The reaction of Palace fans to the suggestion that we might be recalling Freddie Sears says it all. In summary, it boils down to "Have him back whenever you want, the guy is hopeless!"
Now there are two points here. Firstly, how desperate is the situation if we are considering recalling a striker who has yet to score an authorised goal in the Fizzy Pop. And secondly, if we do want him back and, as Warnock believes, we can't trigger a recall until January, then who ballsed up when the loan agreement was drawn up?
If it was, as I suspect, Duxbury, then there surely has to be some accountability. I can't believe how Teflon coated this guy has been - no matter what the shit, it refuses to stick to Duxbury. It is beyond belief that, not only did he survive the Tevez affair, he actually ended up with a promotion. It was Duxbury's cuddles that cost us £25m for pity's sake! The only logical explanation I can find for his ongoing survival is that we are buying his silence. What exactly does this Joker know?
This is a bit of a nothing story, HF which you’ve used to indulge in your favourite pastime of Duxbury bashing. (Surprise, surprise.)
What’s the source of this rumour that we might want Sears back ahead of schedule? Neil Warnock? I’d rather take the word of a politician on an expenses claim than anything coming out of the mouth of that poisonous, bitter, little failure of a football manager.
People have put two and two together and come up with about a hundred! So Cole is injured and Ashton is expected to announce his retirement from the game and suddenly we want Sears back? Er, no, I don’t think so.
I doubt whether Palace would have agreed to take Sears on loan if we could end that arrangement without giving them any notice. How could they accommodate him in their plans if he could be whisked away at anytime and why would we want him anyway? We already got plenty of players who struggle to score, do we need another?
No, if you want to go after Duxbury again then you’re going to have to come up with something better than this.
Unfortunately, I suspect that you will get more ammunition when we ultimately lose the fight for compensation for Ashton’s career ending injury.
Let’s face it, we haven’t won a single battle off the pitch since Duxbury was appointed. Fined £5 million over Tevez and Mascherano. Forced to pay £25 million compensation to Sheffield United. Compensation for Curbishley. A hefty fine looming over the Millwall game. The omens for getting anything out of the insurers for Ashton look pretty hopeless to me. - - - - and Duxbury’s a lawyer. Laugh, you couldn’t make it up.
You may be right 1927 but I couldn't resist the headline and the opportunity to run a picture of the Joker as Duxbury!
you watch, we wont get a penny for Ashton's injury either.
I just hope Ashton sues Curbishley for forcing him back too quickly. He clearly didn't want to be on the field when Turds rushed him back! Constructive destruction of a playing career!
there are two types on loan agreements. short term and long term. short term deals can be anywhere from 1 week to 3 months, either team can cancel the loan agreement at any time. longer term loan agreements, ie over 3 months to 12 months, have standardised rules written into them that neither club can just cancel the loan agreement without the other team agreeing to it. this is to help clubs manage their squads until the next window and to also stop the bigger teams being able to recall their players whenever they want to help out their own squad, especially if said player is doing well at the team he has been loaned to, as this is unfair on that team. another reason for this no recall feature is that fees generally tend to be paid for longer term loan agreements, and therefore the loaning club should expect to be able to have the player for a certain ammount of time before being recalled, as they have paid for him.
some of you will recall we had a similar thing with Neil Mellor. houllier (i think) wanted him to play, but he couldnt hit a barn door with a banjo, we wanted to send him back but we couldnt. eventually west ham told liverpool that mellor would be better off in their reserves than ours, so they agreed on a loan contract termination.
still, dont let the facts get in the way of another west ham/duxbury bashing eh???
If there was a chance we might need him back, why didn't we send him out on a three month loan, extendable by agreeement of both parties. Like that, we have control over our own player. That's not rocket engineering is it? So, back to Duxbury... ; }
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