Was Rooney lame? He looked it. Does Downing play for West Ham all of a sudden - he only lasted 45 minutes. Was Young interested in the second half? He barely got out of a jog. How was Lampard allowed to stay on the pitch for so long? He was hopeless. Was that Ilunga out there in an Ashley Cole mask? England were SO disappointing. Who was our best player? Come on Stani and company, admit it, Barry was head and shoulders above the rest!
And all you claret and blue Spurs fans take note, Parker was benched!
But Wales? Well full credit to them - they must have been on a bonus of a sheep per man the way they played! Ramsey deservedly got man of the match and Collison put in a good shift. In fact, if Bale had lived up to the hype and had Earnshaw scored that open goal, England would have finished with faces redder than the Welsh shirts.
The score may have been England 1 Wales 0 but my manager rating would be Capello 0 Speed 5.
England are immensely boring to watch. At least with West Ham I can remain focused for 90 minutes, with nerves if nothing else. I don't feel that with England ever since we were obliterated by ze Germans.
I've had enough of this crap. Soon as you think he's gone go for the new young players, he goes back to the old garbage. Barry, Lampard, Milner and Downing in midfield? Speed must have been laughing.
Feel for Rooney. Isolated and always urging the midfield to push up to no evail. The guy wastes his time playing in that team
I agree with you stani it was the same at the world cup though rooney always ends up having to come deep to get the ball and hes always the one trying to link midfield to attack but once he does that nobodys ahead of him apart from the welsh defence
Gareth Barry is slow, slow - slow, slow, slow. Apparently Jan Molby watched the game and is making a comeback. He was Wales best player in the 1st half. Parker was benched as he is one yellow away from a ban and Fubio (intended spelling) wants him for the last game. And on Lampards performance in his place, that may well be the last we see Frankie boy in the 3 lions. Shame.......ahem. The whole team were lethargic last night, no closing down nor running off the ball until we scored, but even then it was short lived. This inability to maintain the intensity is what drags us down. Heres to a Q-Final exit next year. Oh, and well played Earnshaw, alwaysw knew you were a hot shot.
I thought Speed really missed a trick. Why was Bale playing on the right against Cole when he's one of the best left wingers in the world and Smalling was playing on the right? Stupid. Without Wilshere there was no creativity just Lampard, Milner and Barry passing it either backwards of sideways.
Well what ever you say bale is not as good as all the hype around him and he was shocking on tuesday
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