Upsanddownson is putting his catastrophic slip at Wembley down to the pitch. Apparently, unless the surface is like a snooker table these days, players can't be expected to keep their feet. Those of us who remember the old Baseball Ground pitches will laugh ourselves silly at this excuse, but Matty apparently expects us to take him seriously. Well, let's hope that grass cultivation and pitch maintenance are pretty damn perfect in South Africa! Grazing zebra are likely to rut up the surface a bit, unfortunately!
I did ask the question whether or not there was a problem with the studs we were using earlier this season. Apart from the high number of injuries, players seemed to be falling arse over tit all over the pitch. I noticed it again at Old Trafford, with players losing their footing on a number of occasions whilst Rooney and his Praetorian Guard seemed perfectly sure footed - so much so that Valencia was able to volley a pin point cross onto Rooney's head first touch. Is it our studs that are the problem or are our players so bloody useless that they can't even run in a straight line without falling over?
Or is this blog the problem?
Do you mean Upson was reading it when he should have been marking Zidane? Capello will be furious!
This blog isn't about West Ham it's about you, it always has been...
"I did ask the question whether or not there was a problem with the studs we were using earlier this season."
No-one likes a know-it-all.
@18:42 - great comment Trumpet - it is about him.... I just don't understand why everyone can't see it. "I did ask the question"
"I predicted" "If any one from West Ham is reading" "blah blah blah"
do you mean Zidan HF?
Nice to see you highlighting Lampard missing two World Cup winning opportunities.
you fcuking knob do realise this is a blog and not a seminar.... "I asked the question" prick
You have to get into the box to miss the chances. Would be great if Noble or Parker got that far forward twice in 45 minutes of football!
1946, you do realise this is a blog and not a public latrine?
Cheryl Cole is well fit
Oh leave the bloke alone, yes he used to rile me something rotten so i get it, but come on, i still read his blogs from time to time because he offers a variety of ideas on the subject of my team, and plenty of them i must say, sometimes too many, and yes he can step way out of line sometimes and be a little dodgy, he knows he aint as funny as he thinks, but he puts the effort in. Maybe he has an ego that's bigger than upton park combined with the ego of Berbatov but...and i kinda hate to admit this...i read the odd blog of his on a daily basis just to see what he's on about, what picture he's chosen to go with his rant etc and though they never make me laugh, it's the effort... you got to admire the effort! hammersfan is like a bad illness that aint ever gonna go away no matter what you do, or say, and like a bad illness you learn to live with it, in time you may even, possibly grow to love it, it's a coping mechansim i guess. coz after all, aint that what we all want at the end of the day? to be loved? love to all you hammers fans out there, and i guess...(grumble, grumble) that includes you hammersfan. coyi!!!!
@20:10 that's what's lacking on this site COYI - no one ever says it here - why is that? why doesn't HF or Fanno ever inspire that? it's because it's a dire place that's why. He doesn't inspire the loyal fan, he just depresses us further - someone described it like rubber necking at a car wreck - you can't help but look but you don't really want to see a mangled body, which I guess is like you say a bad illness that won't go away.
But why? Why? If you hate the site, stay away.
No, because if we all went away you would make some stupid remarks about how you have shut people up with your fantastic views. And did you not mean Zidan? Lampard missed two World cup winning opportunities, I don't care about Parker or Noble at this point. Had it been Parker you know very well you would criticise him 'til the coews came home. No doubt you will use my words to make some silly joke.
fight the good fight - a rallying cry let's destroy the negativity, the anti hammer - the fight begins here, via la West Ham, death to he who is not worthy.... let us fight to the bitter end until he is remorseful and repents for his anti West Ham sins.... we shall never be defeated! this evil must be stopped.
Onward West Ham soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Fanno, going on before!
fanno on a cross - now there's a thought...........
Seriously 00:09 does have a point thought - I've visited many West Ham and other teams blogs and I can honestly say that it's this one where the blogger gets more comments than the content of the blogs - but I suspect that's the way you like it... otherwise you'd do something about it.
so he's like good AIDS 20:19?
yeah, think you meant Zidan.
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