Just heard him on TV talking about the Henry handball and saying that it is amazing that 2 million people can see something but they cannot help the one man who can't see it out on the pitch. The one man? Since when has Wenger been able to see any incorrect decision that has worked in favour of Arsenal?
Perhaps he is joining in the spirit of Children in Need!
I don't know how you managed to creep on to newsnow but that has to be the laziest post I've ever read. How many managers do you know that admit when their players have done wrong? The manager is there to protect the player, simple as.
Funny, I don't think that is in the job description of the manager anywhere! It it really in the contract to lie and defend cheating?
Hammersfan... I tend to like 99% of Hammers fans btw, but seems you are part of that 1%....
Anyway... a basic fact in managing a team for someone thats clearly ignorant like you: You cant criticize your own players in public, it will destroy your relationship with them, will cause chaos in a dressing room.
I am sure Wenger has had a word with players privately regarding something he "didnt see"
And btw, you are not even an Arsenal fan, so you dont know ****! Wenger has come out in the past saying that he usually does SEE things when they happen, but in order to avoid saying something negative in public he chooses to say "I didnt see it".
So stfu and stop talking crap.
Check your facts, jackass - he voluntarily had an FA Cup tie against Sheffield United replayed 10 years ago when Arsenal scored a goal after the ball should have been returned to United.
A vital part of any manager's job, not just football managers,is to protect his/her staff. Football managers do it like Wenger does, ordinary managers take the blame for big mistakes etc. You clearly have no idea what being a manager, at any level, actually is!
you got yourself all of 5 comments mate, there's message in there somewhere!
What's that? There are five arseholes who feel the need to comment negatively on a two minute article on Wenger's hypocrisy? Great manager, terrible hypocrite and defends his players too much sometimes. I remember him not seeing Viera spit at Ruddock even though it happened within spitting distance of him.
I share the opion of David Ginola on Skysports!
So the rule of the site is "Cut the insults guys, make your point and invite debate!"
The majority of respondents disagree with Hammersfan so he calls them "arseholes" for doing so. What a sad little blog and an even sadder blogger.
LOL True. Bad mood. Tense ahead of the game with Hull. Apologies.
I love listening to bitter eastend paupers,..."please sir can we have some more".not'till you learn to play you little scallywags.
well done hull.
And well done to Sunderland! Another trophy-less year for the Arse!
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