Zola has made it clear that Carlton is going nowhere! So that's it. Final. End of. The boy belongs to us and Liverpool and the Mancs can take a running jump! Ha! £20m? Stuff it up your Northern arses! Who needs it?
Feels great doesn't it? But I seem to remember hearing the same thing in December of last year about Bellyache. And where is Period Pains now? And then, of course, we were told Anton was not for sale, until Blunderland offered £8m for him. And of course McCartney was going to be sold over Curbishley's dead body. That is until Sunderland came back in for him too and we pocketed enough to cover the legal bills and compensation for Turds, but sadly didn't have to pick up the tab for his funeral costs!
We have heard this all before - about Rio and Carrick and Defoe and Joe Cole and... But we know that neither Zola nor Nani will make the ultimate decision. In fact, I have the impression that even Duxbury is now little more than a nodding dog. The Board will decide if Cole is sold, and Carlton will have a big say in it too. If he decides he wants out, there will be very little we can do to keep him!
So it is great to hear Zola talking tough but anybody who stakes his house on Carlton still being a West Ham player based on this could be making a very big mistake indeed. The fact that we are still sniffing around Toni might indicate that contingency plans are being made for what, may yet, prove to be the inevitable!
Talking of people who are going nowhere, why can't Anton get in the Sunderland team? I thought he was going to play for England? Steve Bruce is doing a pretty good job up there don't you think?
Yep, have to agree. Certainly getting the best out of Bent. Anton needs to come back down south - still think he will play for England.
Nice to see you have taken your little friend back out of the closet, whatever happened to Salty?
you might note that he has a google id
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.........oh dear............lmfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarse off. And you the guy who said that the move to the North with the top manager Mr. Woy Keane was gonna bring the best out of him.......Hahahahahahahahahahaha.........Engalnd???????? kisss my aaaaaaaaarrrrr.....
I never did say that. I have no time for Roy Keane now and never have. I said it was a strange move for Anton to make and predicted it wouldn't work out for him. He needs to get back down to London!
Straight4Ward, or perhaps that should be backward, it appears you've taken YOUR little friend out of your trousers again, not sure whether you're old enough for Salty to make a showing though.
Sniffing round Toni?
Sorry but we can barely afford (and when I say barely, I mean can't really) Upson's wages, so how we are going to fork out £120k for Luca - whose attitude isn't exactly ideal for a relegation scrap - is laughable.
We'd be lucky to get Toni the Tiger.
Let's face it our future hinges on the Struamur memorandum on the 11th December. They get permission to not hold a fire sale on their assets just yet and we can kiss goodbye to Upson and probably Valon.
Let's face it we sell Cole we may as well sell everyone and spend another few years languishing in the fizzy pop until we're sold to someone who gives a crap...
Last I 'eard me little bruv was on the outer 'Barcoo' - 'e took off there mutterin' sumpin' 'bout trackin' down an Essex girl.
Bit of a slur on old Salty's good name Martillo. You obviously believed the rumours surrounding him and underage girls?
Rumours? In a chat room ?............ Whatever next W4S?
Well the rumour about you being his little puppet who's strings he pulls from time to time are certainly true.
Do you know, over 80,000 alter egos of Fanno have now "hit" this site in the last two months. No wonder the tips of my fingers are tender!
Its great isn't it!!
Take a look at the first post on this thread. I disagree with our host about Anton Ferdinand. I disagree with our host about Steve Bruce. And finally, I came into existance to disagree with Fanno about Alan Curbishley (whilst making my opinions heard about the outrageous treatment Fanno received on the Org.)
It is because of idiots like you that intelligent and humourous contributors like Saltbush Bill no longer contribute.
1826, you seem to think so because you keep returning!
Careful Marty, ironsfan disagreed with me about Turds but he was banned because he was obviously Fanno!
Notice flappers is complaining how quiet the org is. Now who else used to talk about tumbleweed on the site? Hmmmmm. No, couldn't be; or could it? LOL! The joke goes on and on and on!
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