Upson has come out and said that Sullivan's open letter to fans (in which the co Chairman describes Tuesday's surrender as "pathetic")is "unhelpful". It seems that the players do not like the Chairman's honest assessment of the team's performance - they much prefer the Zola approach of making excuses on their behalf. Don't blame the players, blame me is the Zola mantra. But shouldering the blame does not go so far as accepting responsibility and resigning sadly. Dear God, even Mandelson would resign of his own volition if exposed as Zola was on Tuesday!
The question is, was Sullivan bleeding from the heart, or was this a strategy in trying to force Zola out? Is his position really tenable when the Chairman is describing the performance of the team as "shambolic". Now absymal would describe the team, "shambolic" describes the organisation of the team - that reads to me as direct criticism of the manager. In case Zola is in any doubt about who he holds most at fault, Sullivan goes on to describe the "disorganised way we played, allowing Wolves too much space so that they looked more like Manchester United". He twists the knife by referring to the "appalling performance against Bolton".
And he doesn't stop here! He writes, "Individually we have some very good players, but this is not being converted into a good team performance". So who is to blame for that? The players or the manager? Well Sullivan clarifies that for us when he says, "with some of the outstanding players we have, we can and must do better as a team" after what he terms "a pathetic performance".
Sullivan then launches a thinly veiled attack on Zola's tactics when he writes, "When I first started supporting West Ham, we had a tradition for playing the game ‘the right way’. I will settle for any way right now, as long as it is the winning way!" If that doesn't amount to "ditch your principles Zola and win at all cost" then I am Didier Drogba!
And what's wrong with the team? Well I have been saying the absence of width and the failure to use Diamanti as a playmaker. It seems Sullivan agrees because he says we need, "Another hero to watch: a midfield playmaker, a little wizard on the wing, a goalscorer".
It seems to me that Sullivan is doing his level best to provoke Zola into resigning. He is desperate for the Italian to walk away from the job. The strategy is high risk, however, because the players love the manager. Well they would wouldn't they, when they know that they will be able to play in the Prem next season whether or not we survive? Zola simply displays his weakness when he tries to shield the players from criticism after Tuesday's diabolical showing. Can you imagine Ferguson saying, "Don't blame the players, blame me" or The Special One? Weak managers think they are being strong when they carry the can; but it simply shows that they lack the balls to criticise the players, fearing they will turn against them as a result.
So the players support Zola and Zola supports the players and Sullivan is doing his level best to bounce Zola out of the job! That is not a recipe for happy families and is unlikely to result in the team pulling together in the same direction.
Pulis will be rubbing his hands together in glee. Last season two Stoke players had a punch up at Upton Park. This season, our entire club is ripping itself apart. The Chairman has turned on the players, the players have turned on the Chairman and the fans have turned on the players! It doesn't bode well for Saturday does it?
He says it exactly as he sees it SULLIVAN,that what I like about him.I think that letter was mild compared to what he really wanted to say,but he certainly got his message across to ZOLA,.......no more woeful displays.PARKER has stated in the media that the players like ZOLA ,he is going to say that though ,isn't he? He's the captain...um no sorry its UPSON.I cannot believe the players are happy with ZOLA,if they are why are they playing so crap?...And why are the team playing some of the worse football ever seen at the BOLEYN? Why do they play with no passion?Its as if they want ZOLA fired.
I think Sullivan is a Machiavellian so and so Essex mate. The players are playing so badly because Zola can't organise them. Sullivan is right when he says the squad is imbalanced of course, but that's another swipe at Zola who, along with Nani, was intent on signing players to fit a 4-3-3 formation - which is why we don't have the winger Sullivan is calling for. Unless he is hinting at Stanislas playing on the right!
I just cant comprehend why as a Chairman you would want Zola in charge of a game that we HAVE to win!
They could lose everything if we go down. As Chairman I would of thrown the last dice and got a new man in to sort out the last few games.
I suspect he is playing poker. He knows zola is close to walking and is looking to save the club a hefty pay off.
Pennywise and poundfoolish. Sullivan may be trying to get Zola to resign but he forgets that it may well be too late to save West Ham after the Stoke game. I dare not think what may happen if we lose the Stoke game in similar fashion as we did the Bolton and Wolves games. Away games to Everton, Liverpool and Fulham to follow and a home game with Man. City who will be playing for a Champions League place. Stoke is one of very few winnable games. You can't play poker with this game. I would have gotten Bilic in immediately after the humiliating defeat against Wolves and make sure we win this game. As it is now we play all or nothing this Saturday. With the same team, the same tactics and same useless manager we lost the last 5 games!
Lose saturday we are down simple.
I don't think we should look too deep into the words Sullivan used as this is the same guy that called us fans 'customers' and referred to Eggert Magnusson as 'Egbertson' in his first media conference. I'm not saying that he is not trying to get Zola out, merely that he wouldn't know the difference between shambolic and abysmal.
Since Upson has come out with something too, I now think everyone from the club needs to keep quiet and not feed the media. It'll turn into an unnecessary distraction.
Good point on Zola's shielding of the players.
What has Sullivan done wrong? He tells the truth about our relegation troubles and zola, upson and the team get upset. Instead they should agree with Sullivan, acknowlege it and agree to perform better. Remember the team is SHIT, I know it, you know, the fans know it and the F**king world know it. I think its time the players know it!!!
Would it really be that bad for Sully if we did get relegated? The sale of our entire squad would more than cover the lost revenue from being in the premiership and we all know how desperate he is to cut the wage bill. He said before that he cant just give the players a pay cut as they all have contracts. Surely this would make selling them the best solution. He has already laid the foundations saying it would be 'armageddon' for the club if we got relegated. Its simple, sell everyone, buy a bunch of old farts and schoolboys and presure them for a quick premiership return after all, the guy is an optimist (7 year plan? behave!). This could of course backfire.
Call it a conspiracy theory but perhaps he is deliberately trying to unsettle the team.
Bullshit Chunky, stop talking through your arse. Try focusing on Zola and the crap team, I know its hard cause you love zola so much, nice guy, real proper fella...god he is the best! Enough is enough the table doesn't lie but its not his fault right? Like I said before we get what we deserve, when the truth is heard it is frowned upon by the majority of bonehead idiots who love zola.
1728, believe me mate i have no love for Zola at all and havent done since the Bolton game. And i dont genuinely believe thats what Sully is up to im just throwing it out there as an idea. End of the day Zola still has a job and i dont trust G&S and all this negative publicity.
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