst example of which I saw in Yad Vashem, the state run museum to the Hollocaust. I got myself into trouble in Israel for voicing my objections! OK?
So now, to the policy of HAMAS, why have you and your religious leaders failed to condemn a stated policy of GENOCIDE and why are your religious leaders not guiding good Muslims to vote against a party hell bent on mass murder? Try answering the question this time please!
“There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed.” In the context of Palestinians being a people of an independent nation called "Palestine" she is absolutely correct. Those other quotes without any form of context are utterly meaningless and as many if not more quotes can be brought up from the other side in order to make spurious points.
In terms of the widespread palestinian displacement, as many Jews if not more were thrown out out of muslim countries, having all of their possessions stolen, these Jews seemed to move on with their lives, perhaps it is time the arabs threw away the shackles of koranic obscuratinism, specifically in relation to the Jews and the so called shame brought to islam by them establishing a nation on what was apparent islamic ground and progressed into the 21st century.
Arab leaders of neighbouring countries who purposely keep palestinians in a state of utter hopelessness in refugee camps in order to use them as political pawns against Israel, essentially using them as a proxy to fight an enemy that they have been defeated by time and time again in conventional warfare are the real enemies of the palestinians. The treatment of palestinians by the Jordanians for example or more recently in Lebanon makes so called Israeli aggression pale in comparison, yet the muslims and other extreme left wing sycophants of the Jihadists seem to lose all forms of empathy for the palestinians when they are oppressed by their own muslims.
Almost every country on earth that borders a muslim nation has a dispute with that nation, perhaps it is islam which is at fault and not the so called Zionists? For example, southern Thai buddhists being beheaded by rogue muslim seperatists has what to do with Zionism? Christians being butchered in Indonesia, Pakistan and Nigeria is Israel's fault how? Terrorism in the Phillipines, in the Sudan, India, in Russia is Israel's fault how? Islam likes to use scapegoats to excuse their ruthless koranic sanctioned acts of wanton violence, the Jews being the easiest scapegoat of all, however in reality, islam is as much religion as it is an arab supremacist political idealogy. The irony of arab muslims complaining about so called Israeli "expansionism" in light of the history of islamic conquest, bloodthirst and imperialism is not lost on this poster.
Yes, you dont wanna voice objections to Israelis because that would mean youre anti-semitic. As for Hamas, they have been democratically elected AS WAS THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT WHICH IS COMMITTING ALL THE OFFENCES (INCLUDING ACTUAL GENOCIDE, NOT STATED POLICY) YOU STATED. THEY WERE VOTED IN BY ISRAELI PEOPLE. Why are the Palestinians considered extremists or 'sick' for voting Hamas like you have said and not the Israelis? They voted in their governments. Their governments actually commit the atrocities above. They dont just say they're gonna do it, they do it. Why no admonishment for them? For what Israel has done, the Palestinians and Hamas have every right to defend themselves. They are allowed to DEFEND themselves. They are NOT the aggressors here HF. Eye for and eye.
Genocide/Holocaust of Muslims:
-Iraq (500,00 children dead because of sanctions http://www.medialens.org/articles/the_articles/articles_2001/iraqdh.htm )
-Bosnia and Kossovo (Srebrenica massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre) The UN were there, they stood by as the thousands of young men separated from their families in front of UN forces were murdered. One cameraman asked a UN soldier "what is happening", and his reply was "You know what is happening".
-States forcefully occupied by the Russian Federation and left to rot (Ingushetia, Kergyzia, Ossetia, Turkamania)
But you and others dont know this because of the extraordinary lying by omission and commission by Western media, journalists, writers, academics and politicians in relation to such atrocities against Muslims. You are the product of this.
Have you watched the Pilger documentary yet? Why not? http://www.itv.com/itvplayer/video/?Filter=198443
or here http://www.u.tv/utvplayer/video/134142
But I don't want to talk about this any more. I want to talk about football even if your mate comes along to bring up religion again. It is clear you have a different view to me, but let's agree to disagree. I am happy with what I know and am finding out. I'm happy with the way my dots connect.
Rachel Corrie and our very own Tom Hurndall, may God grant them paradise, will be turning in their graves hearing some of your views.
Another Islamophobe. You sound like Geert Wilders! Would you like to provide some evidence for your discriminatory and bigoted statements? Winston Churchil said so it must be right! There are over 1 billion Muslims in the world, a number fast growing. If they were 'vehemently anti-semitic', you would see it.
Mourinho did play the game.
Hahaha?!?! Are you deliberately fooling yourself? You really believe that? Yeh sure, that's exactly what Meir meant when she said “There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed.” Can you see this HF? This is their attitude. Palestinians are not human to them, they are less than animals. The sheer obnoxious ignorance and sanctimoniousness is unbelievable.
"without any form of context are utterly meaningless and as many if not more quotes can be brought up from the other side in order to make spurious points"
How much context do you want? In which context would they seem perfectly normal, humane statements? Tell us?
As for the points from the other side; Flawed argument. You do not recognise Palestine or Hamas or whoever you say is this other side. But you recognise their 'points' do you? The quotes above are official Israeli quotes. Official because you recognise Israel as a legal nation. Official because the U.S of A and the U.K of A defend Israel and bend over backwards for it. Official because Israel is considered civilised and democratic by the West. But they're allowed to make these statements without any fear. Where are the official Palestinian quotes? Any Israeli can say something, any Palestinian can say something, but the above are from people in authority.
"Arab leaders of neighbouring countries who purposely keep Palestinians in a state of utter hopelessness"
And where do these corrupt Arab leaders come from? Who are they propped up by? Have you not seen what is happening in Egypt? Egypt is 2nd behind Israel in the amount of U.S financial aid received. Why is that? HF raised this issue of Muslim countries having corrupt leaders, but you think they got there just by themselves? Robert Fisk was on the Russian channel RT the other day discussing corruption in Pakistan and he highlighted how America loves corrupt leaders/countries because they can be bribed. The West's (+Israel) hand is behind most of what is going on in the world. Wake up. They could not do anything about the uprising in Egypt though...and believe me they tried. The panic and rushing around in the Whitehouse and number 10 proves it.
Your last point just demonstrates how very little you know about what is really going on. I think everything is lost on you. There was not a single suicide bomb in Pakistan before 9/11 when America decide to launch it's 'war on terror'. Why doesnt the West and it's friends treat Muslims fairly? Do you think there would be trouble in Pakistan if your forces were not in Afghanistan? Do you think there would be trouble in Pakistan if the big boys at the U.N asked India to comply with U.N resolutions on Kashmir, where Indian forces commit war crimes? Do you think there would be as much uproar about the treatment of Palestinians if Israel did not defy over 130 U.N resolutions? Why don't Israel comply with the U.N then? Tell me? Do you think there would have been this much bloodshed if U.S and U.K did not launch their clearly illegal war in Iraq? Look at the genocides against Muslims above and how the West stays quiet and you tell me why Muslims are angry.
So I dint think it is Islam at fault. It is Islam they fear. It is the growth of this religion they fear. It is the fairness (charity, no interest etc) of this religion they fear because it is just and it will bring their capitalist neocon world down. They fear Islam because it is the only obstacle to their plans.
Anyway, I hope you keep on reading and finding out about what is going on, whatever your views are now.
or here http://www.u.tv/utvplayer/video/134142
So no condemnation then, in fact an endorsement! Eye for an eye eh? Eye opening Stani! And so we cycle and recycle violence. And for what? You tell me Arabs and Jews are both Semites. You are brothers, kith and kin! Like Barabas and Ithamore in the Jew of Malta, except Ithamore was Barabas's slave and they each betray the other.
I have condemned Israel's actions Stani, your failure to condemn the Genocidal policies of HAMAS say a lot. HAMAS would, of course, KILL Avram Grant so let's take this back to our start point. You support an organisation that is pledged to murder Avram Grant and every other Isaeli - man, woman, child, baby in arms - but your opinion of Avram is not influenced by him being an Israeli. That is stretching credibility mate.
I quote: "There was not a single suicide bomb in Pakistan before 9/11 when America decide to launch it's 'war on terror'. Excuse me, but didn't the terrorists fly the planes into the Twin Towers BEFORE the USA and Britain launched the war on terror? I don't support the war, but the way you talk, you would think it was a unilateral act of aggression without provocation!
And please explain why a war in Afghanistan justifies Pakistanis blowing up other Pakistanis and murdering innocent people in Mumbai and London. It's not Pakistan's war is it?
The problem, of course is Jihad and Muslim Brotherhood mentality. As I keep saying, your religion has a lot to answer for. Pakistanis would not be blowing themselves up if they weren't Muslims because they would have no interest in the fate of a bunch of fanatical nutters in Afghanistan. But your religion turns any attack on any Muslim into an attack on all Muslims. And that is dangerous!
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