Her latest dig is again about McCarthy's body fat ratio which she quips was three times Kevin Phillips's 8%. Given she is so comfortable with announcing these stats, why doesn't she tell us the percentage of fat she is carrying? I bet there are a few cellulite patterns across her arse and thighs just like there are a few chins queueing up at the top of her neck!
She's only stating what you were on about a while ago, so why slate her for that. Besides yes she may have a amount of it on her, but she isn't supposed to be a professional footballer who needs to keep his bodyfat content to a low level.
I can't understand why you would have a pop when she is clearly in agreement with what you think/thought of McBenni... :S
hahhahaha - that's a big rich isn't it Capt. Plank? you use this rag to settle scores against those who you believe have besmirched the West Ham way = think of that poor old Scot Parker chap.
He's gone now. She is still here. And I don't think it is appropriate for her to be seeking self publicity through The Sun. How many jobs has she got? She should shut up and focus on her role at West Ham. Anyway, how could I resist that headline?
I am not employed by West Ham am I?
Ooooh you bitch! I can imagine that you're not the fittest of fiddles - as you're stuck in your game moderating this blog 7 days a week.
LOL They are hiring a crane to get me out of the windows! It is true that, since my injury, I have added a few pounds but I don't have as many chins as Ms Brady!
You want to jump on a bike as it's low impact and shouldn't put a strain on a dodgy back.
This slapper destroyed our last season, is she wanting to destroy this one too?
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