Brilliant! Warnock is hammered, Gabbidon puts one in his own net and, best of all, Dyer is carried off after seven minutes! Seven minutes? That's half a season for Dyer! I suppose he will tell everybody that our medical team are to blame! He's not injury prone. No, he's not! No really he isn't!
God knows what Ecclestone and co are up to at QPR. Warnock should have walked in May but no doubt his head was too big to fit through the exit!
Dear God, our record against Bolton is appalling but even we haven't lost 4-0 at home to them in the Prem. I was planning to cheer on Rangers this season until they signed Gabbidon and Dyer. Now the only way I am getting behind them is if they pay us £8million for Scotty Parker!
You sad cnut. Get a life.
hahahaha look at qprmad!
Your team is shit, you don't belong anywhere near the prem and you will suufer a fate worse than Derby County's last prem outing!
QPR for relegation!
leave dyer along you really are sad to be happy about someone getting injured.
Kevin in manchester writes
I know schadenfreude or what .. gabbidon hopelessly out of position all game, thank god sam got rid.. can u get stani to let me in the fantasy league if you get the chance-i've been pending for five days
Warnock, PRICK Sheff Utd SCUM !
Dyer, Mardy injury prone wanker !
Gabbidon, plain and simple - SHIT !
Nothing broken 2252, but the stretcher bearers need to go on a body building course if Dyer is going to start games - they are going to be very busy!
Nothing against QPR at all,when we were away I enjoyed a few of their home games in the 70's when the likes of Stanley Bowles & Dave Thomas were in the side & they were a joy to watch but I think you are going to struggle big time this year with your tight arsed owners (just like us!) & the WHU rejects...get Gabbs & Dyer off the wage bill & spend some real money (Bernie can afford it) before January or it's gonna be a short stay in the prem.
Jonny Hammer
It was 4 minutes, HF, according to the Gamecast. And I read a broken bone in his foot. Maybe that was premature.
Warnock is very good at getting teams promoted. He isn't nearly as good at keeping them up.
Sorry 22:52. After Dyer's self absorbed nonsense rant against our medical staff I wish him all the worst.
I must admit, you've gotta laugh, who in their right mind would have signed Dyer with his record, except us that is!
Q P Ra ha ha ha ha
great post hf as soon as i see the qpr result i knew what you would post any way qpr can go fcuk themselfs stay of our westham blog blogg fcuking tossers
Credit to Sam Allardyce, he got rid of the crap. Gabbidon, injury prone Dyer and don't forget Spector! I am sorry about QPR but if they get rid of Warnock soon they may still manage to stay up.
To be fair, QPR didn't pay £6m for Dyer and aren't paying him £83,000 per week as a salary! Presumably a large element of his salary is based on appearance fees. Mind you, does 7 minutes qualify Dyer for a payment? If so, you can see Dyer's thinking. "Money's in the bank now. It's my foot, my foot, I think I've broken my foot!"
As 'Mr Glass' lay on the grass, I couldn't help think - that's what you get when you talk through your ass! Dyer..you're DYER..you fcuking liar, you shouldn't have bad mouthed us - It's time to retire!
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