Zola is a dead man walking. Curbishley fancies a return. Personally I'd like to see Pardew back. He has a better win ratio in the Prem than either Zola or Curbishley and, under Pardew, we played some wonderful football - fast, direct, but ball to feet stuff. And he achieved it all on a budget too!
Come home Alan but keep your flies zipped this time!
You seem to forget that we went on a 9 match losing run with PARDEW,receiving some real hammerings in certain games.He just did not know which way to turn when the pressure was building,eventually losing the dressing room.We need a manager who has proven experience at top level.
I understand what you are saying but he had lost the dressing because of non footballing reasons if the rumours are to be believed. We were in no worse a position under Pardew than we were at the equivalent stage this season under Zola. Pardew secured our highest Premiership finish since, erm, Roeder, and led us to a Cup Final. His dealings in the transfer market were superb. Remember, it was Pardew who signed Green and Cole!
Unless WESTHAM can attract some big investment in the summer,we will certainly not be in the market to go for a quality manager or player.As per usual,if ZOLA goes, we will probably end up getting another inexperienced manager with no record of any success,and the whole drama will repeat itself.BONDS,MACARI,ROEDER,PARDEW,CURBISLEY,need I go on...........explains why we haven't won anything for 30 years.PARDEW aside ,what candidates can you list as being realistic possibilities HF?
Once again.....Dispair
rumours - twat!
you said green and cole were shite
I reckon you work in the picture department of the Sun newspaper - we'll find you sooner or later. I'm making posters and putting them up all around the ground - maybe we can raise a bounty?
It's a non-starter, but I'd love to see Roy Hodgson over the Whammers.
fanny you prick no one is fooled by you posting to support yourself, you fuked off from the org with your tail between your legs when you were found out and then tried to blame others for you being a lying cheating cnut
NOW YOU'RE BACK as Rusty Ironworks you sick cnut
Was it your mini season ticket kid singing those words in the Boleyn that you taught him? You are no part Jew you are a racist lying cnut who twists the facts to suit himself and lies to get himself out of the crap.
Prove to us all how honorable you are and own up to the fukin Rusty Ironworks facade YOU LYING RACIST CUNT
Bring on super Slav
Hammersfan is useless cock and still only has 2/3rds of a cock. shite shite shite shite site
Yeah Pardew's really been setting the managerial world alight hasn't he HF. Two bob glazier, two bob manager - 1 bob blog
Personally hammersfan i find your website to be a spam blog in th newsnow archive ans the site should not be classed at news, rather than opinions...
however i believe your RIGHT regarding pardew. i have always rated him. although we didn't win 9 games in a row, i think zola has gone longer without winning in his first season. and he did do all that on budget, and lets face it, the tevez mascherano saga DID affect his abilities as he couldn;t manage the way he wanted to.
he has an eye for talent and has a good eye for attractive football.
i'd favor pards back, he's had experience at lower clubs and adapted a good atyle of play. look at southampton... -10 at the start and now there are knocking on the door of a play off place for the championship.
the fletcher pardew saga was one of many at the club and things are starting to settle.
Pards to come back as whu manager, i'd welcome that
I agree. Would love to see Pardew back. He played exciting fast paced football. Signed players liked Reo-coker, zamora, harewood, green, cole, etherington. All of which have been great players for us or have been sold for a massive profit (reo-coker). give him some money to spend on players and get some fast football back at west ham with the likes of etherington running at people on the wing and quick forwards like zamora up front. possession football is all very well and good but it doesnt seem to be getting us too far at the moment....
lol Just read that Wenger wants an all-English tie in the next round of the Champions League. He must've not realised his team won yesterday.
Pardew did say that he saw himself returning at some point.
Fergy named him as one to watch when asked about up and coming managers a few years back.
He'll certainly bring back the conventional wing-play style as is evident at Southampton.
Big news Ludo has left the hammers. Good luck big man
I liked pards out of all the recent managers
The abuse and language is out of control, HF please sort it out. You will only encourage this behaviour by not removing these disgusting posts. They are like a disease, if you dont treat it, the worse it gets!
The rules are continually been broken. Get rid of the abuse HF..now! You are letting these mugs destroy the blog.
Start a new post about the rules. A refresh is in order, if they refuse to listen, its real simple...Ban them.
7:24, look in the mirrior mate. Your language would get you banned from the org. Thats what HF needs to do, ban these abusers!
sorry mirror!
Yep, I agree with the above sentiments HF. By all means, you can leave the ones that rudely disagree with you on footballing points, but the ones that don't even talk about the post/football are spoiling it.
funny thing is you can't ban people from a blogger site - that's the mistake he made setting this up - .org is their own domain - which means you can
It's his own fault really - he purposely winds people up.. it was bound to happen sooner or later
The writing is on the wall
He hasn't posted today - because he knows it's up him
LOL I do have a job. I will leave change the settings when not here. That will mean your comments will not appear until I am able to look in on the site. Sorry that we have a total twat or two parading his / their immaturity. How sad are these idiots?
07.24 WestHam66: I see your obnoxious post has been removed from the Org. I'll give you the same advice as I gave you there.
Don't bother with an appointment, just take your pyjamas and proof of identity; go to accident and EMERGENCY and ask to see someone in a white coat. I had my fingers crossed for you, but I think it may take more than that you sad little man.
Good spot Rusty. Sorry you are being caught up in this. Please post my thanks to Nev for removing the offensive post. I would but I am personna non gratis over there.
Neither free nor welcome then!
Nope. Charged though innocent!
So 0724, you are westham66 of the Org! Is this the same westham66 who thought Boa-Morte was a genius and who advocated playing Cole as a "holding midfield player"? I seem to remember you ran away with your tail between your legs, yapping expletives when lbmisgod took you on. Now you come on here, hiding behind anonymity and getting EVERYTHING arse about face as usual. I've no idea who Rusty is but he aint me. You'll have to work harder to spot Fanno on the Org.
As for my Jewish credentials, the blood line comes from a Jacobs - and she wasn't a cream cracker by all accounts, just a Jewess in the East End who fell in love with my great grandfather when he arrived from Norfolk looking for gainful employment in the 1890s. Had Hitler won the war, my grandparents and their children, including my mother, would have been ethnically cleansed as part of the third wave purification process.
Charged,convicted, hung (though possibly not like Hitchcock), drawn and quarterized by the sound of it!
LOL Now don't start on about circumcision again!
Rumour has it that an old "friend" of this site has been given a day release pass and will be in attendance this afternoon. The question is; will he be able to resist the urge to run on the pitch and show them how it's done. Personally and against my better footballing judgement I hope Gianfranco plays 433, just so that I can see the confrontation on Football First! Get well soon mate.
You certainly do have a way with words mate! "Dictaphone"..I could...............but I won't!! Got to leave my sick bed to take the young fella' to Golf.
66, if that is you, you have learned how to use capital letters at last! So is that your evidence? Everybody who reads this blog knew I was going to the game! Rusty is clearly a member of the old guard but he aint me. Who could it be? The Reverand is emailing him apparently. Can't be WHTID, Rusty is too literate. Can't be IronsNazi, not enough hatred. Maybe, just maybe Marty is back! Is it you Marty?
How is the man flu Marty? Still emailing Aycliff?
Elementary my dear Watson!
LOL It'll take more than the moyle to take the required pound of flesh you bighead!
; } Your secret's safe with me mate.
i would love pards back at best ham.
Pardew would need to be kept well away from the players wives
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