It seems that during this time of faltering season ticket sales, we, the fans, may actually have some sort of voice in the decision making.
Now the rumours centre on Barerra after his brilliant efforts for Mexico this summer. Real Zaragova and Wigan want him apparently and I fear we will be tempted to sell because of stage payments if Pablo gets an extended run in the team. But to sell him at the moment would be madness. This boy could yet be very good indeed. Or totally crap!
It worked yesterday with Collison so let's make our feelings clear about Pablo too. Twatter Gold and say that the Taco Bell Doppelganger must be retained!
Any chance of a 'Tomkins MUST be retained' too HF? Looks like Wolves may be sniffing around for him. Hope we do keep Taco Bell boy, looks like he could be a good player if Big Sam gives him a run in the team.
Put him in a mexico shirt and he will shine, put him in a hammers shirt he is s**t I agree he may be useful to keep but the question is will he shine in the championship?
LOL Glad I sent a tweet over to Gold then the other day about Collison. Better do the same about Barrera since Wigan want him apparently.
Do you honestly believe that G&S were undecided about Collison and that your article has persuaded them to keep him?
If you do, you are an even bigger tool than we all thought you were.
if a player cant cut it in the premiership he will get murdered in the championship, half the teams just kick lumps out of each other. im sure big sam will have a look at him and if he is good enough to be our taarabt then we wont sell but if he is going to be an expensive passanger all season that we could move on for a nice sum of money then that will happen, i have no doubt whatever decision is made would be the right one, collison on the other hand we need to keep no matter what
where would we be without you...
LOL of course I don't Scott but it was a remarkable coincidence. I posted, within the hour Gold sent his tweet. Or maybe, maybe, I am all powerful. Shall we all tweet, "Buy Tevez" and see where that gets us?
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