Good to see that Gianfranco is looking in on this blog. After the farce of a performance at Hull, the Italian showed how low his expectations now are by expressing pleasure at the team's ability to fight back from a goal down to draw; against the 10 men of prime relegation candidates! Speaking after the game, the diminutive Italian said he "couldn't see Hull coming back at all" because "we looked in control"; well, presumably, Zola either didn't see, or has forgotten, the Sunderland and Fulham games! And the Arsenal match, for that matter, where the reverse happened!
But what stood out the most was the tribute Zola paid to this blog. Quite right Gianfranco, it is a "crazy game" now isn't it?
Although not widely reported Zola was then heard to mutter, "I must say that the blog site 'the games gone crazy' has been identifying our weaknesses since before the season started. I am now realising that had I taken note of the author earlier, we might not be in the mess that we now find ourselves in!"
All I need now is for Scotty Duxbury to give me an interview and, before I know it, I will be eating prawn sandwiches and making straight arm salutes with Iain Dale at Tory Party open primaries!
Zolas comments are getting worse and worse. I expect him to praise our players for lacing up their boots properly next match.
He needs to grow some balls and makes these players feel (like) shit!
On another day I would complain about the penalty decision but on this occasion I couldn't have cared less, so I decided to stare at the television as we sank lower and lower in accordance to me in my sofa.
Yep Edz, to praise the team after that performance seems pathetic to me. Maybe he said something different behind closed doors?
It's not really Zola's fault. If you were a manager with NO club experience and a Premiership club approaches you to become their manager would you turn it down?
Clubs fault not his. This is what you get when you ask a totally inexperienced manager to take on a job that is clearly far beyond him.
What worries me is that this inexperienced manager is going to manager us through a relegation scrap!
TBI, that could have been written about Roeder when he was in charge couldn't it? Parallels are frightening, good start and then...
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