Think about that for a moment. This is a blood and thunder division. This was the first game of the season at home in front of an expectant crowd. This is a team managed by Doctor Evil Allardyce. Dear God, has ANY team managed by Allardyce ever lost and not picked up a single booking? If so, it would be a very rare event indeed. Bloody Kevin Davies collects yellows like my Nan used to collect Green Shield Stamps.
But when a team is gutless, when a team has no fire in its belly, when a team doesn't give a flying fcuk, is it any wonder they can get through a game without inducing even Howard Webb to show a yellow? Even more of a worry is the fact that Cardiff were able to hold us at bay and only collect one yellow themselves, and that because Cole stood on the bloody ball! We didn't stretch them, we didn't run at them, we didn't threaten to hurt them - so the whole game was played at the tempo of a pre season friendly and the atmosphere of the crowd matched!
And this is how it has been for two years now. Allardyce warned in mid week that he had not been able to get into the heads of the players yet. He warned that this team are attuned to defeat. He hinted that this is a squad that has forgotten how to win. He should now say it how it is: this is a team that doesn't give a shit.
Some are arguing that the players were nervous. Nervous? Nervous about what? Nervous about playing Cardiff in the NPower Championship? How are Parker and Green going to perform for England if their legs and hands turn to jelly in a game against Cardiff? How do any of them have a future in the game if they freeze in a match like this? It had sod all to do with nerves, sod all to do with tension and everything to do with apathy in my book, which is why Webb had such an easy afternoon.
It was Sunday. It was a 1 pm kickoff. It was just a matter of time before we scored. It was a stroll in the Upton Park. It was a fcuking betrayal yet again.
Allardyce made excuses and he shouldn't. The fans deserve better and deserve a manager who tells it how it really is. He should have pulled off Parker as a statement, not Noble. He should have got Collison, Cole and Barrera into the action much earlier. He should have kept them locked in the dressing room for an hour after the game and told them what we all think of them.
The message must be 'Never again'.
Yes, the strongest midfield in the division, what's the point when the back four just hoof it over their heads? The problem is players like Noble and Parker are still used to playing the ball somewhat on the deck, fat Sam's mercenaries are not, thus two totally conflicting styles trying to gel.
well said!!!
lack of urgency
lack of awareness
lack of passion
Your blog seems harsh but I hope word gets back to Sam Allardyce of it. You're an impassioned whufc fan telling just how it is! Next target is avoiding four straight losses!
Dont be daft HF, we actually play well in preseason friendlies :) We need to treat every game this season like a friendly, not a cup final!
Parker leaving will bring some balance to the team. Taylor and O'Brien showed some real promise and i am sure that Nolan will come good when he is not dizzy watching Parker running in circles and spinning on the spot.
Spot on for me HF, as was your last one about doctor evil betraying his own standards and trying to appease the WH way. Its all bollx. He was hired for a reason, to get us promotion and the best way to do it is the way he did it for years..not how some fans with blinkered visions of WH's past might like it to be done.
After 65 minutes yesterday, Cardill were dead and buried. They were useless. They were awaiting the knock out punch. A small effort and a few choice subs at that point would have won the game easy for us. But we failed. We looked tired. We looked incapable. Worst of all, we looked disinterested.
Sort it out Sam, fantasy football is for internet geeks, not down Upton Park way...
The scariest thing to me is that you have Yo Gabba Gabba in the UK.
I thought it was only me that noticed Parker should of been pulled. He was shocking! Im not as harsh a critic of him than you but that was a disgraceful performance from him. Everything parker did was a joke and i would of took sears off earlier as well. in fact piquinne as well (why did he start?) why noble sitting and parker further forward?? When noble stepped up the pitch he made a few decent passes.
I thought noble was having a good game before he was taken off. I dont get where sav and stani are coming from saying he was bad. he lost the ball once all game but who didnt and he was the only one spreading the play in fact i can recall 3 or 4 times when our chances started from him but still they protect parker and dont say about his terrible game
I don't think we do Dave. The internet crosses international boundaries
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