Well done to Melchiot and the Wigan boys for announcing that they are going to refund fans after that shameful performance on Sunday. True, that doesn't really make up for one of the most inept showings on a football pitch that I have ever seen, but it is a gesture that shows how embarrassed the players feel.
I don't wish to belittle the performance of the Tottenham boys in any way - Lennon, Krancjar, Huddlestone and, of course The Foe, all looked awesome on the day - but, in truth, Wigan were the incompetent architects of their own annihilation. How many times did they lose the ball in their own half? I only saw the highlights on MOTD but time and again I saw Wigan players playing what looked like deliberate passes to their opponents and even trying to dribble past Tottenham players in their own half. The marking, closing down and tackling were so woeful that I began to think that Breen might have been a Premiership quality defender after all!
All that said, you can only hammer what's put in front of you and Tottenham certainly delivered. Lennon apparently can't cross - well he could yesterday! Huddlestone can't boss the midfield apparently - well he could yesterday! And as for Defoe, well two of his finishes were sublime, the dragged shot when the ball was slightly behind him as he met it and the fantastic volley to complete his hat trick. His movement and finishing looked international class to me!
But enough with praising Wigan's post match attitude and Tottenham's in game performance. I just hope that West Ham follow Wigan's example and repay our wonderful travelling fans. By my reckoning, the fans who travelled to Sunderland deserve a 50% refund because the team failed to come out of the dressing room for the second half, whilst 30% of the ticket price should be refunded after Saturday, because after 11 minutes, the team went missing for the rest of the first half!
Come on Zola, tell the team to pull their fingers out or pay up - the fans who pay to support the team deserve better!
bloody hell thats a great idea I reckon that by now West Ham players past and present collectively owe me give or take a few pence I don't know Necker Island maybe
Necker Island? South Africa?
I agree with what you say, I think all clubs/players should refund their fans after shocking performances. Obviously they can't refund fans every time they lose, but performances like Wigan's on sunday, or Tottenham's against Arsenal in the derby should be refunded or at least part refunded, especially if the fans have made a long journey, like West Ham's to Sunderland.
It might make the players try a little bit harder if they weren't going to get paid for turning up, just to lie down and die!
Well the players wouldn't owe you much would they?
Did I say they did? Nope. Mind you, Zola should refund me for my tickets wafter he picked a sub standard team for the League Cup exit at Watford.
Still too cowardly to post under your own handle I see. How sad.
Now, I've supplied the picture, so go away and do what comes most naturally to you!
Necker island Richard Branson's Caribbean island hideaway for the rich and famous like said footballers
I think it may hasten administration if we did implement this.
Conversely, the big boys would start charging extra for performing well, the opposite of paying fans back for performing bad. The next thing we know, we'll have Chelsea, Man Utd, Arsenal and Man Ci...sorry, Liverpool fans leaving their teams and supporting us. We can't have that can we.
Funny you should say 'deliberate'. I've just seen a video from Brazil where the game was rigged and the team in question needed to win by 11 goals to stay up.
They won 11-0 and the similarities between the game are uncanny...Check it out on my site if you want Hammersfan.
What are you suggesting mate, that 'Arry paid the Wigan boys to lose? Impossible! ; }
(Have put up a link to your blog mate.)
Bloody hell TBI, the second goal was a spit of Crouch's opener against Wigan!
TBI said 'Funny you should say 'deliberate'. I've just seen a video from Brazil where the game was rigged and the team in question needed to win by 11 goals to stay up.
They won 11-0 and the similarities between the game are uncanny...Check it out on my site if you want Hammersfan.'
You sad sad person.
With regards the game your summary HF is not very accurate. Wigan were actually not too bad hence 1 - 0 at half time and a couple of chances early in the second half. Then suddenly every attack became a goal. Sure Wigan's defending left alot to be desired but the battering was definitely more down to how lethal an outfit we are becoming than wigan putting in one of the most 'inept showings on a football pitch' as you put it. Anyway more of the same when you visit WHL at Xmas :-)
Based on that I reckon successive incompetant governments owe me nigh on a million in income tax!
Based on that Marty, I'll have a Merc for Christmas please - well if the government owes you MILLIONS in taxes you can afford it!
I'm still working in pesetas pal!
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