My position on Grant has been consistent throughout. I am neither for the man, nor against. I believe he needs time to sort out the mess Zola left behind and, in the light of all the injuries, I don't think he has done badly so far despite our league position. We are on the doorstep of Wembley and that hasn't happened too many times in the club's history.
But tell me, who will join us now? If you are Keane, do you want to sign for a manager who may not be there next week? If you are Jol or Allardyce, do you want to replace Grant as the obvious second choice, knowing just how appallingly you will be treated as soon as anything goes wrong?
I predicted that O'Neill wouldn't be able to work with Sullivan and Gold for very long but even I didn't expect the divorce before the engagement party! As cock ups go, this one is huge and somebody needs to be held accountable. But given either Sullivan or Brady are probably to blame for going semi public too early, the likelihood of anybody being brought to book for this mess is very remote indeed.
So Grant is still our manager and all those celebrating his dismissal have to pack away their party hats, for the time being at least. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Grant now led us to victory in the League Cup and to Premiership survival?
I personally couldn't agree more!
I actually feel sorry for Grant, the way he has been treated. I never thought he was the right choice, but I admit he is doing a great job considering the mess that has been building up ever since the biscuit reign and injuries and lack of passion he has to deal with, with the players.
lets hope he can keep us up and lead us to glory! that would shut a hell of a lot of people up, especially in the media.
And if you think you've read it all, try this.
I'm numb now. I don't care anymore. I think Grant should quit, with Downes right behind him. If Curbs had a constructive dismissal case this is a flat out bend over job.
This is probably over emotional and irrational, but I can't see this damage ever being repaired. They have no integrity anymore. Nobody of any quality, managerial or player, would ever consider us under these owners.
We will go down. We won't get the Olympic Stadium (understanding that is good in some eyes). Gold and Sullivan may have to sell the club at a loss to save it from total meltdown, which they will have caused in one of the most incredible 48 hours ever seen in any sport and any team.
If true then Brady is an utter cnut.
Have been working late and am just catching up with the news about the club today. Nothing so far as I can see.
What a mess. G&S arrived this time last year with their 10 point pledge.. "We will be open, transparent and available".. "As the name says we are very much West Ham United". Hahaha.
It's going to need a lot of pledge to clean up the place after all the crap that's being flying around lately.
I would have thought it inconceivable that things are left as they are in the hope that it just might get better. Eggs have to be broken to make an omelette. Reading between the lines the place is not big enough for Brady and Grant so one or both of them them has to go.
Time to honour that pledge G&S. An open and honest statement dealing with the recent problems and a survival plan is needed very quickly or it really will be West Ham Disunited.
SwissHammer says..
Hi HF, I have been checking back over the old articles and news about O,Neill comming to the Hammers. If you look it all comes from the Skysports article, which is then backed up by BBC news in the morning on saturday, then published in on the Sun sports page and then it went viral. I am always suspicious when it states "inside source" usually translates to I dont have any friends - lets make something up to sound interesting.
What does really stand out is the lack of any condemnation or backing of the claims from the loud mouth porn men at the top. I know that in recent months not a lot has been said by them publically but come on!
This situation i think has sunk our club, the players were in dissaray before this. We are going down in reputation and in league standing. A true gentleman would never treat someone like this.
If it was a media blackout to try and distance themselves from the news then it has completely backfired.
I agree with the post before, we now need a public and united statement, all three of them and Avram - one message, one plan and tell us how they intend to fix this and keep us in the prem...
This is one hell of a bad hangover and i dont think it is going away anytime soon.
HF, Again i am with you. I dont really like grant. I dont think he as really achieved much, but one thing he has not had is time. His one major signing has never played. Lets give him time, see what happens. If we go down we lose some players but we have some good youth that may just get us back in the PL quickly, then we can start again...
Was the leak caused by the mood of a spiteful woman too full of her own importance wishing to cause Grant as much misery and embarrassment as possible for daring to stand up to her? If so it has damaged this club beyond belief.
So it looks like Grant will be with us until the end of the season due to Brady's loose lips and the total incompetance of our beloved owners. Grant is now the only chance we have of staying up but will his heart truely be in the cause, and could anyone blame him if it wasnt?
Our only hope is that his admiration of the fans is stronger than the urge to fcuk the Daves!
How long before we dust off our 'Brown Out' boards and get the Tip-ex out? The sooner the better!
How far has this club fallen in the past year under these morons? Who the hell would accept the management job now? We are the laughing stock of the football league. Hell, these morons make me envy Newcastle fans!!!
The only way SuGo can redeem themselves now is by getting rid of Brady and apologising to Grant.
I personally think he should have gone by now and the job given to Downes for the interim while we look for a replacement.
But that would have been far too a simple and dignified course of action. Instead the bizarre wall of silence Sullivan and Gold have put up has destroyed any credibility they may have had left.
And now Poison Pen Brady caught in the act again! What is that woman playing at?
To save face, she needs to go. And while they're at it put the club up for sale club to somebody who really values the club and genuinely wants to take it somewhere (that preferably isn't the Championship).
They've turned this club into a complete parody, a laughing stock, respected by nobody and in the process alienated any decent manager or players who any club of our size and with our history would hope to attract.
I don't blame O'Neill at all for giving us a wide berth, in fact I applaud it. After all, who would want to work for such unprofessional, undignified, backstabbing, interfering shysters?
I was no fan of Brown, but this trio of twats are, in my opinion even worse.
...and don't forget Silkman, the 'agent' who brought you Mido, McCarthy etc and who is currently sorting out the 'targets'. Just so you know what type of person he is, check Barry Silkman out on Wikipedia - makes very 'interesting' reading.
WHU are now the Ratners or Amstrads of football - crap products that nobody really wanted, but they were cheap.
It's a long time ago that WHU were anybody's favourite 2nd club, way back before BRown [another cheapass]
A Midwinter's Day's Nightmare; part comedy, part tragedy, now premiering all over the sporting globe. West Ham are Bottom and with a Jackass at their head all suitors are running screaming for cover. Originally set in Fairyland it has now transfered to Cloud Bloody Cuckoo Land!
We are already relegated. Well done guys! We are going down with Grant. We had a chance to save ourselves in January and we made a huge cock-up of it! I hope you are happy HF. I will not take any pleasure from being proved wrong at the end of the year.
Amidst all the puns ,plays on words and general mocking thats been going on over the past week or so on various forums it must not be forgotten that caught inbetween the snarling media hacks the pompous board and the under siege manager one set of people have been treated worse than Baron von Silas Greenback himself and thats us ever loyal, ever faithful (I nearly put evergreen LOL) fans. Treated like punters at Billy Smarts circus with ringmasters SUGO introducing the clowns and donkeys every week...trying to get more bizarre acts in every week...with Brady the dodgy knife thrower and her hapless assistant Grant dodging them at will...transforming us from Billy Smarts to Circus Hilarious...the fans deserve better but such is our stoic loyalty that they will treat us with the contempt which is becoming the norm. reeling out their bloody e-mails and fliers for merchandise whilst all we want is clarity and honesty...and a few decent blood and guts performances ableit the result..COYIsaac..
I wouldn't believe a things that Martin Lipton has put in that mirror article (if you can call it that). That bloke couldn't tell his arse from his albow and I know as I used to work with him years ago. How he managed to get into his current role I'll never know...
The board have definately made us into yet another laughing stock and there is now no chance in hell of getting a decent manager on board. So we're now gonna be staring relagation striaght in the face. With our current squad (worst for many, many years) I can't see us getting out of our current predicament...
So after an extension of the pantomime season, General Grant is still set to lead the claret and blue army into battle. Will he take a leaf out of his uncle Ulysses' book, cut a swathe through the men in grey and lead us ultimately to victory? I doubt it personally, but he would be justified in saying "sod this for a game of soldiers" and making a long slow journey back to his homeland.
Everyone seems very keen to point the finger at Karren Brady in this affair, but is she really that stupid? Surely her position would be untenable if the leak was traced to her. I just wonder whether we're seeing the first crack appearing in the David and David union.
You got what you wanted HF thanks to a series of blunders by the Club owners. As from today, we are officially relegated! It will not be any comfort to me that you will be proven wrong in the process.
Maybe the pantomime season isn't over after all; "They're behind you Avram... Behind you"!
Spot on Isaac mate!
So somebody has finally engaged the key on the transfer jugonaut. Bent to Villa, Pienaar to Spurs, Babel to Hoffenheim and Joe Co... oh no sorry, Tal Ben Haim in talks with West Ham. The David's certainly like to make a splash don't they? Unfortunately it usually seems to be of the "map of Ireland " variety.
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