And why exactly? Because Parker wants to stay in the England squad and doesn't fancy his chances of doing so if not playing in the Prem. His fans will argue that you can't blame him but bugger that. Tottenham have only bid £3million and Levy doesn't want to pay an average holding midfielder who has failed at Chelsea £70,000 a week plus in wages; quite rightly. Villa are interested but only at £5million. So we are either stuck with the guy or have to sell him at below market price.
It's time the fans woke up and realised who they are supposed to be supporting. It is time to decide which camp you are in guys, are you West Ham fans or Parker acolytes? Because one thing is now crystal clear, the selfish interests of Parker are in direct conflict with the interests of the club.
To be fair, as a fan of a team other than West Ham, I wouldnt say Parker is being selfish for turning down a move to Turkey, he would drop right off Cappello's radar and it seems doubtful that he would even receive his wages in Turkey (they have a habit of not paying their players - ask Darius Vassell).
5m from Villa is a fair bid though. Id take that and move on. Good move for player and both clubs.
7m for a 30 year old is a bit pie in the sky. 5m is fair.
This article must be a joke...the man put the club before everything...he pkayed for us the day after his father passed, he is nothing but claret and blue and he deserves to choose where he wants to play...your honestly off on this one mate
either you're fishing or clueless...
So it would seem reasonable by this argument that a guy should uproot himself &his family to go and live in a foreign country, in order that a football club may save a few million? Asking someone to sacrifice their everyday life and that of their family for several years in the name of footy, is asking too much in my opinion. As well as being a footballer he is also human.
So it would seem reasonable by this argument that a guy should uproot himself &his family to go and live in a foreign country, in order that a football club may save a few million? Asking someone to sacrifice their everyday life and that of their family for several years in the name of footy, is asking too much in my opinion. As well as being a footballer (albeit very well paid), he is also human.
Good luck to him.
you're mad. Turkish football is shocking, he wouldn't get into the welsh team let alone England's national team.
Wow. Getting angry with a man that doesn't fancy moving to turkey!!!! This is not a good article!
HF, I agree on a lot of Parker stuff you write but here I think you are off the mark. It is not fair to compare moving to another team in England and moving to Turkey. Despite what you may think of his playing abilities or his motivations, its not a simple proposition to move his family like that. I have two young kids and there is no amount of money you could pay me to uproot them when they are loving the life they lead at their schools, with their friends, in their home.
If he did he would come under equal criticism for being a crappy father.
If there was a 10 million pound offer from, say, Wigan and a 5 million pound offer from Spuds and he refused Wigan than I would see your argument to a degree. But this is a different circumstance and one I cannot possibly argue against him on.
I'm with you on this one HF, on the fence.
What prat wrote this, as if anyone would want to leave the premiership and play in turkey!
Who writes this shit ?
Bit harsh! He has not committed a crime for drawing wages that were offered to him in the first place. Why would he want to go to a hole like turkey? Would you? But he should stay as we will go straight back up and it's not that Cappello sees him as first pick. If he gets sold for the right money well that the crazy game you mentioned. You cant fault his effort for us at any time though!
Is there something wrong with you?
I believe you are incredibly niave to think there is any club loyalty left in football these days, I don't blame Parker for not wanting to go to Turkey, nor do I blame the club for not wanting to accept below Market value. Of all players at the club scotty as shown far More loyalty than you clearly give him credit for, when teams were sniffing around in January when we were rock bottom he stayed quiet and got on with his job, many many others wouldn't have.
tis true I'm afraid and It's true about most of them and also true of the club itself The only loyalty comes from the fans and that love is unrequited
In response to:
"Anonymous said...
This article must be a joke...the man put the club before everything...he pkayed for us the day after his father passed, he is nothing but claret and blue and he deserves to choose where he wants to play...your honestly off on this one mate
2 July 2011 01:44 "
Whereas I agree with the overall sentiment of your post. Scott Parker owes West Ham United nothing having carried the club on his shoulders more or less alone for two seasons. I'd love to see him stay, ideally wouldn't mind seeing him out on loan for a season but if he has to go it can't be begrudged. Using your criteria for legend though only lends itself to classifying Julien Faubert as a legend, he played and scored withina day or two of his mum passing. Jack Collison similrarily. Íf you want to call someone a legend then its based on a number of factors, not just one.
When news and site clicks are slow - you can always depend on HF for a Parker related post.
What a Total JOKE! I can assure this Blogger as a loyal West Ham fan if I had the talent of Scotty Parker and a young family NO WAY! would I want to go to Turkey with them even if they offered me double the salary!
Sp**s Levy is not going to pay his salary and the fee we want so Scotty may have to accept the Villa offer get them to raise it to £6 million.
Snore... You are so Boring sometimes.
All these, "I back Scotty" posts are so so typical. The guy has us over a barrel. Ultimately, I blame Sullivan and Gold for giving him such negotiating power with that ridiculous "Everybody is for sale except Parker" statement. He was then able to name his price for a contract extension and set his terms. It would have been easy to head all this off by inserting a clause that said if an offer of £8million was received and Parker declined to move, then his salary would revert back to ordinary mortals' level instead of superhero status. But no, we paid him to extend his contract into the geriatric phase of a footballer's career and now Scotty wants matching terms and savvy clubs are saying, "No way 'Arry-a!".
He will go eventually but for a fraction of the price we could have got for him last summer. I said then that he should have been sold. We were relegated, finishing bottom, so what did we achieve by keeping him exactly? Wages of £4million and a fall in value of £4million. £8million to lead us to bottom place in the table! Brilliant!
hf your right hes showing us no loyalty cos its parker and the rest of the squad last season playing for the shirt who got us relegated along with that tosser grant so if we cant get 10 mill from an english club keep parker f cappello and england westham should be the only one to benefit from parker no one else hes been tapped by redknapp and is sitting tight to get the move that suits parker no one else and by the way if villa up there bid parker still wont join them hes waiting for westham to get desperate then off to to tottenham what would be good if parker who loves westham or so he says would come out and say cos i love westham i wont join tottenham end of argument but he wont cos hes been tapped good article h f keep taking the pils
one other thing the difference in 5 mill and 10 mill could be 2 or 3 extra players in during the summer to give us a stronger squad and a better chance of returning to the prem first time
once again you have argued your case against Scott Parker and course you are right! He has clearly indicated his intentions to leave our sinking ship and abandon us in our hour of need. Regardless of what he has achieved in his time at West Ham he has now given-up the right to command our loyalty & respect..only a fool would give him that. A stint in Turkey is certainly good enough for him after turning his back on us (although I'm not so sure his family deserves the same fate to be honest?).
That said however, I am really struggling to grasp what you are hoping to achieve by repeatedly re-posting on him and sniping at him over & over & over again? You come across as someone who has been betrayed by a 'lover' or a 'best friend'. Loyalty is a very rare thing in football and Parker was a journeyman before he came.. so why would you expect him to be loyal to us?..or anyone else?
Parker's gone Hammersfan! If not in body yet, then certainly in spirit. It's now the time to dry your eye's; Man-up! and MOVE ON! The only person you're belittling here my friend is yourself!
Oh dear HF, when it comes to football so many of us fans seem to be blind to the reality. Forget loyalty to club, value of his transfer, etc, this Scottie article is symptomatic of the state football has got itself into. From the corruption at the top of the game to the greed of the players to the stupidity of owners for paying them to the massive debt that in most business scenarios would mean closure.
Several people write here defending his right to not move his family or damage his England chances (and I'm sure running around like in his headless chicken mode against Switzerland put paid to that, one good game against mighty Wales does not make an England career), but come on, in doing so he continues his career presumably on the same or an even higher salary. Potentially going to Villa will not only mean a lower transfer fee, but also a lower salary if Mr. Lerner is any sort of a negotiator when there is only one offer on the table!
Footballers like Scottie are privileged that mugs like us shell out our £1000 season ticket bill and our £600 annual Sky subscription so some one can foolishly give him £3.5M to kick around a pig skin for a year. In other warps of life Firemen leave their families at the breakfast table daily and soldiers set off on a tour of Helmand province potentially to never see their families again all to put less than Scotties weekly wage on the table in a year.
Lets get real fellow fans and not start defending someone who doesn't want to live in a luxury villa, mix with other millionaires, have his kids go to an excellent British school and run around a field for 5 further years so he can secure his well being for the next 60. Apparently more than a million Brits actually paid money to holiday in Turkey last year so it can't be all that bad!!
HF, maybe make this the last Scottie post as your headline is true of every premiership footballer.
HF, you are wrong to blame Parker for the wages he is being paid when he signed a contract offered to him by club ownership. He is entitled to honour that contract, and the club is bound to do the same.
To say that he owes West Ham financially by accepting any offer for his services is balderdash. He has the right to stay at West Ham and I believe we, the fans, owe him plenty for the way he has played over the past two seasons.
If he stays this season nobody will be happier than me and to hell with how much he is getting paid. It is not his fault we are now a Championship club. Neither should he take a pay cut unless that is properly negotiated.
There is nothing selfish in honouring a contract mutually agreed to.
I can think of a thousand reasons why a someone may not want to play his football in Turkey. Another unreasonable deduction from you HF!
Of course we all want our club to get the maximum value for selling him but as always you are too quick to put down a player that gave his all for us. Now, if he was to turn down a similar offer for joining a Premiership Club or say one in Spain, that would be different. Perhaps he will finally join your beloved Spurs for half the money and then you will not complain at all! Parker is not "selfish" just because he turned down joining an average team in the Turkish League and moving his family to Turkey.
we could do with that money fanno it's just a shame the only club willing to pay it just so happen to be in the most barmy country around! Would you want to live in Turkey? I know I wouldn't!
considering we have ben offered 10 million i can't see us accepting 5 million and sell him to a rival, Villa can have him for 5m and Stephen Warnock
Zito, We the fans owe him? We pay the teams wages. We keep the club going. The fans are the only people that is owed anything when it comes to football. When you pay for your ticket to a football match, you have to pay for it as you are buying a ticket to watch entertainment, same way as people ring to activate televisions x for the night.
Players are pampered soooo much. He clearly does not want to be part of our club, so he is waiting for a better offer. I wish you all the best in the future Scott, but I ain't thanking you as I have already I have already done my part and paid a bit of your wages.
Rex, I hope the wife doesn't know about the late night watching of Television X!
Rex, I can't carry that as children might visit the site.
Fair play.
I would give my all for a year to get paid £70,000 a year. Why should we be so grateful for Parker giving his all for £70,000 a week lets get matters into proportion.
What drugs did you take when you wrote this?
No one should expect Scott to play in Turkey, end of chat.
The first poster had it right though, IF and i Suspect it is a big IF, Villa have bid £5m, I'd be taking that if I were G&S
How embarrased do you feel today for writing this article HF, I'd like to know!
The whole of the Turkish First Division is under investigation and Ferne Bache heading for relegation. "Ungrateful Parker for not joining them!" Really!!!
LOL why would I feel embarrassed exactly? Sullivan & Gold should be blushing because they dealt Parker a full house and left themselves with a pair of threes.
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