Whilst we have all been reckoning up how much the club has been saving on wages, the truth of the matter may be that we have been shelling out a fortune through the close season as part of these ex players' retirement plans!
Still, the fact they they remain clubless indicates that they are either demanding too much for their services or that clubs aren't that interested in signing them, full stop. Poor old Upson may even have to accept a miserly wage of just £20,000 a week to continue his career. Oh how the heart bleeds for him!
Perhaps Matty is putting together a Michael Owen style dossier as we speak. If so, may I suggest a title of , "Slow, lazy and uncommitted"? What's Hitz saying in that pic? Probably, "Never mind Matthew, they still have to pay us until the end of July!"
To read about how players are struggling to find new clubs, follow this link:
There's a swear word I want to say here but can't because I'm fasting (feel free to guess), but I hope they don't find a club at all and just rot away.
didn't hitsleburger (sp) claim to be unemployed when in court re his speeding fine?
He did. Personally, I'm surprised he didn't claim he was only following orders.
its called having a contract, and no doubt, much like 90% of contracts issued in football, they expire at the end of July. The players have decided to trigger the release clause which would only in affect happen at the end of July, so they are pretty much working their notice period. However, due to the nature of the departure, West Ham would have likely agreed for them to both stay away in the remaining weeks of their contract as to not cause a disruption, it happens it most businesses, so to say they are 'creaming' wages would be largely inaccurate.
Once again, utter Gumpf.
1st game of the season couple of days away and still not sold out. OS saying pay on the day. Not looking good.
All of that may be true Geoff but Hitz was with us for less than 12 months and spent most of that time in Germany sitting on his arse. You may not find it galling that he has claimed a huge wage until the end of July but many others will resent it. As for Upson, he seems to have spent the best part of two years simply "running down" his contract! Many, many West Ham fans will be infuriated if he has been able to claim that £56,000 per week right through to the end of July!
nothing much anyone can do about it though, i think in upsons case, he wants to play for arsenal or spurs but in reality would struggle to get 1/3rd of his wages at sunderland. infact they dont even want him so where does he go from here? qpr on a free would be my bet but with him and gabbidon in defence they will be straight back down, is that to low for mr upson? to me it is the obvious move. hitz i have sympathy for, he said he owed the team atleast a year and big sam said thanks but no thanks and that left him with no option to go with the release clause in his contract. as the contracts run until july we would of had to pay them off to release them so either way costing us money, however there was nothing stopping the millionaire players themself mutually terminating them at a nominal fee to help the clubs finances after the loyalty we showed
It's a contract - a legally binding document - what is the problem and why do you always have to be so bitter and twisted? what is it in your life that makes you so miserable and resentful? Cheer up man you only get one life. You might live longer if you bring some happiness in to your life.
Hello Turds. Have you entered a team in the Fantasy League?
Turds!! You done a fantasy team? Few hours left, Turds In!
I just asked that HF!
Both Upson and Hitzlsperger were going to be paid until the end of July regardless of whether they found a club or not.
They could still have signed a pre-contract agreement to sign with a club from 1st August.
Once again HF the clown manages to create a big deal out nothing.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense could figure this one out.
Well actually, had they negotiated improved terms, they would have terminated their current deals. Once again, an anonymous gets it wrong! Are we paying Boa throughout next season? Nope.
Turds has joined! AKA Zola's Zealots
Stani - shame you didn't do a yahoo fantasy team - there you have unlimited transfers and players values go up as well as down.
18:24, I didn't know yahoo did one too. I think the Texaco one is the official one though, but I agree the the features you mentioned are better. Same as the official PL one right? I did that last season.
Maybe some of our lot here would have found it too complicated and a bit more time consuming. This Texaco one will definitely require less time each week though. Maybe next year...if we're still in the Championship!
Oh just noticed the yahoo one is premiership only - shame* you're right of course the other ones take an awful lot of time but we'll see how it goes with this one. I'm feeling confident. Aka Zola's Zealots.
Yeh Turds, I mean it's brilliant if you have the time, because with more variables and facets it separates the men from the boys. I didn't win both my leagues for no reason :) Na, i should't show off really, but it was the first time I played as well, and was up against some veterans! Shame I can't employ the same tactics here!
Zola's Zealots...little dig at HF's Avram's Avengers? :)
Winner x 2 good going! the league I was in last year had 57 and I came third which I was pleased about - no digs, nothing personal just disappointed that we shafted Zola too early and Avram too late. when you gonna delete 4 of that fellas 5 teams?
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