So, we will never once have the chance to sit on the Luis Boa-Morte crapper or pee in the Luis Boa-Morte latrine. The £6 million man arrived, in the words of Turds, as "three players rolled into one" but was exposed as a jack of all trades and - never mind a master - not even an apprentice of none!
He came, he saw, he floundered. Everytime he had a shot at goal, some poor sod in the Bobby Moore upper was rushed to hospital with concussion. Every tackle he made had free kick written all over it. Every pass he completed was to an opponent. Every run off the ball was an open invitation for a linesman's flag. Yes he charged around, yes he gave 100% but yes he was crap - time and time and time again.
Will we miss Boa? Of course we will, in the same way that Lear missed his all licensed fool. The guy was a running joke - literally - and he ran, and ran, and ran.
But now he is gone.
"Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the tautology Morte Is Dead"
Oh the relief!! Poor Boa its not his fault the manager kept picking him again and again and ... Inexplicably AGAIN!!!
By DoomedDespot
Boa Morte,he took a lot of shit from us but still signed off with a classy statement..such a shame he just didn't have a modicum of talent to match his effort,all the best for the future Luis & thanks for at least trying,it's a shame your more gifted team mates didn't match your graft,we might have stayed up!
Jonny Hammer
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