WTF? Maybe Tottenham are contenders for the top 4 after all; and maybe Wigan are going to struggle! The Foe got FIVE, including a hattrick in seven minutes! Incredible!
West Ham fans won't like it, but you have to hand it to Spurs today! Congratulations and I, for one, would be delighted if you Cockyfools keep Unreal City and Liverpool out of the Champions League!
We were lucky!!
Anyway, it helps you lot out - apparently Wigan are now looking forward to getting relegated...
LOL Enjoy your success! It may not last of course! And if you need to win the last game of the season to finish in the top 4, be careful what you eat!
The thing Tottenham fans will be thinking is are we gonna go up to Villa and lose 1-0 giving Downing (who they were after) his first bloody goal? They gotta get rid of the inconsistencies and grind out a 1-0 when needed.
You see many similarities between Zola and Martinez HF? I do. And Martinez doesn't have a Clarke beside him. I fear for him. Good young manager but again, needs to learn quick.
Zola......he's got a monkey's head.
Doglegz, well done for using an apostrophe, very impressive for somebody with a monkey brain! But you are right, Zola is resembling a monkey these days.
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