Intriguing to know how many of the readers found themselves in the presence of Fanno yesterday. Apart from the team's performance, I had an enjoyable day. Fish and chips from the Queens Fish and Chip shop, a pint in the Boleyn joining in the sing song and, of course, watching the game. Disappointed not to bump into Grumpy King but I wonder, how many of you had an audience with Fanno yesterday? Worrying to see the development of the ground has started already! The Boleyn Heights? Anybody know if Sullivan and Gold have shares in Enigma?
They say the camera never lies. And according to the camera those pictures weren't taken yesterday.
Hi HF. A tip for the remaining 5 games on your season ticket.
When you come out of Upton Park station, don't turn right for fish and chips at The Queens.
Turn left for one of the best curries in your life at one of the many Asian curry shops.
John V P
I take it you managed to cconceal your Spurs shirt then?
The trouble is John, I play footy on a Friday night and have a curry afterwards. Too soon for a second on a Saturday. I have eaten in the curry joints before so know of their quality - much better than the one I eat in after my game. But traditions are traditions.
1301, I was wrapped up warm so nobody saw the shirt!
1240, why do you think those pictures were not taken yesterday? Look at the programme in the hand of Fanno, it was yesterday's, carrying a picture of Behrami on the cover. I lost it when I placed a bet with Ladbrokes before kick off. That lost too!
1240, added another picture. See the Pompey v Birmingham game on the TV?
we were doing all right at home till you pitched up. You're a jinx.
Yeah we were doing brilliantly at home. How many home wins is it?
Wow! Headline news!
"Writer of West Ham blog actually goes to a West Hame home game."
LOL I thought I supported Tottenham?
2116 my thoughts exactly - the idiots got a mini season ticket and look what happens... you can just imagine the perverted excitement when he realised we werre going to lose - I bet he couldn't wait to get back to his computer.
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