But the best one of all is their claim that, "The club has been inundated with season ticket requests so has decided to extend the renewal period". What cobblers! What they mean is that they have been utterly underwhelmed by applications and are holding out longer in the hope of finding more mugs before dropping prices.
If you have already committed to buying a season ticket, how do you feel exactly and how will you feel when the "special offers" cut in after the first (televised) game of the season?
You need to stop blogging, you do churn out some absolute drivel.
I can only speak for myself and I'm very happy to renew because I know where I am going to sit and who I am going to sit with. You are either a West Ham supporter or not. We knew the West Ham road was always going to be bumpy and it hasn't let us down! It doesn't matter who we are playing or who is playing for us, its the club that you choose to support and IT needs us more than ever.
And why is that Geoff. What is drivel here exactly?
Well said Geoff!
Geoff if you don't like it go away or better still come back and come up with something intelligent rather than drivel
Ignore 18:35 why don't you? obviously you have no interest in real fans who buy season tickets - as far as I know you didn't visit once last year.
Do you mean 1837? He says he speaks for himself and he has spoken. I suspect he will end up feeling a tad irritated when the price of the season ticket starts to fall and he sees that loyalty is punished under the S&G regime - unless you are Scotty of course!
It is what it is fanno I've renewed because i chose to. I like my seats and I like the people around me who have also renewed so I know what I'm getting. At the end of the day in regards to the special offers I'd much rather have a ground thats full and getting behind the team than have a half empty ground with the same old faces slagging off the same people. If they need to do special offers to get people in then so be it. No one forces me or anyone else into buying a season ticket so if people don't like it then don't buy the season ticket and take advantage of the special offers yourself. The way I see it is you pay a premium on your season ticket and that guarantees a seat whatever the game and it guarantees that i get to have a laugh and a debate with people around me who have been together for quite a few years and I now class as friends.
That's far enough Bas, but don't you think you should be entitled to the discounts retrospectively? Shouldn't there be a guarantee that if you buy early, you don't pay more?
That said, the article is about how S&G keep bullshitting. Do you believe the line that the period has been extended because they have been innundated with applications? Of course you don't!
SPOT ON! Respect to you. You've said exactly what I have been trying to write for the last 10 - 15 minutes and much better too!
I don't like G&S any more than you do but you were way off with the season tickets remark.
And what's this:
"but don't you think you should be entitled to the discounts retrospectively? Shouldn't there be a guarantee that if you buy early, you don't pay more?"
You obviously don't understand the first thing about business and you obviously didn't understand what Basildon-iron wrote..You pay the premium price to get the first choice..DUH! If you bought a shirt on the high street for £50 quid you can't then moan when you see the same shirt for sale at half price 2 months later you numpty!
let it go now mate..you've just been knocked the fcuk out!
I do understand about business Dave and I understand that if you piss on your customers too many times, they cease to be your customers. Revenue fell last year. Season ticket sales are drastically down. Fans are understandably annoyed that they are being asked to pay the same for season tickets in the Championship as in the Prem. The thing is, prices rise and fall. But if you buy a ticket for an event in the future, and the price subsequently falls, why should your loyalty be punished?
For every Bas there is another Paul or Steve or Dave who has NOT renewed this time around because these guarantees are not in place and they have seen what S&G have done over the past two seasons. Is that a good way of conducting your business?
Anyway, this article is about how the owners are spinning Bull Shit. I will ask you the same question. Do YOU believe they have been so innundated that they have had to extend the renewal period? Come on Dave, do you believe that? And if not, doesn't it anger you that the owners are treating the fans as idiots by spouting this nonesense?
No. I choose to buy when I do. In life you win some you lose some. If we have a good start to the season and by the mid way point we're looking odds on for promotion the ground will be full week in week out and the last thing on offer will be special discounts then. The prices will be going up if anything. I pay up front and whatever happens happens, that's my choice. In regards to your othe point those 2 are doin what any one else in their position would do. I know full well the uptake has been low and that's why it's been extended but as you said to everyone one has there's another steve and bill and trevor well it's the same on this. You and I may well know that their treating us like muppets but there thousands more who will be taken in by their bullshit and believe what they say. Quite frankly indont care how much crap they talk as long as they support the manager and allow him to rebuild the club. I happen to believe they will you probably don't. One thing I do know is though they'll have my season ticket money every year until I snuff it so whatever they spin or dont spin makes no odds to me. Oh and one of you other points we're not paying the same now as what we did in the prem. Average cost per game is now 11 quid cheaper than last year.
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