I blogged on here at the start of the season that the wheels were about to come off at Liverpool and so it is proving. The squad is ridiculously thin and now, it seems, Torres is not prepared to put his body on the line for the team. His no show against Birmingham says it all. With an international break to follow, you would have thought that the Spaniard could have given the team 60 minutes. Benitez seemed to think so, based on his comments at the weekend. But apparently not.
Real Madrid will be looking for a new manager soon and it is hard to see Benitez resisting the challenge to jump ship. This team is going nowhere and if Liverpool miss out on the Champions League come the end of the season, then those massive debts will start to strangle the life out of the club. If Benitez goes, will Torres follow? Why would he want to hang around at a mid table team already knocked out of Europe? If Torres and Benitez go, why would Gerrard want to stay? Might he not fancy a few years in the Real Madrid midfield to top off his, as yet, not so terribly illustrious career?
Of course, when I predicted Liverpool's demise at the start of the season, I was told I didn't know what I was talking about; just as I was mocked when I predicted we would struggle to avoid relegation. Well, a 2-2 draw against Birmingham, only secured through blatant cheating, suggests I might know something about the game of football, or Soccer as Liverpool's owners call it, after all!
It's still too early to jump ship dude!
What expert analysis you have carried out there. Did you see the match? Did you see us batter Birmingham? We did everything but score a winner. Birmingham only entered our half about 3 times.
A bad run is all it is. Aquaman is now playing. If you checked the facts, you would know Torres is having a complete rest for THREE weeks on the advice of TWO experts.
I suggest, that you concentrate on the woes of your own very average team.
Yes we may not win the league this year, but we will be waving at you when you are relegated.
How CRAP are west ham.
We give them flukey goal head starts and they still cannot beat US.
2125, the two experts were both Spanish - The Real Madrid chairman and the Real Madrid doctor!
2126 Hilarious. And like all Liverpool fans these days, you ae living in the past! How crap were Liverpool, needing penalties to beat West Ham? I remember the days when you used to trounce us every game!
Worry about your own insignificant club you moron. we are tired of same old media brainwashed stuff about liverpool from opposition fans.
Yes, Liverpool ARE a sack of crap! But they are nowhere near as crap as your blog you disgusting piece of scum!
Calm down, calm down, it's only an informed opinion!
This is what happens when you dare to have a outside opinion of the sky4.
Have to say liverpool supporters arent the worst though.
Dare to criticize Chelski or Manure and half the teenagers in Asia and USA will be on your ass.
You predicted nothing Hammerscrap. You're just a simple shite stirer and that's how you'll go through life. Piss off and let the liverpool soccer supporters figure it out.
Welcome back! Now go and check the compound, make sure there are no intruders. Don't forget your torch!
Whilst on the topic of Liverpool and West Ham, I have an anecdote to add. As a life long Hammers fan I have parked my car many times in the Upton Park area without incident, however whilst taking clients to the LFC vs MUFC match (my first ever visit to the city and a very enjoyable game actually) I returned to my car to find it done over, window smashed and at least 90p(!) stolen from the car. Quite a cliche don't you think (guess I was lucky still to have the wheels)!
"How crap are Liverpool?"
To answer your question;
Unfortunately, not as crap as us.
They have 19 points, we have 10.
Oh, bugger!
Interesting post RE: ."whilst taking clients to the LFC vs MUFC match. I returned to my car to find it done over, window smashed and at least 90p(!) stolen from the car."
I was an officer on duty during the LFC v MUFC match. After every game we review incidents reported to gauge were we can target resources on future occasions. On the day in question there were 3 reports of damage caused to vehicles. None of the reports however included any broken windows. Could you please forward details of the incident to Merseyside Police via http://www.merseyside.police.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1646
To the Scouse Policeman (an oxymoron?), I would like to point out that the anonymous poster did not actually identify the year this actually happened. Bit of basic detective work not quite in place there mate. Hope that doesn't indicate the general quality of the detective work in Liverpool!
To Hammers Fan it was the recent LFC v MUFC match so maybe you shouldn't be so critical without first doing your own detective work. I thought most people were unfair to you on this site until now
To Merseyside Police - you found the incident before me and indeed put the police incident report through the broken window, I followed up with lengthy discussions with Match Day Incident desk so I won't waste more of your time by reporting it again
LOL I didn't say it wasn't this season, I was merely pointing out that he should not be dismissing what you were saying without checking all the facts first. If, of course, you are the original person who wrote about the incident! Do I care? No.
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