The game north of the border is sadly now a joke. And it's not just football. They can't play cricket, the rugby team don't stand a cat in hell's chance in the World Cup and even the curling team slipped up at the last winter Olympics. I suppose they are still World Champion Tossers (of the caber), but what else are they any good at?
There was a time when all of the best English teams featured a couple of Scots but there's barely a Scot in the EPL now. What has happened to Scotland? Where is the nation's pride?
Hopefully that picture will help them in the only sport in which they now excel!
Sassenach - rot in hell
and what have England won? Look at comparable nations (Germany, Italy etc) and you've won one dodgy world cup. A win that required no less than three perfectly good goals from Eusebio disallowed v England in the semi's then a dodgy linesman in the final.
Take away that and it's been nothing.
That's missing the point with all due respect 1814. I have very fond memories of some of your greats. What has happened up North? Chucking abuse isn't the answer. Or perhaps it is. Perhaps you're happy being crap and abusing others.
Barely a Scot in the EPL now?
- Charlie Adam - Liverpool
- Darren Fletcher - Man United
- Craig Gordon - Sunderland
- Alan Hutton
- David Goodwillie - Blackburn
etc etc etc
Far from what you were implying.
Hmmm. 20 teams with squads of 25 players, that's 500 players and you have come up with 5, unless Etc Etc is plying his trade for QPR. I think 1% counts as "barely" don't you? Is Hutton still at Spurs? I think only Adam and Fletcher really merit a mention as "quality".
Oh you sad delusional Mallet - slate Scottish football as much as you want.
1. Your feable excuse of a team will "NEVER" be in the Champions League
2. Without Sky TV money no-one would care about the Premiership as the only players would be English & they're incapable internationally of winning anything.
3. Every product has a life cycle - English football is no different - when the bubble bursts lets see how you enjoy bankruptcy
1847, but none of that answers the question as to what has happened to Scotland. We have the best cricket team in the world, some great cyclists, a team that regularly makes it through the group stages of the World Cup in football, teams from the EPL that WIN the Champions League or reach the final at least and a rugby side that could win the World Cup. And Scotland? You have a bottler who plays pat ball.
Oh, and we are even better than you at golf now!
what has a lady with lovely assets got to do with glue sniffing?
Perhaps the knickers are sticky with Bostic mate!
You are correct, the SPL is terrible. It is riddled with problems, most notably it is very poorly organised and there is a real lack of money. 12 teams and a split is just shite!
The vast majority of fans now support the Old Firm and the other clubs are getting squeezed out. There are also too many clubs up here for the population.
It doesn't help our cause that all the English clubs that can offer more money than the clubs up here (most of them) will rape and pilliage our clubs for any shred of talent. That is their right so I am not having a go, just saying it is a problem for us.
As for other sports, the facilities are really poor and the kids are just not interested anymore. It's a shame as we have had some cracking sportsmen and women over the years.
A sensible reply Fed Up. Is there anything being done up there to try to inspire a reaction? Why not a Scotland's Got Sporting Talent or something? Are the schools trying to foster sport? It is an incredible demise for a once proud sporting nation.
We have some idiot up here called Neil Doncaster that thinks going back to a 10 team league is the best thing for the SPL but the fans all want a bigger league. Germany ripped up their leagues and started from scratch and it was a big problem for them at first but have come out the other side and just look at their national side, stunning! They also put their prices down and all the stadiums are generally filled to capacity. We would be lucky to get 3,000 at any SPL game out with the Old Firm because of the prices. These clubs could fill their stadiums every other week if it was affordable. Parents would take their kids and once you are in there is no changing your team. This would boost the fan base for the future.
As for "grass roots" nah, nothing will be done really. Everything is being cut back as you will know and sport is the first to suffer. The commonwealth games coming up here might spark a little interest but until we see an upturn in the UK's fortunes it will continue to slip away.
Good luck to you mate. I've always cheered Scots on unless England are involved. You may be heathens but you are Brits when all is said and done! ; }
Wish I could say the same about the English teams but the loathing of the English media up here makes that impossible. That is another discussion for another time though.
Good luck with getting back into the Premiership. Shame to see you go down.
Just the Irish left now then! Oh..wait a minute, have you had a dig at Norwich yet, or are you content to just leave it with QPR & Swansea for now?
Edward Bulwer-Lytton sums you up the best perhaps (well almost) - "The keyboard is mightier than the sword. Behold The arch-antagonist's wand! — itself a nothing! — But taking sorcery from the master-hand To paralyse the losers, and to strike The fans of football breathless! — Take away the sword - Hammersfan can cut without it!"
All hail the king of wind-up!
I agree about the Scottish league but Scottish managers are showing the way. Much better than their English counterparts
It's the accent mate, that and the fact that they enter the dressing room chewing on a pair of haggis that look frighteningly like a pair of bollocks!
By the way Stani, if the Avram's Avengers were wearing kilts, you would be getting an eyeful given our relative positions in the fantasy league!
You're assuming I'd be carrying a magnifying glass...
Funny you mention that. The OS are advertising vacancies and the randy boys promise to offer an 'attractive package'. I hear Dale's applied already. You'd wanna get on it HF
Comparing 60 million limeys to only 5 million scots is beyond ridiculous. That been said you forgot to mention Andy Murray england's new adopted son! You can't find a decent tennis player from 60 million. Plus we have had many great football results over the years you limey b*st*rd.
I think you will find I refer to the pat ball bottler in a comment above.
Isn't Limey a word for the British or is it just the English? Just wondering. Anyone?
I see it, the Andy Murray slur. Yes he is a bottler just like england's world cup / euro team's with those great penalty kicks. Stop picking on Scotland, not a fair fight.
I'm calling Mel Gibson, he would love to kick your arse. Freeeeedooooooom. Goosh I love that movie.
And he's an Australian!
Limey is an old slang nickname, often use disparagingly, for the British, originally referring to their sailors. The sweaties to the best of my knowledge have never had a navy.. apart from those ridiculous coracle things, that don't have a sharp end.
The term is derived from lime juice, referring to the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy practice of supplying lime juice to British sailors to prevent scurvy.
Cheers John,
So that would include Scots right?
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