Great quote from our manager following the defeat against Everton:
"We had I don`t know how many chances and they only had two. How can we lose a game like that? We have to find out straight away what is not working well."
Well Gianfranco, we could start with the fact that Jimenez is useless but you still picked him. Then there is the little matter of you breaking up a settled defence by parting with Collins and Neill. Then there is the inspired decision to leave your most creative player on the bench until we were losing. Then, of course, there was the failure to buy anybody to replace Cole in the event of him being injured or suspended. Then there is the incy wincy problem of not having a replacement left back. And, of course, there is that tiresome little niggle of 4-3-3 not working but your insistence on setting up the side that way regardless.
Bloody confusing business this game of football isn't it?
Only confusing when you are inexperienced and clearly don't know what you're doing or talking about.
As Zola clearly is. If we had management Zola would of been out on his ear by now.
ZOLA does come out with some strange comments.You have listed about 6 reasons for our poor results and to most fans they are quite obvious to see,why can't ZOLA ?
Well said! In addition, he fails to understand that the psychology of a kid that became a hero mid-week is such that would give him stage-fright if was to be a starter in the next match. The huge expectations on his shoulders following a dream performance mid-week was bound to unsettle him. A wise manager would have eased him into the game. After all we had Diamanti on the bench for most of the game again until we were two down (as in the Arsenal game). Franco is also a question mark. He is really off the pace for the English game. West Ham needs speed to break up defences. We have that in Hines and Diamanti. Only Hines was ahead of himself and was still thinking about last Wednesday. Da Costa seems to have the qualities to do a good job replacing Collins and he really can jump high (as he proved in the penalty that never was).
Anyway, I saw Birmingham being robbed of two points by Liverpool without playing any football at all! They could not put two passes together. And yet, they managed to get a draw and it should have been a win. On the other hand, West Ham passes the ball well but there is no end product. And Zola is still scratching his head!
I'm seriously starting to believe that Zola thinks all our players are capable of being as good as him Lets hope he proves himself right very soon
He does make some poor decisions but he's done wonders with Cole and I'd rather be watching this team struggle against relegation than a Turds team winning the league
I see you have had another article locked on the org.
Agree with most of what you said except the replacement left back issue. Its not that we dont need a replacement left back but the bigger issue is we dont even have 1 right back yet so if we are gonna spend money it shouldnt be on a replacement but a specialist right back.
Sorry, off topic:
12:19 is right. You do have another article locked on the Org.
Now, no doubt, you already knew that but it was news to me. Just popped over for a look.
What a strange site the Org. is these days. You can slag the Directors, the Manager or the players off as much as you like but start questioning Dave Dismal’s judgement and the shutters come down.
Freedom of speech, anyone? What happened to that, then?
LOL The irony is that it ISN'T me! If it was, I wouldn't dare take on davefking, I know he has the ear of Nev; after all, it was my battle with davefking and the Klan that got me banned! I know this ironsfan guy looks in here because he has talked about this site but, frustratingly, he hasn't made himself known. I THINK I know who it is but I'm not sure. Has he been banned? Shame if he has because he seems to know what he is talking about except for his support of Turds! Of course he has also upset westhamtilIdie who is posting under the name of Hierros so his days must be numbered. ironsfan, I did warn you when you started crossing swords with the Klan!
1219, I have been posting on the site but not as ironsfan.
Well the Klan seems to have gained a few more members these days.
Does it? Same old faces. WesthamtilIdie (Heirros), Aycliffe and Jase all leapt to Grumpy's defence. I thought what he said was typically spiteful to be honest. The guy hates being proved wrong, he would rather Cole be injured than continue to look brilliant. Why was the forum locked exactly? Nobody has said anything too awful and there are two sides to the argument. No doubt dave whined to Nev and Nev rode to his rescue. Embarrassing! "Please sir, they are using what I said against me!" Note the forum where Grumpy announced he was pleased Cole had been injured hasn't been locked. How odd is that?
I thought you always had the Klan down as WHTID, DFK and IronsG? Don't worry about ironsfan being banned he is still alive and kicking.
What about this Thors guy and a certain other poster on another thread certainly didn't like you.
Are you him? The Head Klansmen are, as you rightly say, that three headed hydra, but del, Jase and Aycliffe were always outriders, closing ranks if any of the three came under attack. The failure of the good Reverand to pronounce excommunication on Grumpy for his malicious comment says it all. These "friends" aren't willing to be honest with each other. I'm sure Aycliffe, who seems a reasonable guy, considered both the sentiment and the comment reprehensible but isn't prepared to say so. I'm intrigued by the way Roberto has fallen out with davefking. He will be banned soon if he isn't careful!
Thors? Irons Germany innit mate? Like me? Who doesn't like me? What thread? Or are you still calling me as ironsfan?
Yes the Jock is on his last legs and will soon be sent on his way, don't worry though as I am sure he will fit in well on here.
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