Ah good evening. Do you know if you're a copper, you get a birds eye view of people in all walks of life. The criminal population isn't confined to one section by a long chalk. And sometimes when you get to the bottom of a case, you get a bit of a surprise.
They say there's a bad apple in every barrel and we thought at Tottenham, it must be 'Arry. But according to Sullivan and Gold, the whole barrel is rotten to the core. Never mind News International, the big scandal centres on breaches of the Data Protection Act by Tottenham when instructing a private dick investigating our bid for the Olympic White Elephant. It seems that this may be a police matter and that custodial sentences could follow. Presumably, if Levy is put on trial, other offences will be taken into account such as the attempt to con us into paying £6m for shot bolt Keane.
With 'Arry facing trial for tax evasion, he and Levy could end up in adjacent cells!
"...According to Sullivan and Gold..." Christ, if we're relying on them as some kind of moral compass we're all screwed.
Two pornographers giving lectures on ethics. Priceless.
Errr.Nothings proven apart from the slight omission by a West Ham employee to mention the fact. That is proven and I lve the way that West Ham's investigation finds themselves not guilty, Jack the Ripper would have been proven innocent if he picked and paid for the investigation,. Stop it. My ribs ache!!!!!!!!
Hf what do you say Parker for dos Santos?
Oh dear!
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