There is no stomach in this team. We saw it at Sunderland and we are seeing it again today. Two goals up against Hull inside 11 mins, the game should be in the bag. What did we have to do from there? Pin a man on Bullard and stop his supply and aoid giving away free kicks around the edge of the box. So what do we do? Drop deep, leave Bullard untagged and give away two free kicks on the edge of the box and a dubious penalty inside it.
I despair. The first free kick conceded by Da Costa was absolutely unnecessary. All he needed to do was stand his ground, instead he tried to come through the back of the opposition player - that is going to be a free kick every time. The Stanislas shirt tug was criminal because the boy fell asleep and then panicked. The penalty was dubious I believe because the Hull player backed into Faubert but why were we defending inide our box in the first place.
Bullard is looking like Hoddle in his prime and whilst the lad is good, he isn't that brilliant. We now have to chase the game so he is going to have even more space. I would have money on him now to score a screamer in the second half.
We are spineless, pure and simple. Can we pull this one out of the fire? Hull are like a river in a flood, they have broken their banks and I don't think we will be able to hold them back personally. The sale of Collins, the failure to buy a right back and the absence of cover for eft back are telling. But are we surprised by that? Leave yourself without a defence and you are going to struggle. And to think, there are rumours that Upson will be allowed to go in January. God help us!
Any hope? Franco looks good but that's about it. We need to win the second half 2-0. I can't see us keeping Hull out so that means we need to score twice just to draw. Here's hoping!
When will you ever stop moaning! You're a mug who bores the life out of everyone! Call yourself a supporter? Try supporting the team for once!
You been banned again as it seems to be kicking off on there without you.
I don't know why I keep reading these posts. Support the team!
Oh, i forgot, you dont ever go to games so thats why you dont support the team!
Hope springs eternal!
Don't give up.
when will u stop moaning,go to watch a game and start supporting west ham and there players and u wonder why our confidence gets lost
I will stop moaning when we play with some gumption! How can you be anything other than appalled by that first half performance. Do you know nothing about football?
ye know alot about football and there was nothing wrong with our first half performance we need to do a chelsea for 1 and realise that all goals we let n were from set peices u blame our players bout everything but how can u judge them unless u were in there shoes and u wud do far worse im sure oh i forgot u cam
n;t as u don't go to matches
What a childish and silly comment. I am not a professional footballer!
u must be hated by everyone even ur posts don't turn up on spuds newsnow anymore let alone r one
LOL How did you get here?
When I say Zola is a poor manager who has us playing below average football it is an informed comment. When you say it, it is nothing but negative drivel.
Understand? Good, that’s cleared that up then.
And why is that exactly?
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